How long should you not step on turf?

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When can you step on turf?

table of contents

  • New turf
  • When can I step on turf?
  • Entering the turf too early
  • frequently asked Questions

They want yours race create a new one, but don't wait long for results? Then you are sure to use turf turf. This immediately shows a closed lawn cover after laying out. The lush green area tempts you to enter it directly. But is it allowed? We'll tell you how long you shouldn't step on turf.

In a nutshell

  • immediately treadable, but not resilient
  • Avoid walking in the first two weeks
  • completely playable after 6 to 8 weeks

New turf

Rolled lawn is a kind of lawn carpet that is laid in the garden. It is not artificial turf, but a living product. Rolled turf is used in special nurseries and can then be bought in hardware stores or online. The fresh product should be relocated immediately after purchase. You need direct contact with the culture medium in order to take root in it. Rolled lawns need less time than conventional lawns to form a complete sward. Due to its lush green, it quickly gives the impression that it can be used in full immediately. However, this is not the case.

Laying turf
Can you step on newly laid turf directly?

Note: After laying out, the turf has to be good for about 2 weeks water. Water the lawn about 1 to 2 times a day so that it is always root-deep moist. A lawn sprinkler is ideal for this.

When can I step on turf?

Basically, turf is right after Embarrassed step-resistant. Careful walking is therefore possible. However, since the roots of the rolled turf are only connected to the nutrient substrate after 2 weeks, the turf is not yet resilient. Therefore, it should be spared at the beginning. Therefore, in the first 1 to 2 weeks:

  • Avoid entering if possible
  • Only step on the turf if absolutely necessary
  • as few and large steps as possible
  • no violent occurrence

After about 6 to 10 weeks, the turf is fully rooted. This means that the lawn is now fully resilient and can be played on in a regular way. Only in frosty conditions should the turf now not be stepped on. As a result, grasses break off and lawn diseases are favored.

Do not step on the turf
After laying, turf should not be stepped on if possible.

Tip: You can easily check whether your lawn is already rooted by pulling on blades of grass along the edge. If you can lift the lawn, the roots are still loose.

Entering the turf too early

Any stress on the lawn can lead to damage. If the turf is loaded too much at the beginning, the roots will be torn out of their positions again. As a result, they cannot find a hold in the nutrient medium. The lawn will then not grow properly. This can have consequences:

  • unsightly gaps in the lawn
  • possibly dents in the underground
  • It is necessary to level or close the holes
  • Holes as entry point for lawn diseases
Holes in the turf
Entering too early can create holes in the turf.

Note: The lawnmower is also the cause of some holes. The moisture from watering can make it too heavy and then leave traces in fresh sward. Let the lawn area dry a little before mowing.

frequently asked Questions

Can I step on the turf while it is being laid out?

Jain. When creating new turf areas, stepping on can probably not be avoided. To minimize the damage, lay out boards beforehand. Only then should the turf be stepped on when laying. Then you can remove the boards again.

Can my children play on the lawn as soon as it is laid out?

No. To be on the safe side, you should wait the first two weeks before doing any physical activity. You can, however, walk across the lawn to the sandpit with your child or run your dog over it.

When should you mow turf for the first time?

Rolled lawns should only be mowed when they are already lightly rooted. This is the case after about a week. The stalks are then about 6 cm long. You can now carefully cut by a third with a lawn mower.