Creating a bed without digging: the no-dig method

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In order to create a bed, does the earth have to be turned over and growth picked up? There is another way. With the so-called no-dig beds, there is no digging work at all.

Vegetable patch
No-dig beds do without digging [Photo: Alison Hancock/]

No-dig beds are similar to raised beds and mound beds, but are laid flat on the ground. They offer many advantages, most notably the labor savings during set-up. We will inform you about the no-dig method and provide step-by-step instructions for creating the fertile bed in your garden.


  • What is a no-dig bed?
  • What are the advantages of creating a bed without digging?
  • Instructions: create a bed without digging
  • Maintain a no-dig bed

What is a no-dig bed?

The term No-dig-Beet includes the English words "no" for "not" and "dig" for "(to) dig". Literally translated, it means something like "don't dig up bed". The idea behind this is that beds can be created without digging up the ground over a large area. This allows the natural structure of the garden soil to be preserved. A no-dig bed is filled up with new material every year and keeps collapsing as the components are gradually converted by microorganisms. Nutrients are released and fertile humus is formed. In the course of composting, heat is also generated, which supports the growth of the plants in the no-dig bed and can thus increase yields. This means that the no-dig bed joins the raised bed and the hill bed, but unlike these, it does not have to be set up again every 6 to 7 years, but simply continues to be operated.

No-dig beet
Beds without digging develop into water storage wonders over the years [Photo: Fedor Eremin/]

What are the advantages of creating a bed without digging?

Planting the bed using the no-dig method offers many advantages, but also a few disadvantages. We have summarized the most important for you below.

Advantages of the no-dig method:

  • Protection and promotion of soil life.
  • Very good water storage capacity after several years of operation.
  • Less physically demanding work.
  • Efficient weed suppression.
  • Higher soil fertility thanks to humus build-up.
  • Yield increase through good heating of the bed due to biological activity.
  • Many years of operation: No need to set it up again, as is the case with raised and hill beds.
  • Particularly suitable for demanding, heavily consuming plants.

Disadvantages of no-dig beds:

  • Unsuitable for root vegetables at first.
  • Large amounts of compost are required for new planting and annual refilling.
  • Compared to raised and hill beds, less ergonomic working height and less warming as well as poorer protection against drying out.
  • Depending on how good the soil quality is under the no-dig bed, yields can be low for the first few years.
  • Voles often feel particularly at home in no-dig beds because they can easily tunnel here.
Cardboard against herbs in the bed
A layer of cardboard suppresses the weeds in the bed [Photo: NayaDadara/]

Notice: The origins of the no-dig method are not entirely clear. It has been used since around the middle of the 20th century. Century researched and applied - and at the same time on different continents. A great friend and supporter of the method is the Englishman Charles Dowding, who also publishes several years of trials with various bed methods on his website.

Instructions: create a bed without digging

Do you want to create a bed that doesn't need digging? This requires a few steps, but the effort is worth it. There are several ways to create a no-dig bed. Here we present the well-known layering method, the result of which is also known as a lasagna bed.
Autumn or spring are suitable for creating a bed without digging. In spring, it is best to start planting as early as February so that the bed still has some time to settle. And this is how it works:

  1. Find a suitable spot for your bed. Where this could be depends of course on the planned planting.
    tip: Because they are well warmed up, no-dig beds are particularly suitable for growing vegetables or for demanding summer flowers and, depending on their needs, are usually in the sun.
  2. Mow the area where the bed will stand.
  3. Optionally, the future area can be bordered with bed edges. This prevents weeds from growing into the later bed and makes layering easier.
  4. Lay out the surface with several layers of newspaper or a layer of thin cardboard. This suppresses the growth of grasses and wild herbs by shielding them from the vital sunlight. Moisten this layer well. The paper will rot over time.
    Attention: Do not use glossy printed materials, as their colors contain heavy metals that should not get into the ground.
  5. This is followed by a layer of "green material". This refers to soft, nutrient-rich organic material, such as grass clippings, vegetable and Fruit waste, flowers, animal manure, coffee grounds, tea bags, weed clippings (without roots or seeds) or even old ones balcony flowers. This nutrient-rich layer should be about 10 cm thick.
  6. A layer about 5 cm thick is then applied mature compost given. Never use fresh compost as it would be far too rich in nutrients.
  7. Then there is a layer of “brown material”. By this is meant hard, woody, carbon-rich material. These include: leaves, twigs, straw, dry perennial cuttings, hedge cuttings, bark and bark mulch, wood chips or paper. This layer is also about 10 cm high.
  8. The layering sequence of compost, green and brown material can be repeated as often as desired until the desired height of the bed is reached.
  9. Finally, add a layer of compost-rich potting soil, such as ours Plantura organic compost, on the no-dig bed. This contains a lot of compost and is ideal for no-dig beds due to its high nutrient content. The plants are sown in this top layer.

Maintain a no-dig bed

With the right care, the No-dig-Beet delivers good yields. You should take the following measures.

  • Weed: The no-dig bed is often described as having fewer weeds, as the plants under the bed are suppressed by the cardboard cover during construction. Of course, weeds can always grow into the bed from the sides and establish themselves there. Seeds of weeds are also carried to the area. Therefore, occasional weeding is part of the care of the no-dig bed.
  • Water: Especially in the first few years, the no-dig bed often needs a lot of water, as the thick, water-storing humus layer is just beginning to form. Therefore, water the bed occasionally if you have determined by finger testing that it is very dry or if the plants are limp.
  • Chop: In the no-dig bed, you only hoe about 3 cm deep so as not to disturb the soil life. It is better to spread a protective layer of mulch around the plants and occasionally pull weeds out of the soil by hand.
pluck weeds
Instead of hoeing, the no-dig bed is more likely to be mulched and plucked [Photo: LianeM/]
  • Keep snails and voles away: Both snails and voles feel comfortable in no-dig beds, because here they find a warm place and a rich supply of food. As fight snails can and among other things our Plantura organic slug pellets use, you can find out in the associated special article. And of course you will also find valuable tips for dealing with in our magazine Voles in the garden.
  • stack up: Every February before planting and sowing, the no-dig bed is supplemented with at least one layer of green, nitrogen-rich material and one layer of brown, carbon-rich material. The top layer is a nutrient-rich compost soil, such as our peat-free Plantura organic compost.
  • Cover: In winter, the no-dig bed can be covered with mulch, paper, or cardboard to insulate it from frost and prevent nutrient leaching. In addition, the growth of seed weeds in spring is thus suppressed.
Mulch in wheelbarrow
Mulch protects against water evaporation, frost and weeds [Photo: GSPhotography/]

Not only is mulching useful in no-dig beds, but it serves many functions in sustainable gardening. We'll show you the Function, advantages and the procedure for mulching.