Climbing hydrangea: plants, multiply & Co.

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Everything about climbing hydrangeas: from planting to propagating and different varieties. With expert advice on the toxicity and care of the climbing hydrangea.

Climbing hydrangea grows on the house facade
The climbing plant turns facades into green eye-catchers [Photo: SariMe/]

climbing hydrangeas (Hydrangea anomala eg. petiolaris) are becoming increasingly popular. That's no wonder, because the self-climber is not only easy to care for, but also tolerates forest, shady Squares and ensures a flourishing decoration in a variety of ways - for example as greening of facades, as more colorful privacy screen or as deciduous bee pasture.


  • Climbing hydrangeas: properties and distinctive features
  • Climbing Hydrangea Varieties
  • Planting climbing hydrangeas: location and procedure
    • Where should you plant climbing hydrangeas?
    • Instructions: How to plant your climbing hydrangea
    • Climbing hydrangeas in the bucket
  • Caring for climbing hydrangeas
    • Water climbing hydrangeas
    • Pruning climbing hydrangeas
    • Fertilize climbing hydrangeas
  • Propagating climbing hydrangeas
  • Are climbing hydrangeas poisonous?

Climbing hydrangeas: properties and distinctive features

The climbing hydrangea is just like ivy (Hedera helix) a so-called self-climber, which uses clinging roots to hold itself on rough surfaces. This means that it can climb 10 - 15 meters in height with clinging roots without a climbing aid. The climbing beauty can not only grow upwards, but is extremely diverse in its growth. For example, if there is no climbing possibility, it can also be cultivated as ground cover, free-standing or around tree trunks.

The plant, originally from Taiwan, Korea and Japan, is now well established in our latitudes. The climbing hydrangea turns facades into real eye-catchers. However, you need a little patience, because the climbing plant only begins to flower after five to eight years. The inflorescences appear in the form of flat, up to 25 cm long umbrella panicles. These consist of small, hermaphroditic, four- to five-fold flowers and the peripheral, sterile, white, approximately 3 cm large show flowers. The flowers appear between June and July and attract important insects such as bumblebees, bees or butterflies.

Climbing hydrangea flower attracts insects
The sweetly scented flowers attract many insects [Photo: EQRoy/]

The climbing hydrangea not only takes its time for the flowers, its growth is also slow at first. In the first few years, its growth rate is lower, but later it can grow up to one meter per year if the site conditions are good. The leaves of the deciduous ornamental plant are dark green, arranged opposite and have a rounded to ovate shape. A special feature of the climbing hydrangea is that it tolerates both frost and shade. So it can be used perfectly in locations that are out of the question for many other plants.

Climbing Hydrangea Varieties

Currently, the selection of different varieties of climbing hydrangea is still very clear. Below are the main varieties currently on the market.

Varieties of climbing hydrangea:

  • 'Miranda': About 3 m tall, creamy-white flowering variety; green leaves framed in pastel yellow.
  • 'Cordifolia': dwarf shrub with heart-shaped leaves; smaller, slower growth up to 2 m in height.
  • 'silver lining': Grows up to 3 m tall, light green leaves with a white-silver border, white flowers.
  • 'semiola': New variety that keeps its leaves in mild winters; Copper-red shoots and white flowers.
Climbing hydrangea with yellow leaves on the wall
Many varieties have bright yellow leaves in autumn [Photo: photowind/]

Note evergreen climbing hydrangeas: For most climbing hydrangea cultivars, the leaves begin to turn bright yellow in the fall before dropping. However, there are now also evergreen varieties. This includes, for example, the above-mentioned variety 'Semiola'. This new variety keeps its leaves in mild winters and is particularly beautiful to look at, especially due to its copper-red shoots.

Planting climbing hydrangeas: location and procedure

When planting the climbing hydrangea, the location and the right approach are particularly important.

Where should you plant climbing hydrangeas?

As a forest plant, the climbing hydrangea prefers cool, moist soil and semi-shady locations. But even in deeper shade or in full sun, the plant can still show satisfactory growth with appropriate care. Because the climbing hydrangea prefers to root in humus-rich, permeable and moist soil that is not compacted and has an acidic to neutral pH value. Soil that is too sandy or too clayey should best be treated with a humus-rich potting soil like ours Plantura organic acidic soil be improved. Its acidic pH value and the low peat content are particularly beneficial for the lime-avoiding climbing hydrangea, because it receives an even supply of water and nutrients.
If possible, it is advisable to place the climbing hydrangea in a wind-protected location.

Tip: Young climbing hydrangeas are sensitive to late frosts and excessive sunlight. Leaf damage caused by "sunburn" is not uncommon.

Instructions: How to plant your climbing hydrangea

It is very likely that the climbing hydrangea is in the pot in which it was pre-cultivated before it is planted out. If the contents of the pot are dry, it is a good idea to put them in a water bath for about 10 minutes before planting them out. This allows the root ball to soak up water beforehand. You can then remove the plant from the pot and place it in the previously prepared planting hole.

Since the climbing hydrangea tends to have roots close to the surface and broadly, the planting hole can be shallow, but all the wider. Make sure that the soil below is permeable so that water can drain off easily - the climbing hydrangea does not like waterlogging. Now it also makes sense to use the excavated soil with acidic potting soil like ours Plantura organic acidic soil and enrich hydrangea fertilizer. Our Plantura organic hydrangea fertilizer Thanks to its long-term effect, it provides all the important nutrients that the hydrangea needs to grow over many months. Only sustainable raw materials are used, not animal leftovers from meat production.

