Rose fertilizer: You need to know that

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In order for roses to fully develop their stunning flowers, they need the right fertilizer. We show what constitutes rose fertilizer and why it is so important.

fertilize roses
A special rose fertilizer can correct deficiency symptoms in roses [Photo: Andris Tkacenko/]

Far too often in beautiful gardens one comes across roses that fall short of their potential. Despite the complex pruning, winter protection and frequent treatment against pests, the beauty does not show itself from its best side. The cause is often improper fertilization. But don't worry, this problem can be quickly eradicated by choosing a specially formulated rose fertilizer.


  • Why do roses need a special fertilizer?
  • What is rose fertilizer made of?
  • Rose fertilizer in the test
    • Mineral fertilizer for roses
    • Organic rose fertilizer
    • Organic rose fertilizer

the rose (pink) is probably the most popular flowering tree in our gardens - even though it is difficult to care for. This article enlightens you on the need for a specific rose fertilizer and compares organic, mineral and certified organic rose fertilizer.

Why do roses need a special fertilizer?

The queen of flowering shrubs can use a specially formulated fertilizer for the following reasons:

  • Blossoming costs deciduous trees and shrubs a lot of energy - this is especially true for the types that bloom later and bloom more often. The development of the ornamental rose hips is often given little attention, but here, too, large amounts of assimilate and nutrient elements are bound.
  • A correctly composed fertilizer helps to promote shoot completion and frost hardiness and, in addition to "green growth", also to stimulate flowering.
  • The right fertilizer promotes high soil quality, which is of great importance for the nutrient-hungry, deep-rooted roses.
  • An optimal supply enables the roses to store sufficient reserve substances at the end of the vegetation period, so that nothing stands in the way of a vigorous budding next year.

What is rose fertilizer made of?

Different types of rose fertilizer contain different ingredients to nourish your roses. It will be between mineral, organic, organo-mineral and certified organic rose fertilizers:

fertilizer type ingredients
Mineral fertilizer for roses Selection of nutrients in pure salt form
Organic rose fertilizer Major and trace nutrients in a package of high-carbon, grown structures
Organic-mineral rose fertilizer Mineral and organic components in roughly equal proportions
Organic rose fertilizer Mostly organic components, additional organic certified mineral components

Rose fertilizer in the test

Rose fertilizers may not differ in their nutrient weights, but the type of fertilizer does a decisive influence on the effect, the fertilized soil and thus also on the rose that is in it grows.

plant roses
The best basis for healthy and plentiful flowering roses is well-nourished soil [Photo: pryzmat/]

Mineral fertilizer for roses

As mentioned above, mineral fertilizers for roses contain some of the plant nutrients required by roses: In addition to the main nutrient elements Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are sometimes still some nutrients that are absorbed by the rose in smaller amounts will. That these are the only effective components of the mineral fertilizer unfortunately brings with it some problems:

  • Since all the necessary nutrients are never contained, the rose must absorb a variety of essential nutrients from the soil supplies. The soil and pot filling can be depleted of these nutrients in the long term, resulting in deficiency symptoms that are often difficult for the layperson to recognize.
  • The mineral nitrogen in particular, by stimulating the soil organisms, leads to the breakdown of organic soil substance – including soil humus.
  • Because no new organic structural material is introduced, the build-up of new humus is not possible.
  • Decreasing humus levels lead to poorer soil properties: water retention and aeration as well as nutrient availability and root penetration decrease.
  • Incorrect use can inadvertently lead to over-fertilization due to the rapid solubility: in the best case the result is reduced flowering or increased susceptibility to frost, in the worst case the rose can die.

Because of the disadvantages of mineral rose fertilizers, we therefore recommend the use of preparations that are primarily based on organic components and are ideally also of organic quality.

Organic rose fertilizer

Organic rose fertilizers bring a variety of nutrient elements and various trace nutrient elements into the soil. It also contains organic, carbon-containing compounds that soil organisms can decompose and humify. The nutrients contained are only released after decomposition, so that organic fertilizersalways have a slower cast speed.

rose blossom
Especially with animal-free fertilizer such a beautiful bloom can be achieved

However, the entry of the high and low molecular structures allows the nutrition of soil organisms, of which each plant directly and indirectly benefits: They create a kind of nutrient buffer and thus enable an even supply, transform structures that are difficult to decompose into new, fertile humus and sometimes even live in complex symbiotic relationships with the roots of our garden plants - and therefore also ours roses. Despite its slow speed of action, organic fertilizer can optimize the location for roses over the long term, so that good hardiness, growth and flowering are achieved.

Organic rose fertilizer

Rose fertilizers with an organic certificate contain organic and mineral components, whereby all mineral components must also be permitted in organic farming. They should only have a supplementary effect, the lion's share of the ingredients is of natural origin. Also with ours Plantura organic rose fertilizer is a fertilizer allowed in organic farming, but it has a small Special feature: All organic raw materials used are of purely vegetable origin, which means our Plantura Organic rose fertilizer contains no slaughterhouse waste and no animal excrement.

Tip: The phosphate content in organic fertilizers is often relatively low and that makes sense. Because phosphate is sufficiently present in almost all garden soils, it should not be added to the soil in large quantities. This also protects the finite fossil phosphate reserves. Now if you're wondering how your Fertilize roses properly and when is the ideal time for this, you will find all the important information summarized here.