Watering oleanders: When, how often and how much to water?

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The oleander has special requirements, also with regard to its water requirements. We show when, how often and how much you should water oleanders.

Oleander leaves with water drops
In its natural habitat, the oleander usually has enough water available, we have to help [Photo: Jana Milin/ Shutterstock.com]

oleander (Nerium oleander) we associate with hot summers and blue seas. The oleander, on the other hand, seems to combine heat with lots of water. And for this reason, it should be watered frequently and always get enough water - you can find out exactly how much and how often here.

Although the oleander comes from the Mediterranean areas as far as Morocco, its water requirements are still very high. How does that fit together? In its homeland, the oleander mainly inhabits stream and river meadows. It is hot and sunny there, but there is still enough fresh water available.

When to water oleanders?

Oleander prefers to be watered throughout the growing season. So water your specimen regularly from spring to late autumn. However, as soon as it gets cooler, reduce the amount poured. In a cool winter quarters, you can almost completely stop watering.

What to water oleanders with?

Hard tap water is perfect for the oleander. In contrast to many other plants, however, the oleander prefers calcareous water. In spring, lukewarm water can prematurely bloom.

Oleander flower with water drops
Lukewarm water in spring can delay oleander flowering [Photo: Zeren Z/ Shutterstock.com]

Oleander: How often and how much to water?

Due to the high water requirement, the oleander should be watered regularly and frequently. He needs plenty of water throughout the growing season and wet feet don't bother him as long as they don't become permanent. So water enough so that there is water in the saucer - but only so much that the oleander can use this water. The soil should always be moist.

In winter, the oleander should only be watered a little. The following applies: the cooler the wintering place, the less water it needs. As a rule, it should only be watered once the soil above ground has completely dried out.

Summary Watering oleanders correctly:

  • Hard, calcareous tap water is preferable
  • Water often and plenty so the soil is always moist
  • Wet feet do no harm, but they shouldn't be permanent either
  • Water only a little in winter

Everything else about the care of oleanders find out here.