Blueberry varieties: The 35 best for the garden

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The varieties of blueberries (also blueberries) are more diverse than you might think. We introduce you to the most aromatic and high-yielding varieties.

Close up of blueberries
There is now a wide range of blueberries [Photo: JoannaTkaczuk/]

blueberries (Vaccinium) – or better known to some as blueberries – could only be collected in the forest with great effort for a long time. Since the cultivation of large-fruited cultivated blueberries, however, the delicious fruits can also be grown in your own garden. While the much more aromatic berries from the forest are still popular, the crunchy cultivated blueberries expand the range of local summer fruits.


  • Bilberry/Blueberry Varieties: Origin and History
  • The best blueberry/blueberry varieties
  • Forest blueberries: The wild blueberries
  • Three tips for growing and choosing the right blueberry/blueberry variety

Bilberry/Blueberry Varieties: Origin and History

The cultivation of cultivated blueberries started at the beginning of the 20th century. Century in North America, where the indigenous population was already collecting wild blueberries. For this reason, many cultivars come from the USA, Australia and New Zealand and are therefore not necessarily adapted to the Central European climate. But also in this country, cultivated blueberries are attracting more and more attention among plant breeders due to the increasing interest and the growing market. However, since breeding and approving a variety is a lengthy process, it will certainly take a few more years It will take a while for a good selection of European varieties adapted to local conditions to appear on the market established.

Blueberry bush with blueberries
Cultivated blueberries are higher yielding and have larger, crunchier fruits [Photo: spwidoff/]

By the way, all cultivated blueberries (Vaccineum corybosum) of North American origin and do not come from the wild blueberries native to Europe (Vaccinium myrtillus) away. In addition to their size and aroma, European forest blueberries and cultivated blueberries also differ in the color of the flesh. While the former like to stain the mouth, teeth or hands with their dark flesh, the flesh of cultivated blueberries is light.

The best blueberry/blueberry varieties

The following list starts with the early varieties, which ripen at the end of June, and ends with the late ones, which ripen in August and September.

'Earliblue': Very early-ripening variety with medium-sized berries that ripen as early as the end of June; later ripening fruits are rather small; medium strong, upright growth; firm, tasty fruits

'poppins': After their crisp bite variety named “to pop”; juicy, sweet-aromatic fruits; long ripening period; relatively robust

'Weymouth': High-yielding variety with medium-sized, very firm, good-tasting berries

'Bluetta': Compact, slow-growing plant with rather small but delicious-tasting fruits; moderately productive

'Chippewa': This strain has proven itself in regions with harsher winters; Medium-sized, aromatic and very sweet fruits when fully ripe

Blueberries are picked from the bush
'Chandler' and 'Earliblue' grow more upright [Photo: alicja neumiler/]

'Ivanhoe': Medium-sized, medium-firm, very dark blue berries; good taste

'Reka': Very productive variety from New Zealand that ripens in early July; large, very firm berries with a slightly sour, good taste

'Duke': Very frost hardy variety with dense growth; large, firm fruits with a very good, aromatic taste; very rich

'Nui': High-yielding New Zealand variety with very large, firm berries; Not bad in taste, but not outstanding either

'Spartan': Early maturing variety with very large, exceptionally good fruits; However, berries are only moderately firm and therefore do not last that long; somewhat prone to illness

'ama': Vigorous, robust variety with light pink flowers; firm, sweet and sour fruits; bearing rich

,Patriot': Medium early (from mid-July) ripening variety with very large, firm berries; the good-tasting fruits are often reddish on the steep approach

'Puru': Robust, medium-yielding variety with large, firm berries; good sweet taste

blueberries in the forest
The 'Jersey' variety grows very bushy [Photo: Adam J/]

'Top Hat': Only grows up to 50 cm high variety, which is ideal for planters on the balcony; dark, sweet-sour fruits

'Bluecrop': Despite the inconsistent ripening, a very common variety in commercial cultivation worldwide; relatively light fruits; high yields of very large, moderately firm fruits with good taste; strong formation of new shoots from the rootstock and wide growth

'blue-ray': Related to 'Bluecrop'; however, the slightly sour fruits are inferior to 'Bluecrop' in terms of aroma; large fruits; for optimal pollination, this variety needs another variety in the area

'Denise Blue': Australian variety with large, firm, very tasty and aromatic fruits; moderately productive, but grows beautifully - therefore good for gardens that should also be visually "beautiful".

