Caring for succulents: watering, fertilizing & Co.

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Succulents are generally undemanding. Nevertheless, you should know certain tips and tricks in order to really meet their requirements.

Succulent planting shovel rake
Succulents also enjoy a pot with fresh substrate [Photo: Chamille White/]

Who does not know her? The water-storing succulents are considered a popular houseplant and can also be seen in Germany with some species in gardens. The desert-like plants, distinguished by their thick-fleshed leaves or stems, are considered are generally considered to be particularly easy to care for and pose hardly any problems even for people without a "green thumb". represent. But even with these plants, it is important to pay attention to a few points when caring for them, which we will present below.


  • Care requirements of succulents
  • Water succulents properly
  • Fertilize succulents properly
  • Repot succulents
    • When are succulents repotted?
    • How and with which substrate are succulents repotted?
  • Overwintering Succulents: Hardy Species

Care requirements of succulents

For the majority of succulents, which include a large number of families and genera, the maintenance effort is very low. For example, the heat-loving plants tolerate the lack of watering during the summer vacation without any problems. When it comes to succulents, however, always pay attention to the right location: due to the desert-like origins of many

Succulent Species a sunny and warm location makes sense. In summer, the thick-leaved plants can also stay in the garden without any problems.

Water succulents properly

An important aspect of the undemanding succulents is always the right amount of water. It is better to water too little than too much, because succulents react to an oversupply of water and waterlogging with root rot. The cultivation of the unusual plants is specialized in storing water in the plant organs, so they only need little moisture. Nevertheless, a succulent should also be watered lightly about once a week. After watering, however, always pour the water off the saucer or planter.

Cactus is poured
Cacti and other succulents don't need much water [Photo: Piyabuth/]

Fertilize succulents properly

As with the subject of water, the use of fertilizer should also be viewed with caution. Fast-growing succulents can be fertilized about every three weeks with special cactus and succulent fertilizer to provide the plant with enough nutrients. The fertilizers are characterized by a high potassium content and are tailored to the needs of water-storing plants. In terms of resource-saving use, the use of organic fertilizers is a good idea. In addition, this has a much gentler effect on the plant than conventional fertilizer. The same applies here: You should avoid overdosing so that the roots do not get burned. Slow-growing succulents, on the other hand, usually do not need any fertilizer at all.

Here are all the tips for the proper care of succulents:

  • Warm and sunny location
  • Water only a little; Absolutely avoid waterlogging
  • Fertilize only fast-growing succulents; about every three weeks
Repotting succulents
Succulents are extremely easy to care for [Photo: Marina-foodblogger/]

Repot succulents

Repotting succulents is an important step from time to time to provide new substrate and increase volume for the roots. If the previous pot has become too small, a correspondingly larger one should be selected. We show what you should pay attention to.

When are succulents repotted?

With succulents, it is sufficient to change the substrate every two to three years. The ideal time for this is spring, when the growing season begins slowly. This gives the plant enough time to adapt to the changed conditions during the summer.

Floragard cactus soil and various succulents
With succulents, it is sufficient to change the substrate every two to three years

How and with which substrate are succulents repotted?

Choosing the right substrate is key to properly repotting succulents, as moisture-sensitive plants require well-drained soil. We recommend a special Cactus and succulent soil, which optimally supplies your plants with all the nutrients and has the right properties.

If you have carefully removed the plant from the old pot, you should also line the new pot with potsherds before planting. These serve as a drainage layer and automatically prevent waterlogging on the ground. Basically, a clay pot is preferable to a plastic pot, as the moisture accumulates much less in it.

Repotting succulents at a glance:

  • Every 2-3 years in spring
  • special Substrate for cacti and succulents
  • Clay pot instead of plastic pot
  • Drainage layer of potsherds at the bottom

Overwintering Succulents: Hardy Species

Succulents are not only popular ornamental plants in the house - they also contribute to a beautiful picture in the garden. But by no means all succulents survive the frosty winter in Germany. The following succulents also defy the temperatures in the cold season:

  • Several yucca species including Yucca filamentosa and Yucca baccata
  • Cacti such as opuntia (prickly pear), below Optuntia tortispina
  • echeveria like Echeveria elegans
  • Sedum hens, which are also very common in temperate climates; including, for example, the Magnificent Stonecrop (Hylotelephium spectabile)
Succulents in the winter frost
There are definitely hardy succulents [Photo: Iuliia Kudrina/]

When overwintering succulents in Germany, the wet factor must be taken into account. In autumn, make sure that the plant can overwinter as sheltered from the rain as possible, ideally by standing in a rain-protected place or by protecting it with a superstructure.

Not only is succulents easy to care for, propagation is usually not a big challenge either. In our special article you will find out how you propagate succulents be able.

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