Overwintering hibiscus: planting time & care in winter

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In order for the hibiscus to bloom lushly next year, it must be overwintered properly. You can find out more about the ideal location and planting time here.

hibiscus in winter
There are a few things to keep in mind to safely overwinter hibiscus [Photo: LACROIX CHRISTINE/ Shutterstock.com]

the hibiscus (Hibiscus) is native to the subtropical regions of Asia. He is an absolute lover of warmth and only a few varieties can survive the winter in our latitudes. We will explain to you how you can get the not so hardy hibiscus varieties through the cold season so that you can enjoy the flowers next year as well.


  • Planting hibiscus: planting time and procedure
    • Hibiscus: the right planting time
    • Planting hibiscus: bed and pot
    • Transplanting hibiscus: timing and procedure
  • Overwinter the hibiscus in a pot

Planting hibiscus: planting time and procedure

The garden hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) is the only species that survives a moderate winter outdoors in the Central European climate. But when exactly should you use it? plant and what else needs to be considered? We explain this step by step in the following sections.

Hibiscus: the right planting time

As soon as spring conditions allow, you should plant your hibiscus in the garden. The earlier it gets into the growth phase, the better prepared it is for the coming winter.

Planting hibiscus
The ground must be free of frost before planting the garden hibiscus [Photo: Sheila Fitzgerald/ Shutterstock.com]

notice: It makes sense to keep the garden hibiscus in the pot for the first year. The plant can thus be placed in a warm place in particularly cold conditions and slowly adapt to the harsh winter conditions.

Planting hibiscus: bed and pot

The hibiscus prefers very nutrient-rich soil. So if you plant your hibiscus in a pot, be sure to use fresh compost. When planting in the bed, the planting hole should have about twice the volume of the root ball. Loosen the soil deeply and mix it with plenty of compost. The more nutrient-rich the soil, the more confidently you can hope for a full bloom. You can also use a high-quality and nutrient-rich organic soil like ours Plantura organic potting soil use to create optimal conditions for the hibiscus.

Transplanting hibiscus: timing and procedure

The garden hibiscus, which was first grown in a pot, can be planted outdoors after the first winter. Transplanting should be done as early as possible in spring to give the beloved hibiscus a good start to growth. When planting hibiscus, proceed in exactly the same way as if you were planting it directly in your bed. Loosen the soil deeply and enrich it with compost. The soil of the root ball from the pot can be used completely.

Overwinter the hibiscus in a pot

The hibiscus is a heat-loving plant from the subtropics of Asia. No wonder he doesn't feel particularly comfortable in the Central European winters. However, the garden hibiscus is frost hardy and can survive moderate winters. To get used to it, however, it can still be kept in a pot for the first year so that it can be placed in a warm place at very low temperatures. The rose hibiscus, on the other hand, can no longer survive outdoors at temperatures below 12°C. Only planting in a pot is suitable for him. During the winter, you should water your hibiscus moderately and never fertilize.

Hibiscus in a pot
The rose hibiscus should be kept in the pot all year round [Photo: Soraya Plaithong/ Shutterstock.com]

Tip: Even if the garden hibiscus is frost-resistant, you can help it through the cold months. To do this, simply layer some bark mulch on top of the soil around the main shoot. You can also plant evergreen ground covers around the main shoot of the hibiscus for protection against the cold.