Save CO2 with Plantura organic soils

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Peat-reduced and peat-free soils have great advantages for the environment, which is why we at Plantura rely on them. How do we know that our soils contain CO2 save on? You can find the answer in this article.

Garden tools lie on garden soil
Peat-reduced potting soil is the future - because peat extraction promotes climate change [Photo: Wstockstudio/]

At Plantura, we rely on low-peat and peat-free organic soils. Our earths emit around 60% less CO from the extraction of raw materials through production to the end of their useful life2 than conventional, peat-based soils. How do we know? The CO2-Emissions from our organic soils can be determined using scientifically proven figures. We calculate it for you based on our Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil in front.

Plantura peat-reduced potting soil: They bring these advantages with them

What the use of peat As far as potting soil is concerned, there is a rethinking in society. Because bogs and peat contain valuable CO2storage systems, we at Plantura also use them

peat substitute. Instead of black and white peat, our peat-free or peat-reduced Plantura potting soils contain materials such as coconut pith, wood fibers and compost. Peat-reduced potting soils have a number of advantages over classic peat-based soils:

  • They are, in many cases, better for the health of those involved in the earth's manufacturing chain.
  • They are easier to handle in use, since peat-free soils are often comparatively light in weight.
  • They water even better than peat-based soils: Even if they have dried out completely, they are easily wettable again.
  • In addition, peat-free potting soil has a more favorable pH value, i.e. acidity for most plants, and can be spread on your own compost or in the flower bed without hesitation.
Coconuts are in a heap
The Plantura organic soils are based on coconut pith, which has very good substrate properties [Photo: amirusadiq78/]

Of course, peat-reduced or peat-free potting soil also has an ecological footprint. However, the climate damage of peat use is undisputed and should be avoided as far as possible. A study by the company quantity was able to prove that substrates that contain a relatively high proportion of peat have a greater negative impact on climate change. Loud quantity it is extremely important that peat is only extracted from peat deposits that have already been drained and in connection with timely renaturation measures. According to these same standards, the small amount of peat that ensures the high quality of our Plantura organic lawn soil refined, won.

notice: The coconut pulp we use comes from controlled areas and is harvested and processed under fair working conditions. When buying coconut soil, look for the Ecocert seal, which is also ours Plantura organic soils wear.

Why Plantura Organic Potting Soil Helps, CO2 to save

The Plantura organic potting soil was developed on the basis of a comprehensive study by a world-leading company for life cycle assessment and service in the field of sustainability (quantity) developed. quantity has examined the life cycle assessment of a wide variety of materials used in the manufacture of potting soil. This life cycle assessment included both the impact on the ecosystems from which the renewable raw materials are extracted and the impact on human health at each step. And, of course, it was checked how many climate-damaging gases the various materials emit over the course of their lives.

Plantura organic soils
At Plantura, we rely on low-peat and peat-free organic soils

Tip: Not just CO2 (Carbon dioxide) causes the famous greenhouse effect due to its accumulation in the atmosphere. Gases such as methane (CH4) or nitrous oxide (N2O) are emitted in smaller volumes, but have a much higher climate impact than carbon dioxide. For the sake of better comparability, they are listed in “CO2-Equivalents” converted. This shows that methane is 28 times and nitrous oxide almost 300 times more potent for the climate than carbon dioxide.

To find out if through the Plantura soils CO2-Equivalents are saved, we have the results of the study of quantity used. The CO2-The balance of each of the materials used is known to us through them and we were therefore able to compare our soils with a typical peat potting soil in a simple calculation. As an example, here is the calculation for one cubic meter Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil represents:

Earth Plantura organic soil Ordinary Earth
ingredients coconut pulp compost wood fiber perlite black peat bark compost
Percentage in vol.% 50 17 17 17 90 5 5
Outcast CO2-Equivalents loud quantity 34,75 41,55 9,6 19,6 277,2 5,25 13,85
total 105,5 296,3

Now, to determine how many CO2-Equivalent percentage saved at this earth will be the result of Plantura organic soil now divided by that of the peat soil:

Formula for calculating the CO2 savings with Plantura organic soil

So that means that the Plantura organic soil only 35.6% as much CO in their entire life cycle from production to disposal2- Emits the equivalent of a conventional peat soil. This saves her a total of 64.4%.
Of course, our organic soils are all composed differently to meet the needs of different plants. On average, they emit almost 60% less CO2-Equivalents from than comparable potting soils.

by the way: The very highest emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases are produced by black peat. We therefore do this in our Plantura organic soils a big bow. Only in the Plantura organic lawn soil is the fine peat contained to the seedlings after the lawn seeding to protect against drying out. Because we keep an eye on the big picture: if you have to water your lawn much more frequently after sowing, it will Saving water in the garden difficult.

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