Digging hole with shovel
A planting hole must be dug before planting [Photo: Lubsan/]

The plant is then planted with the excavated soil as deep as it was previously in the pot. Since climbing hydrangeas are able to form roots that produce shoots, the plants also tolerate being planted deeper without any problems. It is then important to water the plant generously and to muddy the soil properly. In the coming days and weeks it is better to check more often whether the soil is still moist. To ensure that as little irrigation water as possible is lost, you can also build a watering ring around the plant.
If you plan to plant several climbing hydrangeas, a distance of at least 60 cm should be maintained between the plants or to other climbing plants. It can generally be planted out all year round, but early spring is best.

Note climbing aid: In principle, climbing hydrangeas can independently climb a wide variety of surfaces with the help of their adhesive roots. These should be rough and hard-wearing: wood with bark, stone and rough concrete are well suited. The climbing hydrangea, which can reach a considerable weight with age, could lose its footing on surfaces that are too slippery or in a location exposed to the wind. In the case of plastered house walls, a climbing aid is advisable in order to protect the wall from the adhesive roots. It is best to place the climbing aid at a distance of 10 to 15 cm from the house wall.

At a glance: How are climbing hydrangeas planted?

  • Best in early spring
  • If dry, place container in water bath for 10 minutes
  • Dig the planting hole rather wide and loosen it in the subsoil
  • Enrich the excavated soil with acidic potting soil and hydrangea fertilizer
  • Plant hydrangea with excavation
  • Water thoroughly and muddy the soil
  • Set up a casting ring if necessary
  • Planting distance: 60 cm

Climbing hydrangeas in the bucket

The climbing hydrangea is also suitable as a blooming privacy screen on the terrace or balcony - the plant only has to be planted in a sufficiently large pot. The rule here is: the bigger, the better. The jar should also have holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain. This is important because the climbing hydrangea has to be watered often and does not tolerate waterlogging. The substrate is a good water-storing, acidic potting soil like ours Plantura Organic Acid Soil perfectly suited. Unlike many other hydrangea soils, this one is peat-reduced and thus saves CO over its entire life cycle2 a.
It is also possible to put a layer of coarse-grained material such as perlite at the bottom of the bucket to ensure good water drainage. In order for the plant to be able to grow taller, it should also be given a climbing aid. A trellis made of sturdy wood, for example, is suitable for this.

Young climbing hydrangea climbing on a post
In order for the climbing hydrangea to grow and thrive, it needs the right care [Photo: Victoria Ashman/]

Tip: In buckets, i.e. with a very limited volume of soil, regular fertilization is particularly important. In order to maintain the quality of the potting soil, you should use a primarily organic variant like ours Plantura organic hydrangea fertilizer - because the climbing hydrangea is reluctant to be repotted often.

Caring for climbing hydrangeas

Climbing hydrangeas are robust and require little care. However, like all hydrangeas, they need adequate moisture and nutrients.

Water climbing hydrangeas

Climbing hydrangeas should not dry out, which is why you should additionally water in the absence of precipitation. The best way to check whether the substrate is already too dry is to use a finger test. Climbing hydrangeas that are planted in pots in particular can dry out quickly and should therefore be checked more often. When watering, it is advisable not to wet the foliage around the downy mildew to prevent

Tip:To keep the soil moist longer, you can create a layer of mulch, such as leaves or bark, around your plant.

Pruning climbing hydrangeas

In principle, climbing hydrangeas do not have to be cut, especially in the first few years. Due to their slow growth, it is sufficient to remove dead wood and dried flowers. However, if the vine gets out of shape or is carrying too much weight on one side, you may need to use scissors. If you want to carry out a normal grooming cut, it is advisable to do this in autumn or winter. Since climbing hydrangeas bloom most strongly on one- and two-year-old wood, regular pruning can ensure richer flowering.

As you at Pruning climbing hydrangeas Find out the best way to proceed here.

Fertilize climbing hydrangeas

Hydrangeas love rich soil. They need sufficient nutrients, especially for their lush flowers. It is advisable to work special hydrangea fertilizers into the soil between May and August. Our Plantura organic hydrangea fertilizer supports the climbing hydrangea with exactly the nutrient composition that it needs: lots of potassium, nitrogen and additional magnesium and iron. This allows the plant to develop strong leaves and flowers.

Propagating climbing hydrangeas

Another advantage of the climbing hydrangea is that it can be propagated very easily. Propagation can be done in early summer either via sinkers or cuttings. A offshoot obtained by lowering a shoot that is already close to the ground towards the ground and fixing it in the ground. The shoot now forms shoot-born roots, so-called adventitious roots. For this method, it is important that the mother plant is well established as she will provide water and nutrients for the cutting during the transition period.

If you have the climbing hydrangea over cuttings If you want to propagate, look for soft, annual shoots, which you then cut off to about 15 cm in length. The tip of the shoot is removed and the leaves are cut in half so that the cutting loses less liquid through leaf transpiration. The cutting is placed in moist, nutrient-poor substrate like ours Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil plugged in and should develop roots after a few weeks.

Climbing hydrangea under snow
In winter, the cutting must be protected from frost [Photo: KPG Payless2/]

From September the cutting can now be planted in its own pot. It is important that the plant is placed in a frost-free place over the winter. In the spring it can then be transplanted into a larger pot and moved outside the following year.

Are climbing hydrangeas poisonous?

When it comes to hydrangeas, the general rule is that they can cause problems in animals such as dogs, cats, hamsters or rabbits as well as in humans if they are eaten. These show up in different symptoms such as dizziness, circulatory problems, anxiety and shortness of breath. If there is an allergy, even skin contact can lead to a reaction in the body. Therefore, especially small children should be supervised and informed that the beautiful flowers are only for decoration. However, the flowers and leaves taste so bitter that they are usually not consumed in large quantities by either animals or humans. More information about Hydrangea toxicity find out here.

Would you like to find out more about the romantic flowering shrubs? Then you will find in our hydrangeas-Article everything you ever wanted to know.