Propagating Lavender: Cuttings, Seeds & Division

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Lavender can be propagated in a number of ways. Whether by cuttings, sowing or division - we reveal which method is best suited.

Lavender plants in canisters
Lavender plants are easy to propagate [Photo: Fotyma/]

To the genus of lavenders (Lavandula) include many different types and varieties. However, they all reproduce in a similar way. Contrary to what many people think, lavender is not a perennial, but a subshrub. As such, lavender naturally becomes woody with age. You should therefore rejuvenate your stock sooner or later in order to benefit from the fragrant flowers for as long as possible. Here are three popular ways to propagate lavender. General information about the lavender we have also compiled them here for you.

The most promising method for propagating real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), French lavender (Lavandula stoechas) and Co. is the propagation of cuttings. In principle, sowing is also possible, but this is very time-consuming and involves a lot of work.


  • Propagating lavender from cuttings
  • Propagating lavender by seed
  • Propagate lavender by division

Propagating lavender from cuttings

If you don't want to go through the trouble of sowing lavender seeds, you can simply clone your existing plant via cuttings. This method is also known as vegetative propagation. For example, to obtain cuttings, you can use the waste that accumulates when pruning back in spring. To do this, cut young shoots into pieces about 15 cm long with a clean, sharp knife. Then strip off the lower leaves of the branch and place the cuttings about 10 cm deep in nutrient-poor substrate. Peat-free potting soil such as our Plantura is ideal Organic herbal & seed soil. The soil should always be kept moist without the plant sinking into waterlogging. As a rule, the first roots form after a few weeks and the small plants can be planted individually in pots.

You can basically plant cuttings all year round. Cuttings planted in spring (end of March) can move outdoors after the ice saints in May at the latest. If you want to plant your lavender cuttings in late summer or autumn, you should definitely protect them from winter.

Person holds young sprouts of lavender in hand
Lavender propagation begins with cutting young shoots [Photo: Radovan1/]

Summary Propagating lavender via cuttings:

  • Cut young shoots into pieces (about 15 cm long)
  • Remove leaves at the bottom
  • Plant about 10 cm deep in nutrient-poor substrate
  • Keep soil moistured
  • Repot after rooting

Tip from the pro: Woody parts of the lavender plant are no longer suitable for propagation via cuttings.

Propagating lavender by seed

Although lavender seeds are commercially available, they are usually not of a single variety. Therefore it can happen that the plants from one seed pack look different. This is not a problem with isolated shrubs, but it is much more unpleasant if several plants are to grow next to each other - for example as a hedge or bed edging. In this case, it is best to prefer the young plants in a separate bed and sort them out after a year.

Lavender plants in a pot
The little lavender plants need special care [Photo: Katarzyna Mazurowska/]

In general, propagation of lavender from seeds is usually difficult, as special conditions are required for germination and growth. Lavender is a light germinator, that is, the seeds may only be lightly covered with soil. The germination period is about one to two weeks under optimal conditions, but can sometimes stretch over a few months.

For cultivation, fill small pots with our low-nutrient Organic herbal & seed soil. If you want the plants to flower for the first time that same year, it is best to plant lavender on the windowsill in early spring (February/March). Sufficient sunlight, moisture and a cover with cling film ensure optimal greenhouse conditions. However, you should remove the film again after four weeks at the latest. Prick out the plants as soon as the first leaves have appeared after the cotyledons. Planting out in the garden is done after the last frost (end of May), when the soil has already warmed up. Direct sowing in the bed is also only recommended after the ice saints in May.

Summary Propagating lavender by seed:

  • Fill pots with low-nutrient herb soil
  • Moisten with spray bottle
  • Scatter the seeds loosely on the substrate and press them in slightly
  • Cover with cling film
  • Choose a bright location
  • Remove the foil after about four weeks
  • prick out plants
  • Plant in the bed at the end of May at the earliest

Tip from the pro: Real lavender forms a lot of seeds when it feels good. You can then carefully transplant the young plants to a desired location. You should dig them out as early as possible so that they survive the procedure well.

Propagate lavender by division

Perennial plants, which include lavender, can usually be easily propagated by root division. To do this, in spring (March/April) or autumn (September) lift the root ball with a spade and divide it into two pieces. Then plant the parts again at a sufficient distance from each other. However, it should not be planted too densely so that the lavender plants still have enough space to grow.

division of lavender plants
Dividing older lavender plants is usually difficult [Photo: Robert Przybysz/]

However, dividing a lavender bush is only possible if it has roots in several places in the ground. Unfortunately, the heavy lignification of older plants often makes the process even more difficult. The wounds in lignified areas caused by sharing are also good entry points for unwanted diseases. Propagation via cuttings is therefore much better suited for most types of lavender.

As your Best care for lavender, we have summarized for you here.