Slug pellets: mode of action, application & toxicity

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Slug pellets against slugs in the garden is an efficient way to protect your fruit and vegetables. When used properly, organic slug pellets are also gentle on beneficial insects and pets.

Slug eats slug pellets
Slug pellets prevent slugs from being eaten in the bed [Photo: Heiko Barth/]

Snails, especially slugs, are really voracious creatures. But no garden has to be at their mercy. One way of protecting crops is the application of slug pellets. This was notorious for a long time because its old conventional active ingredients are harmful to the environment and poisonous. But slug pellets are not just slug pellets. There are different preparations with different properties. In the following you will learn everything about the mode of action and use of slug pellets against slugs.


  • What types of slug pellets are there?
  • How does slug pellets work?
    • Essential Oils
    • Slug pellets with metaldehyde
    • Slug pellets with iron III phosphate
  • Proper use of slug pellets
  • Is slug pellets poisonous?
  • What alternatives are there to slug pellets?

What types of slug pellets are there?

There are currently three different active ingredients in use in slug pellets. On the one hand the toxic metaldehyde, on the other hand the well-tolerated iron-III-phosphate, which is also permitted in organic farming. There is also a granulate based on essential oils.

Up until 2014, methiocarb was also still permitted. Due to its strong toxicity, this remedy is now banned and may no longer be used. If you still have old methiocarb slug pellets, it must be disposed of safely.

notice: A use-by period of 18 months applies to plant protection products that are no longer authorized. They must then be carefully disposed of at disposal companies or collection points in the districts or municipalities.

crop protection products
Before using crop protection products, their approval must always be checked [Photo: New Africa/]

How does slug pellets work?

Depending on the active ingredient, slug pellets have different modes of action. We present the three different variants.

Essential Oils

The snail granules with essential oils drive away the snails with their scent. So it's a repellent. They are not killed, but the snail problem is just moved to another garden. It can be effective to use the repellent together with a sacrificial bed: wherever snails are driven away should be, the fragrant deterrent is distributed so that all reptiles are only in the sacrificial bed. Because the snail concentration there is very high, beneficial creatures such as hedgehogs, who like to stay there, are soon called onto the scene. For example, geraniol, lavandin oil and oils obtained from lantana (Lantana camara) and mint (mentha). Humans and mammals are not endangered when used properly, but could partially Adverse effects on other non-target organisms and beneficial insects and occasional damage to plants to be determined.

Snail on Mint
Concentrated mint oil can repel slugs [Photo: Elmonir-press/]

Metaldehyde irreversibly damages the mucus-forming cells. This impedes the protective function of the snail skin and the locomotion and digestion of the animals. The snails slime and die where they are. Small children and other garden animals can also be harmed if they are picked up. The commercial denaturing of snail pellets prevents poisoning in children, but unfortunately it cannot be ruled out. Cramps and hyperthermia, vomiting and diarrhea indicate poisoning. We therefore advise against metaldehyde-based slug pellets.

slug pellets with ferric phosphate

Slug pellets with the active ingredient iron-III-phosphate are available as a well-tolerated alternative. This is also in ours Plantura organic slug pellets contain. After ingesting this remedy, the snails stop eating, retreat to their hiding places without forming mucus and die there. The dead animals are therefore not lying around in the beds. The ferric phosphate is dissolved by microorganisms and organic acid and does not harm the soil, but is used as a plant nutrient.

Two slugs on tree
Snails that have ingested ferric phosphate hide [Photo: Sergey/]

How long does it take for slug pellets to work? The snails died about 20 minutes after eating metaldehyde-based slug pellets. The active ingredient is released over a period of about ten days. When they ingest slug pellets with iron-III-phosphate, the slugs immediately stop eating, retreat to their hiding place and starve to death after several days. This substance works for up to two weeks. The grain with essential oils acts immediately as a repellent. This means it deters the snails without harming them. According to the manufacturer, the effect lasts up to three weeks, depending on the weather conditions.

slug pellets
Slug pellets with iron-III-phosphate have the best environmental compatibility [Photo: Bernd Lang/]

Proper use of slug pellets

All varieties of slug pellets are distributed broadly and never in heaps. Barriers around entire beds or encircling individual plants with metaldehyde or ferric phosphate-based slug pellets would also be less effective. On the other hand, grain with essential oils can be applied around beds as a protection.

At our Plantura organic slug pellets an application rate of 38 grains per square meter is optimal. Due to the highly concentrated power active ingredient, the 350 gram pack is sufficient for an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. After the application area has been watered, the grains can be evenly distributed in mild weather early morning or late evening. This can be done up to four times from April to September at intervals of at least seven days. There is no waiting time until the harvest. Slug pellets are permitted for arable farming, vegetable and fruit crops, but not for ornamental plants.

If Roman snails are found in the garden, caution is advised. Because these snails, which are under nature protection, also die after ingesting the slug pellets, which you want to avoid. However, since they rarely stay in the treated vegetable beds, this is usually not a problem.

If you use our Plantura Buy slug pellets, you get a slug pellet that remains effective for up to two weeks even in light rain. If it starts to rain heavily, we recommend applying it again after seven days.

Snail with pesticide
Slug pellets are granulated pesticides [Photo: Lisa-S/]

A summary of the use of our Plantura organic slug pellets:

  • Application in mild weather early morning or late evening
  • Water the area beforehand so that the grains can swell
  • Distribute the slug pellets evenly around the plants to be protected without forming heaps
  • Application rate: 38 grains per square meter
  • Application range: April to September (maximum 4 applications at intervals of at least 7 days)
  • No waiting until harvest
  • Caution: Do not use on Roman snails in the vegetable patch

Is slug pellets poisonous?

With any crop protection product, care must always be taken to ensure that non-target organisms do not consume the substance. Slug pellets with the active ingredient metaldehyde can be toxic to humans and animals, for example. Ingestion often leads to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, high fever, muscle spasms, and occasionally even coma. The critical dose depends on the individual agents and the individual organism. From an intake of 20 - 40 mg/kg body weight, medical treatment is recommended for dogs or cats, for example. This corresponds to an intake of only 0.4 to 0.8 g for a 20 kg dog, i.e. a very small amount. This means that methiocarb – an active ingredient that is no longer permitted – is extremely toxic and should definitely be disposed of safely.

Ferric phosphate, as in ours Plantura organic slug pellets, is gentler on beneficial insects and pets. When used properly, it is also classified as non-hazardous to bees. Therefore, it is also approved for organic farming.

cat in the garden
Pets are at risk of getting sick after ingesting metaldehyde [Photo: jamaludinyusuppp/]

What alternatives are there to slug pellets?

There are a variety of snail-resistant and snail-repellent plants. Likewise can snail fences and traps as well as some home remedies such as Coffee grounds against snails be helpful. The promotion of beneficial insects is also profitable for the entire garden. For a complete overview, see our article on the Fighting snails.

summarized alternatives:

  • snail fences
  • fall
  • Customized planting
  • promotion of beneficials
Snapdragons are avoided by snails [Photo: Cristina Ionescu/]

Raised beds are difficult for snails to reach and are often spared by other insects. We explain how to get one Build your own raised bed can. If you still have problems with Snails in the raised bed have, we will help you further.