Association Dechants Pear: Taste & Cultivation of the Autumn Pear

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Because of its aromatic taste, the 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' is also often referred to as the "queen of pears". We will tell you more about the special features of this pear variety.

Doyenne you comics
The 'Vereinsdechantbirne' is valued above all for its fruit [Photo: JohnatAPW/]

The 'Vereinsdechantsbirne', also known as 'Vereins-Dechant', 'Doyenné du Comice' or 'Comice' pear, convinces with its taste. Even if it is not one of the highest-yielding varieties, the 'Vereinsdechant' pear is characterized by its resilience and the really convincing taste both in yield cultivation as well as in the garden a popular and often used Variety.


  • Club Dechantsbirne: Characteristics
  • Association Dechants pear: history and origin
  • Appearance, taste and characteristics of the pear variety
  • Doyenné du Comice: particularities of cultivation and care
  • Harvest and use Club Dean's pear

Club Dechantsbirne: Characteristics

synonyms 'Vereinsdechantsbirne', 'Vereins-Dechant', 'Doyenné du Comice', 'Comice'-Pear
fruit large to very large, broad and cup-bellied
the taste very juicy, sweet and at the same time spicy with an excellent aroma
yield not very high
harvest time mid to late October
maturity November
shelf life Can be stored in cold storage after harvest until February
growth medium to strong; upright or broad
climate prefers a warm location
diseases and pests susceptible to fire blight, to scab only in unfavorable locations; sensitive to various viral diseases

Association Dechants pear: history and origin

As early as 1840, the 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' was discovered in France, more precisely in Angers, as a chance seedling in the garden of the horticultural society. Around 1865 it found its way to Germany. Because of its good taste, it is considered a very valuable variety - both for the home garden and in commercial fruit growing. In 1905, the 'Doyenné du Comice' pear was even described as the best pear in the world by the "Practical Advisor in Fruit and Horticulture".

Club dean's pear
The large fruits of the 'Doyenné du Comice' pear are ready for harvest [Photo: Sheryl Watson/]

Appearance, taste and characteristics of the pear variety

The 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' has a large to very large fruit, which is very wide and cup-bellied. The pears are often unequal. The skin is yellowish-green and often has a washed-out, reddish-brown overcolor with numerous small skin spots. The stem is short, thick, and woody, and is usually set in dull scab. Another feature is a small meat nose at the point where the stalk emerges. The flesh of the 'Vereinsdechant' pear variety is white to yellowish-white, medium-firm and really very juicy. The taste of the 'Doyenné du Comice' pear is sweet and at the same time spicy with an excellent aroma.

Doyenné du Comice: particularities of cultivation and care

The 'Comice' pear can be used in commercial cultivation, in extensive orchard cultivation or in the garden. The 'Doyenné du Comice' pear tree has strong to medium growth potential and is upright or wide. The crown is pyramidal with moderately branched branches. The growth strength in particular depends heavily on the substrate used, whereby quince or pear can be used as a substrate. Rootstock 'Quitte C' is very slow-growing and remains smaller than 'Quitte A'. The short rootstocks are better suited for cultivation in the small garden, but often somewhat susceptible to wind, frost and some soil diseases - they should therefore only be used in the best locations will. Suitable tree forms for the 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' on slow-growing quince rootstocks are the trellis, topiary trees or the wall fruit hedge. The steep-growing 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' works best in these forms, but it is also possible to purchase the pear as a half or standard trunk. If the 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' is to grow into a large tree, it is planted on a seedling pad grafted, which forms a thick and strong trunk and is much more robust than the slow-growing ones quinces.

Tip: Grafting on a quince hardly causes any problems at the grafting point with the 'Vereinsdechantsbirne', so that no intermediate grafting is required in contrast to other pear varieties.

'Doyenné du Comice' flowers in mid-late to late April and May and lasts relatively long. In addition, the flower is not very sensitive to frost. As 'Doyenné du Comice' pollinators come varieties like 'Bosc Bottle Pear', 'Clapp's darling', ‘Gellert’s Butter Pear’, 'Conference', 'Williams Christ' or the ‘Delicious of Charneux’ for use.

Insect on club dean's pear
The late flowers also delight many different insects [Photo: Gestiafoto/]

The 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' prefers a warm location with good and not too heavy soil in your garden, as this also has a strong influence on the quality of the fruit. Soil that is too light or too heavy can be treated with a high-quality, peat-free potting soil such as ours Plantura organic universal soil improved to increase nutrient and water storage capacity and aid in airflow. 'Doyenné du Comice' can also be grown at medium altitudes in sheltered locations.

If you want to cut the pear tree in the garden, you should make sure that the 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' branches rather poorly. Accordingly, it is advisable to always leave several shoots for the formation of new fruit canes. The leading shoots are never shortened too much because the shoot growth of the variety is still strong enough in old age and should not be provoked any further. Rejuvenation is not necessary until late and growth is still strong enough in old age to produce fresh fruit wood again and again. More tips and explanations on how to make your Pruning pear tree, you can get in our special article.

Pear club dean's pear
The club dechant pear can also be cultivated as a tomato [Photo: JohnatAPW/]

The 'Dechantbirne' is susceptible to fire blight, but to scab only in unfavorable locations. The variety is sensitive to various viral diseases, which is why it is worth buying virus-tested (vt) or virus-free (vf) plants. In addition, the flower is moderately susceptible to frost, but this is less of a problem due to the late flowering period. In addition, the tree is hardy and can withstand temperatures down to -25 °C.

The yield of the pear variety is rather low to medium high. On sites endangered by late frost or after heavy pruning, the variety can begin to alternate, so that the yields vary greatly from year to year. However, newer varieties are now delivering more reliable yields.

Harvest and use Club Dean's pear

The 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' is ready for harvest in mid to late October and ready for consumption in November. This makes it one of the late autumn or winter pears. The fruits hang windproof on the tree until harvest. If they are stored in a cool place after harvesting, they can be kept well until December or January, and in cold storage even until February, making them a tasty winter fruit. The fruits do not wilt in storage, but become doughy when overripe.

Tip: The later the 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' is harvested, the better it can develop its full aroma. The earlier it is harvested, the longer it can be stored.

Club Dechantsbirch on the market
You can often find the 'Vereinsdechantbirne' on the market under its synonym 'Doyenné du Comice' [Photo: hans engbers/]

The 'Vereinsdechantsbirne' is popular as a table pear, but can also be used excellently for compote, various desserts or pear cake.

Which other well-tried pear varieties are still available, you can find out in our overview of varieties.