Hollyhocks: location, care and propagation

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When do you plant hollyhocks? How can you propagate hollyhocks from seeds and what should you consider when cutting? The best varieties and tips for caring for hollyhocks.

Pink and white hollyhocks
Hollyhocks bring pretty splashes of color to the midsummer flower bed with their flowers [Photo: Ole Schoener/ Shutterstock.com]

In midsummer, the bee-friendly and towering hollyhocks bloom in many bright colors and adorn our balconies, house walls or garden fences with their large flowers. Contrary to what its name suggests, the hollyhock does not belong to the rose family (Rosaceae) and also has major optical differences to the species of the genus pink on. If you want to know something about planting, caring for and the diversity of varieties of the roses want to learn, you will find what you are looking for in our special article about this flower queen.


  • Hollyhocks: flowering time, origin and properties
  • Hollyhock Varieties
  • Plant hollyhocks
    • When do you plant hollyhocks?
    • What is the perfect location for hollyhocks?
    • How to plant hollyhocks in the bed
    • Plant hollyhocks in pots
  • Hollyhock care
    • Cut hollyhocks
    • Fertilize and water hollyhocks
  • multiply hollyhocks
  • Overwintering hollyhocks: Are hollyhocks hardy?
  • Hollyhock Diseases and Pests

Hollyhocks: flowering time, origin and properties

hollyhocks (Alcea) are flowering perennials and form their own genus in the mallow family (Malvaceae). The old garden mallows originally come from the Orient. They have also felt at home in Europe for a long time. Their special feature is their height. Hollyhocks can grow up to 3 m high and are often planted at the back of perennial beds or on house walls. This is how they come into their own.

Hollyhocks are usually biennial, but in favorable locations they can also be perennial. If they are re-seeded every year, you can admire their beautiful flowers year after year. In the first year, only the rosette of leaves is formed, from which a strong, barely branched stalk with numerous spikes of flowers grows in the second year. The stem and the lobed, about 15 cm large leaves of the hollyhocks are light green in color and have rough hairs. The flowering period of the hollyhocks lasts from July to September. There is a wide variety of hollyhock species and varieties, the flowers of which appear in many different colors and can be single or double. Probably the most well-known and widespread type of hollyhock is the common hollyhock (Alcea rosea). It is also called peasant rose, hollyhock or garden mallow.

Blooming hollyhocks in the garden
Hollyhocks can grow up to 3 m high and look great at the back of perennial beds [Photo: BALARAJU KOTNALA/ Shutterstock.com]

Tip: The hollyhock species Alcea rosea and Alcea ficifolia are biennial rather than perennial. On the other hand, Ficifolia hybrids are off Alcea ficifolia and Alcea rosea (Alcea x ficifolia) perennial rather than biennial.

Hollyhock Varieties

Popular varieties of common hollyhock are Alcea rosea 'Nigra' with deep red, almost black-looking flowers and Alcea rosea 'Pleniflora', which is available in many bright colors such as yellow, dark pink or red and whose flowers are bulging. Both varieties grow to a height of about 2 to 2.5 m.

A lesser-known species of hollyhock is the hollyhock (Alcea pallida), also called Balkan hollyhock. It grows to a height of 1.8 to 2.5 m and has up to 10 cm large, wonderfully fragrant pastel pink flowers. Its flowering period lasts from May to October and is therefore extremely long. The pale hollyhock is very easy to care for and resistant to drought and mallow rust.

Double pink hollyhock flowers
In addition to the classic hollyhocks with single flowers, there are also varieties with double flowers [Photo: greenthumbnail/ Shutterstock.com]

The varieties 'Mars Magic' and 'Polarstar' from the Alcea rosea Spotlight series. They reach a height of 1.6 to 1.8 m and form large cup-shaped flowers in fiery red or white with a yellow center. They have a special long-distance effect in perennial beds.

tip: The flowers of the double hollyhocks are less bee-friendly than the single flowers.

Plant hollyhocks

Hollyhocks can either be bought in the garden trade as young plants and then planted directly in the desired place in the garden, or you can sow them. In addition to the right sowing time, the choice of location plays an important role in the development of the perennials.

When do you plant hollyhocks?

Hollyhock seeds can be sown from May or June. Hollyhocks can also be sown into autumn. The planting of early hollyhocks from the trade can also be carried out from May. If the hollyhocks have been sown densely in a bed, they should be sent to the for them before the start of winter be transplanted into the designated spot in the garden or perennial bed, so that they develop well next spring be able.

What is the perfect location for hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks feel at home in warm, sunny locations in the garden or on the balcony. They prefer a nutrient-rich and permeable, dry to moderately moist soil. If the soil in your garden does not meet these requirements, it is advisable to use high-quality potting soil, such as ours Plantura organic potting soil, to use. The location should also be as sheltered as possible from the wind, as the stems of the hollyhocks can easily break in the wind due to their height. Hollyhocks that are exposed to the wind must be tied to a wooden stick or similar in good time to prevent damage.

