Fertilizing the lawn: When is the right time?

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The correct timing of lawn fertilization in spring and autumn is of great importance. We reveal when and how often the lawn should be fertilized.

As spring or autumn approaches, most lawn owners realize that they probably have to lawn to be fertilizedto keep it healthy, green and dense. We explain the correct fertilization times.

Not only the Choosing the right fertilizer, the timing is also important. For example, nitrogen fertilization at the wrong time can promote frost damage or fungal diseases. If the lawn is fertilized too late, important potassium is not used to strengthen the frost hardiness of grasses. Below we explain when and how often a lawn should be fertilized to keep it healthy.


  • When and how often should you fertilize the lawn?
    • Fertilize the lawn in spring
    • Fertilize the lawn in the fall

When and how often should you fertilize the lawn?

When and how often to fertilize depends on the type of soil and the fertilizer used. In general, a lawn is fertilized two to three times a year. The first fertilization in spring stimulates budding, the second fertilization in early summer prepares the lawn for the hardships of summer. The third fertilization in the fall gets the lawn plants safely through the cold season. Organic fertilization is generally carried out a month earlier than mineral or organo-mineral fertilization.

Notice: The earliest fertilization is unnecessary on heavy soils that do not need any help to start sprouting.

Fertilize the lawn in spring

On heavy, clay-rich soils, the first fertilization takes place in May or June and only two doses are applied per year. Organic fertilizers should be applied accordingly in April or May. On light, sandy soils, the first fertilization is carried out in March or April, provided that the weather is already growing. Organic fertilizers are therefore applied in February or March. At this point it is possible to spread a larger amount of organic fertilizer so that you only have to fertilize twice a year.

lawn cross section
The time of fertilization also depends on the condition of the soil [Photo: fotoslaz/ Shutterstock.com]

Medium-heavy, loamy-sandy or loess soils can be fertilized for the first time between these dates. You should use an organic fertilizer - this way you can rule out damage to the lawn, soil or environment, even if you don't get the perfect time to fertilize your lawn. Or you can observe the timing of budding and the slowdown in growth and use your observations as a guide for the following year. It is best to fertilize a month before you suspect a nutrient requirement with a primarily organic lawn fertilizer such as our Plantura Organic Lawn Fertilizer.

If you need more detailed information about spring care of your lawn, we recommend this article Lawn fertilization in spring. Also this one, next to the fertilization also the first Mowing and scarifying in spring treated might be of interest to you.

Summary of lawn fertilization in spring:

  • Fertilize for the first time in March/April on light soils and in May/June on heavy soils. Organic fertilization takes place one month earlier
  • On medium-heavy soils, we strongly recommend using mostly organic fertilizers or a very close observation of the budding and growth - otherwise lawn damage or washouts can occur
  • The primarily organic fertilizer can be applied early and in sufficient quantities to ensure supply throughout the summer

Fertilize the lawn in the fall

The last lawn fertilization is generally between June and October. If you use a mineral or organo-mineral slow-release fertilizer for autumn lawn fertilization If you want to use it, make sure that its duration of action ends in October at the latest is. In this way, you can rule out leaching into the groundwater and frost damage to the lawn.

You can be a little more carefree with an organic autumn lawn fertilizer - like ours Plantura Organic Autumn Lawn Fertilizer - bypass. If some of this remains in the ground over the winter, it is hardly released any further because of the cold temperatures and can only be used again when the spring warms up. However, do not apply an organic fertilizer too late either, so that the lawn has enough time to absorb the important potassium. This increases cell wall stability and frost resistance.

Plantura Organic Autumn Lawn Fertilizer
An organic autumn lawn fertilizer with a long-term effect ensures a healthy lawn in the long term

Summary of lawn fertilization in autumn:

  • The last lawn fertilization takes place between June and October
  • Slow release organic fertilizers are the only ones you can actually apply into October. Mineral fertilizers applied too late can cause lawn damage

If you are looking for more information on how to take care of your lawn in the fall, we recommend this article Lawn fertilization in autumn or this one, which is also the last one next to the fertilization Mowing and winter treatment themed.

Everything else about the big topic "fertilize lawn“ You can find out in our overview article.

More information about different lawn fertilizers can also be obtained here.

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