'Draper': Increasingly replacing 'Bluecrop' in commercial cultivation due to its extremely good shelf life and even ripening; medium-sized to large, firm fruits with good taste

'Toro': Also a mid-early, high-yielding variety; very large, firm fruits with mediocre taste

'Berkeley': Medium late to late ripening (late July to early August); large fruits, the taste of which leaves a little to be desired; partly also very soft berries; however, this variety grows very nicely in terms of appearance - hence high ornamental value

'hardy blue': Belongs to the varieties that are well pollinated without any other variety and bear plenty; medium-sized, sweet and sour fruits; beautiful white-pink flowers; relatively tall growing; robust

Blueberry bush with blueberries
'Duke' is a very high-yielding variety with excellent fruit [Photo: Vadim. Petrov/]

'Nelson': Absolutely mediocre variety; Firmness and taste of the fruit are moderately pronounced; likewise the yield; big berries

'Coville': Moderately productive; large, firm fruits; Berries taste good, slightly tart, but not particularly aromatic

'Chandler': Variety known for its large berries with a very long harvest time; sweet-sour taste; Growth is not bushy like most varieties, but a bit more upright

'Ozark Blue': This very productive variety is characterized by its good heat tolerance; very tasty, large and crunchy fruits

'legacy': Medium-sized, firm, very tasty fruits; moderately productive; resistant to gray mold and anthracnose fruit rot

'gold grape': Vigorous variety with very large fruits; Flavor aromatic and slightly sour; Pollination is enhanced by another strain in the area; robust and resistant to drought

,Jersey': large-fruited variety; strong bushy growth; dark blue, medium-firm fruits; aromatic, sweet taste; good cold and frost resistance

'Blueroma': A - as the name suggests - a very aromatic variety; at the beginning of the harvest time very large, later somewhat smaller fruits; wealthy

large blueberries are held in hands
The 'Chandler' variety is known for its large fruits [Photo: Mostovyi Sergii Igorevich/]

'Darrow': Late-ripening (from around mid-August) variety with very large, firm fruits; extremely good, slightly sour taste; tall

'Liberty': Medium-sized, very firm, extremely tasty fruits; easy to store, therefore popular in commercial fruit growing; to ensure rich pollination, another late-ripening variety should be planted next to it

'Elizabeth' (also 'Elisabeth'): Moderately productive variety with very large, very firm fruits; taste moderately good; rather not suitable for cooler locations

'late blue': Also a very late variety with medium-sized fruits; taste unimpressive

'Elliott': Medium-yielding variety with medium-sized, very firm fruits; taste is good

'Aurora': Relatively short ripening period; firm, tasty, sweet and sour fruits; medium to large berries; very hardy

tip: Nutrient supply is an important prerequisite for a rich blueberry harvest. Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer is a primarily organic organic fertilizer and is ideal for fertilizing your blueberries.

Forest blueberries: The wild blueberries

The wild blueberries are usually much smaller than the cultivated blueberries that are usually planted in the garden. Nevertheless, they usually taste very intense. In well-stocked tree nurseries you can also buy the wild forest blueberry, which is native to Europe. However, certain varieties that have been specifically bred are usually not found. Forest blueberries are instead referred to simply by their botanical name Vaccinium myrtillus traded.

Three tips for growing and choosing the right blueberry/blueberry variety

Finally, we have three tips for you so that you can buy and grow your blueberries successfully.

  1. Blueberries belong on acidic soil
    Note that blueberries like acidic soil. They have become accustomed to this in the course of their existence in the forest. More tips for right soil for blueberries you'll find here.
    Blueberry in the forest
    In their natural environment, blueberries grow on acidic forest or peat soils [Photo: Jan Toula/]
  2. Plant different types of blueberries/blueberries together
    We also recommend choosing different varieties when planting several blueberry bushes. With most blueberry varieties, this promotes pollination and thus the yield. For a longer harvest period one tends to combine early and late ripening varieties. However, the plants must flower at the same time if they are to help each other fertilize. Therefore, before buying several varieties, check whether flowering takes place at the same time.
  3. Protect blueberries/blueberries until harvest
    Finally, when the first fruits start to ripen, you should consider that you may have to defend them from birds.

More detailed information about Cultivation of blueberries you'll find here.