White hollyhocks in front of a house wall
Hollyhocks do well in a sun-exposed and wind-protected location, for example on a house wall [Photo: Anna50/ Shutterstock.com]

How to plant hollyhocks in the bed

Hollyhock seeds can be sown in a loose, finely crumbly seedbed in the garden from May until late summer. For better germination success on very sandy or very heavy garden soil, the top layer of soil should be covered with seed compost such as ours Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil be mixed up. Then place 2 to 3 seeds at a time in small hollows at a distance of 5 to 10 cm. Since hollyhocks germinate in the dark, the seeds must be covered with a substrate layer about 2 cm thick. The seeds germinate within 2 to 3 weeks and gradually develop into strong young plants. Now they have to be carefully dug up and planted in the designated place in the garden. Make sure that there is sufficient planting distance of 50 to 60 cm between the individual hollyhocks. In the first year, only a rosette of leaves forms on the young plants, from which a stalk with numerous flowers grows in the second year.

Tip: As an alternative to growing the young plants on a seedbed, the seeds can also be sown directly in the flowerbed.

Hollyhock seedlings
Hollyhock seeds germinate in warmth within 2-3 weeks

Plant hollyhocks in pots

Hollyhocks can also be kept in a bucket on the balcony or terrace. Due to its slender, tall growth, the hollyhock is very space-saving and therefore particularly well suited for smaller balconies. Hollyhocks develop taproots, which is why you should pay attention to a sufficient height when choosing a suitable planter. In addition, the bucket must have a drainage hole, as waterlogging is to be avoided. Fill it with a suitable substrate like ours Plantura organic potting soil. Some sand can be added to increase the permeability of the substrate. Then, as described above, 2 to 3 seeds are placed in small wells about 50 cm apart and covered flat with substrate.

Hollyhock care

Hollyhocks are very easy to care for and apart from regular watering, occasional fertilizer and pruning in autumn, they do not require any special care. In windy locations, tying to a wooden stick may be necessary to protect the stem from wind damage.

Cut hollyhocks

When the hollyhocks have faded, the stems should be cut back to about 10 cm above the ground. If you cut back immediately after flowering, this can even lead to another flowering in the following year. However, if you are pursuing the goal of seed production, you may only cut the hollyhocks after the seeds have ripened.

Fertilize and water hollyhocks

In the first few weeks after sowing in particular, it is important to keep the soil moisture as constant as possible so that the seeds can germinate successfully. Young plants should also be watered regularly so that they can develop well. In summer, the soil around the hollyhocks must be kept at least minimally moist. By covering the soil with a light layer of mulch, you can keep moisture in the soil longer.

In the second year, the hollyhocks also look forward to spring fertilization. For example, our is suitable for this Plantura organic flower fertilizer very good. Alternatively, nutrient-rich organic compost can also be used.

multiply hollyhocks

Hollyhocks multiply all by themselves if you wait until after the seeds have ripened to cut back the stems. The mature seeds fall to the ground and, under favorable conditions, germinate in the same year or the following year and grow into new hollyhocks.

Sow hollyhocks: propagation by seeds

If you want to better control the propagation, you can use the ripe, brown seeds in the Harvest in late summer and then in autumn or early summer as described above sow purposefully. If the seeds are not going to be sown immediately, it is important to dry them first and then store them in a dark container. This jar should not be airtight or mold could form.

Hollyhock Seeds
Hollyhocks can be propagated from seed [Photo: Lacey Dent/ Shutterstock.com]

Tip: Hollyhock seeds are often damaged by the long-nosed hollyhock shrew (a weevil). It bores holes in unopened flower buds and lays eggs in them. The seeds then contain larvae and are deaf, so unusable. Therefore, you should definitely check the seeds for holes before storing them.

Overwintering hollyhocks: Are hollyhocks hardy?

The two-year-old hollyhocks are hardy and do not need winter protection with us. The above-ground plant parts of the hollyhocks die off after flowering in the cold season and can be cut back. At very low temperatures, you can put a layer of leaves or fir branches over the hollyhocks to protect them from frost. This measure is particularly advisable for young plants.

Hollyhock Diseases and Pests

Especially mallows that are too dense are very often attacked by a hollyhock disease called mallow rust. Mainly the hollyhock leaves are affected. You can recognize the fungal attack by yellow spots and rust-red pustules on the leaf surfaces. As soon as an infested leaf is sighted, it should be removed from the plant immediately and disposed of with the residual waste to prevent further spread.

Another fungal disease in hollyhocks is wilt disease (Phoma). When infested by the corresponding fungus, the hollyhocks begin to wither from below. The oldest leaves are attacked first and turn brown at the leaf edges. The discoloration increases towards the middle and the affected areas turn black. Since these places contain fungal spores that can spread to other plants, the plants should be Immediately dig up completely and dispose of with the residual waste and replace the soil around the plant.

The following pests cause damage to hollyhocks:

  • Long-tongued hollyhock shrew (Rhopalapion longirostre): The weevil bores holes in the flower buds and lays eggs in them; the seeds later contain larvae and are useless.
  • mallow flea beetle (Podagrica fuscicornis): The beetle often occurs when the soil is too dry and bores holes, especially in the stems of the hollyhocks; it lays its eggs in these holes, from which larvae hatch, which then eat plant tissue and thereby damage the plant.
  • In spring in particular, aphids (Aphidina) and also snails, which suck the sap from the hollyhocks or leave damage to them.
Hollyhock Shrew
The long-tongued hollyhock shrew bores holes in the flower buds [Photo: Dawid Sliwka/ Shutterstock.com]

If you are interested in other bee-friendly types of plants for your perennial border, you can check out our special article on bee-friendly perennials find more suggestions.