Avocado: Calories and Nutritional Facts

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Many fear the avocado because of its high fat content and calories. You can find out why the avocado is still absolutely healthy here.

Avocado import chart
The Germans really got a taste for the avocado

The triumph of the avocado does not seem to stop at the German population either. Sales of the super fruit have tripled since 2008. The most popular varieties such as "Fuerte" or "Hass" are imported from Mexico, Peru, Spain or Israel all year round. The fruit, also known as butter pear, is rich in so-called "healthy fats" and vitamin E, which is important for a healthy cardiovascular system and even slow down the aging process target. Countless recipe variations, such as simply refining with oil and salt or delicious guacamole, mean that their popularity is constantly growing. What else the avocado has to offer is presented in this article.

Avocados and Calories

Nutrition table avocado
Avocados are among the higher-calorie fruits

Many consumers shy away from the high fat content of the avocado, which at first glance has a lot to offer with almost 30% and 160 calories per 100 grams. But here it is important to differentiate: With avocados we are talking about “healthy fats” or unsaturated fatty acids. The avocado is also very rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are important for a strong immune system and also act as a source of energy. With 741 calories, 100 grams of butter have almost five times the calorie value of an avocado.

avocado calories
Compared to butter, avocado has a small fraction of calories

Avocados and Nutritional Values

The fruit is very healthy because of its vitamin E content, which has been proven to prevent strokes, heart attacks or Alzheimer's. In addition to vitamin E, it is also a storehouse for provitamin A and vitamins C, D, K and B. The healthy fats make it easier for our body to absorb the nutrients mentioned above. An avocado, prepared with a little lemon juice, therefore already covers the entire daily requirement of vitamin C.

Indigestible fibers also help to lower cholesterol levels by maintaining and supporting intestinal functions. Also of interest is the substance lutein contained in the avocado, which belongs to the family of carotenoids and is directly involved in the visual process in addition to the pigment zeaxanthin. It protects against retinal diseases and prevents age-related symptoms such as cataracts, a clouding of the lens of the eye (cataracts).

Avocado ingredients
The avocado literally has it all

But that's not all. In addition, the "butter pear" is valuable due to its minerals and trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper and manganese. Their special carbohydrate combination helps our body to supply the nerves and brain with energy. The amino acid tryptophan contained in the avocado leads to an increased production of the substance melatonin, which allows us to sleep and recover better.

In summary, it can be said that the avocado is rightly one of the healthiest fruits and should definitely not be missing from our menu. Try it yourself grow your own plant from an avocado seed. We explain how this works in our special article.

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