Tomate De Berao: Extremely robust outdoor tomato

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The tomato variety De Berao is particularly known for its robust and vigorous growth. The variety can also be cultivated outdoors in Germany.

Tomato variety De Berao black
Shot of the De Berao black tomato variety.

A research group led by Dr. Bernd Horneburg from the Georg-August University in Göttingen tested 3,500 tomato varieties for their suitability for outdoor cultivation over the years. The De Berao variety made it into the list of the ten most cultivatable outdoor varieties. De Berao (syn. De Barao, Deberao) is one of the traditional varieties in Russia. With growth heights of up to three meters, it is one of the highest-growing tomato varieties. Due to its growth, De Berao is often mistaken as tree tomato (Solanum betaceum) designated.

However, De Berao did not achieve national fame because of its size, but because of its resistance to late blight. In bad years, brown rot in particular causes problems for the plants. However, with De Berao it is often sufficient to simply remove the diseased leaves promptly.

De Berao: Not only high, but also profitable

Up to 80 fruits can ripen per plant, with a heavy weight of 50 to 70 g. Fruits that are set higher up sometimes do not fully ripen. These remaining tomatoes should be harvested in early to mid-October and can continue to ripen on a light-colored windowsill.

Due to the good cut resistance and firm consistency of the pulp, De Berao is particularly suitable for processing into sauces. In terms of taste, there are more aromatic varieties for fresh consumption, but everyone should Tomato lovers can try growing De Berao and be assured of their healthy growth convince.

Tomato De Berao
The De Berao tomatoes weigh 50 to 70 g and are plump [Photo: guentermanaus/]

De Berao should be sown in early spring as usual. From young plants, the pinched side shoots can be rooted in a glass of water. These cuttings should then be reared in a very sunny place - ideally in a tomato house. This ensures that the tomato cuttings can catch up with the seedlings as they grow. For all record hunters: When planting out, lay the first 10 to 20 cm horizontally in the ground. From 20 cm, carefully bend the rest of the plant upwards and tie the shoot to a plant stake. If you now cover the horizontal part of the plant with soil, it will form additional roots. More roots means stronger growth and a higher yield.

tip: For a rich harvest, we recommend using a nutrient-rich and peat-free organic soil such as our Plantura Organic tomato & vegetable soil.

De Berao tomatoes in four different shades

In addition to the classic red De Berao tomato, there are three other varieties.

pink: Fruits have a pink tinge and, at 60 to 100 g, are slightly heavier than those of the classic variety. The De Berao Rosa also stays a little shorter than other De Berao varieties at one to two meters. The fruits are also particularly suitable for sauces and tomato paste.

Yellow De Berao (syn. lamp): Tall-growing and also very resistant to late blight. Fruits weighing between 50 and 90 g are larger than the classic red De Berao. Fruit can be ripened well in a bright place. They are also very easy to store.

Dark red De Berao: This variety of De Berao is dark red with partial discoloration to brown or black. Due to the fruit properties, this De Berao is also particularly suitable for cooking.

Our conclusion: More De Berao for more yield even in rainy summers

In summary, De Berao is an excellent tomato variety that shines in our latitudes due to its weather resistance. Even in bad years, our plants proved to be against the dreaded Tomato blight resistant. In addition to a good yield, the creamy taste in sauces is particularly impressive.