Buying Zamioculcas: Tips on where to buy

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So that you can enjoy your lucky feather for a long time, you should be careful when buying it. We show what you should look out for when buying a Zamioculcas.

Zamioculcas white wooden box
The Lucky Feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a popular houseplant [Photo: Marianna Karabut/]

the lucky feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is very trendy. For these reasons, the plant can now be found almost everywhere, making it relatively easy to buy. You can find out here what needs to be taken into account.

Buy Zamioculcas

Propagating the plant yourself, while easy, is quite a lengthy process. It will take some time for the plant to reach a sufficient size. If you want to get a new lucky feather faster, you can easily purchase one. Most nurseries and flower shops offer the plant in their assortment.

You should pay attention to this when buying Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is not particularly demanding and hardly knows any pests. This makes the purchase relatively uncomplicated, because an infestation with pests is hardly likely. Check the plant anyway

Leaf- and scale insects. These are often located on the underside of the leaf and in the leaf axils and lead to leaf deformation or brown discoloration. If you have caught a plant with the pests, it is better to put it in quarantine right away to protect other houseplants. Best free yours Zamioculcas by hand using water, washing-up liquid and a rag to remove the stubborn pests. The biggest danger with the lucky feather, however, is root rot if it is kept too moist. You can easily recognize them by their yellow leaves. Here you can find out what you can do in such a case.

When it comes to choosing a strain, there isn't much to choose from. The classic can be recognized by its unicolored light to dark green leaves. Otherwise there are still the varieties 'Variegata' with their variegated leaves and 'raven', which appears in an almost black dark green. Which variety you choose is ultimately a matter of taste, because the requirements do not differ. The price, however, is much higher for the two special forms.

Recommended sources of supply for Zamioculcas

The classic lucky feather can be found in numerous nurseries and garden centers. Get yours online Zamioculcas for example at Gärtner Pötschke, one of the oldest mail order companies in Germany. Garden dealer BALDUR also sells the dark lucky feather Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven'. Both providers attach particular importance to the quality of their plants. To get hold of the 'Variegata' variety, you have to be lucky. From time to time copies are offered on eBay.

If you have a Zamioculcas have purchased, you can find out here what you can expect from the care of Zamioculcas should consider.

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