Cherry Laurel Etna: Properties, Growth & Purchase

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The cherry laurel 'Etna' not only withstands long periods of severe frost without winter protection, but also scores points in spring with colorful leaf sprouting.

Cherry laurel in the garden
The cherry laurel 'Etna' is an ornament for every garden [Photo:]
the cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) 'Etna' is a special ornament for every home garden with its colored leaf shoots. But not only the neat appearance makes the variety an ideal garden greening. It is also exceptionally frost-resistant and even freezing temperatures below -35 °C rarely damage the evergreen shrub. Due to its wonderfully compact growth, this is not only suitable as a hedge and solitary plant, but also as a container culture. The variety, which tolerates pruning well, can also be given a skilful topiary.

The cherry laurel variety 'Etna' is a special ornament for every garden, despite its rather sparse blossoming. With a growth rate of up to 30 centimeters a year, it spreads somewhat more slowly than the 'Caucasica', but still reaches its final height of a good two meters and a width of 1.5 meters at a remarkable pace.

Varietal characteristics of cherry laurel Etna

The elliptical to round leaves emerge in a wonderfully warm bronze to red tone and darken over time to a shiny medium to dark green. The strikingly serrated edge is another plus that you can enjoy all year round. As already mentioned, the flowers of this variety are sparse. But there are only a few of the black and poisonous berries. The racemose inflorescences in creamy white form from May to June and have a pleasant scent. In addition to her attractive appearance, this strain is also incredibly easy to care for, robust and healthy. Thanks to their extreme frost resistance, you don't need to use winter protection, even in long-lasting temperatures well below zero.

Cherry laurel with frost
'Etna' is exceptionally frost hardy [Photo: Iuliia Kudrina/]
And you can also choose the location as required, because 'Etna' grows in both sunny and shady places. It also makes hardly any demands on the ground, but you should definitely avoid waterlogging. Even in places with high root competition, it can assert itself well. It is therefore ideal for underground planting or for socializing with other plants in general, whether in groups or individually. As a hedge plant, it quickly forms opaque and compact hedges thanks to its enormously strong branching and its dense foliage. Depending on the size of the plants, it is advisable to plant two to four specimens per meter. Due to their good tolerance to pruning, the bushy growth and the upright shoots, this can be done Shape cherry laurel ideally or even raise it to a standard, giving you the choice between a bed and a have bucket culture.

Buying cherry laurel Etna: what should be considered?

When buying a cherry laurel, make sure the plant looks healthy. This means that the leaves should be bright green, and in the case of 'Etna' they should also be reddish. It is better not to buy deformed, chlorotic (i.e. yellowish or orange discolored as a result of a lack of chlorophyll) or diseased plants. But the site conditions in the rearing or at the point of sale also decide on the later well-being of the plant. The young plants should not be exposed to waterlogging or excessive drought. Especially young plants are better not exposed to the blazing sun.

Recommended sources for cherry laurel Etna

You will almost certainly find this cherry laurel variety in larger garden centers and hardware stores, and most tree nurseries should also have 'Etna' on offer. Those who prefer the Internet as a source of procurement will find numerous mail order companies such as the Horstmann Nursery, which conveniently deliver the variety to your home. Further Sources of supply for the cherry laurel 'Etna' you'll find here.

A detailed list of the best cherry laurel varieties you'll find here.

tip: For a strengthened and resilient cherry laurel, give a dose of mostly organic at planting Organic universal fertilizer into the planting hole.

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