The 10 most expensive fruits in the world

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What do you think is the most expensive fruit in the world and how much does it cost? The list of the most exclusive fruits in the world can be found here.

most expensive fruit in the world
In Japan, fruits are sold as valuable treasures [Photo: EQRoy/]

What some people pay for a specific fruit is really sensational. Several thousand euros are not uncommon. The fruits are then not normal supermarket goods, but individual pieces in perfection. In other cultures such as Japan, these are almost a status symbol, especially when the exclusive fruits are given away. But the expensive fruit doesn't just have to impress visually. The highest demands are also made on taste, especially with regard to sweetness and acidity. We have compiled the top 10 most expensive fruits in the world for you below.


  • 10. Buddha pear
  • 9. Sekai Ichi apple
  • 8. decopon
  • 7. Sembikiya Queen Strawberry
  • 6. Square watermelon
  • 5. Pineapple from the Lost gardens of Heligan
  • 4. Taiyo no Tamago Mango
  • 3. Ruby Roman grapes
  • 2. Densuke watermelon
  • 1. Yubari melon

10. Buddha pear

A real eye-catcher: a pear in the seated form of Buddha! This particular pear originated in China, where a farmer named Hao had the idea of ​​enclosing young pears in plastic cases shaped like sitting Buddhas. As they grow, they fill in any gaps in the clear plastic jar. According to some Chinese gourmets, eating the fruit grants immortality. We're not entirely sure if immortality can be bought for $9, because that's the price of this particular fruit.

Buddha pear
An absolute eye-catcher and almost too good to eat: the Buddha pear [Photo: Mkneip/]

9. Sekai Ichi apple

If you think that this apple in the picture actually looks quite ordinary, almost like the goods from the local supermarket, then you will notice at the latest when you look at the price that this apple is something special after all is. This rarity from northern Japan costs a whopping 21 US dollars each. However, weighing up to a kilo, these apples are also significantly larger and heavier than their normal relatives.

Sekai Ichi Apples
Sekai Ichi apples weigh a good 1kg and cost a whopping $21 each [Photo: Zigzag Mountain Art/]

8. decopon

This citrus fruit is something very special and is considered the tastiest citrus fruit in the world. Native to Japan, it has been bred there since 1972 and is only found there to this day. The decopon are larger than normal oranges or tangerines and also have no seeds. Expect to pay around $80 for a six-fruit box.

Citrus Decopon
The dekopon is said to be the tastiest citrus fruit in the world [Photo: Darren Kurnia/]

7. Sembikiya Queen Strawberry

The sight of this fruity beauty can only make your mouth water. The perfect shape and color of this queen of strawberries make it a real delicacy in Japan. A packet of these fruits (with 12 perfect strawberries) costs a whopping $85.

Strawberry Sembikiya Queen
The queen of strawberries: Sembikiya Queen! Perfection in shape and color [Photo: Tiep. Nguyen/]

6. Square watermelon

No, this watermelon is not from a cartoon. In Japan, the land of exclusive fruits, these melons grow in all seriousness in pre-made, square shapes, so that the fruit also accepts them in the end. However, you have to be able to pay for this special look – with 800 US dollars you can also become a proud owner, because since 2014 these fruits are also exported abroad exported.

Watermelon square
Square, pyramidal, or even heart-shaped melons cost up to $800 [Photo: nutua/]

5. Pineapple from the Lost gardens of Heligan

Guess where this exclusive pineapple grows. Cornwall in the UK is probably not what you had in mind, but it is home to this special pineapple nonetheless. Incidentally, this is also the only place in Europe where pineapples are grown. The fact that the plant allows such exotic fruits to ripen in a place that is not exactly tropical like in England is said to be due to the horse urine, with which the plants are supplied, among other things. One of the rare fruits is said to cost up to $1,000.

Lost Gardens of Heligan pineapple
The Lost Gardens of Heligan exclusive pineapple grows in Cornwall, UK [Photo: Thomas Marchhart/]

4. Taiyo no Tamago Mango

Translated, this mango means “egg of the sun”, which is due to its shape. And this exotic breed also comes from Japan, but is now also bred in the USA. The original is only available in Japan, and you'd have to pay $3,000 a piece to taste the sweetness of this mango.

Mango Taiyo no Tamago
The "Sun Egg" costs a whopping $3,000 [Photo: DronG/]

3. Ruby Roman grapes

Of course, the most expensive grapes in the world – you guessed it – also come from Japan. A bunch of grapes is almost the size of a ping pong ball and there are around 30 of the little fruits on a vine. Prices vary, in 2011 a bunch of grapes was auctioned for over 5,000 euros.

Grapes Ruby Roman
A Ruby Roman cluster is almost the size of a ping pong ball [Photo: SofART/]

2. Densuke watermelon

Twenty-four pounds is probably a difference to conventional watermelons. No more than 10,000 of the fruits are grown in Japan annually. In terms of price, this melon is almost at the top of our ranking - you have to put a proud 6,000 US dollars on the table to enjoy this melon.

Watermelon Densuke
The Densuke watermelon costs a whopping $6,000 each [Photo: retirementbonus/]

1. Yubari melon

The most expensive fruit in the world is this melon from Japan. You have to pay an incredible 23,000 US dollars for this fruit. The fruits are looked after individually as they grow, have a small hat to protect them from the sun and are even massaged daily. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether this is normal.

Melon Yubari
You have to pay a whopping 23,000 US dollars for the Yubari melon [Photo: Kim han bit/]

It doesn't always have to be expensive, do you find the unusual just as interesting? Then you should check this out 5 fruits you probably haven't heard of, look at.

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