Ilex bald: how to react correctly

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Ilex balded

table of contents

  • root cause
  • time
  • tool
  • Taper cut: instructions
  • frequently asked Questions

If your ilex is balding, there is no need to worry too much. The trees can be brought back into shape with the right measures. How to properly care for the holly.

In a nutshell

  • Ilex balds due to neglected cutting measures
  • Make a taper cut
  • best time in March or June

root cause

Failure to cut is the most common cause when the ilex becomes bald. In the case of slow-growing trees such as the holly with a maximum of 15 centimeters per year, an annual pruning is sometimes forgotten. If this happens over a longer period of time, the wood will bare from below. This is shown by the following symptoms:

  • sparse foliage
  • There is no leaf formation
  • Shoots look old or dry
  • Ilex looks unsightly
Ilex aquifolium hedge
Regular care protects the ilex (here I. aquifolium) before balding.

Balding can be seen especially in older specimens that have not been pruned for several years. In order to let the plant shine in lush green again, it needs a rejuvenating cut. By tapering pruning, you reduce the plant by a large part of the existing material. The cut drives the ilex to sprout again, which is effective against balding.

Note: Holly are robust and hardly susceptible to diseases and pests. Because of this, they are not responsible if the ilex becomes bald.


Once you've decided on a taper cut, you have to wait and see for the right time. Although holly tolerates pruning, you should not arbitrarily cut the wood. The ideal time to rejuvenate Ilex specimens is one of the following dates:

  • middle of March
  • end of June
Ilex with snow in winter

If you decide to cut in spring, you should make sure that the holly is not unnecessarily weakened by the cut. For this reason, in March, you should only do the taper pruning if the following points do not appear:

  • snow
  • Night frosts
  • frozen floors

If it is too dangerous, be sure to postpone the date to the end of June. This way you won't put unnecessary pressure on the holly.


You will need the right tool to make the taper cut. This includes:

  • Garden or pruning shears
  • gloves
  • Stepladder
Sharpen secateurs with a sharpening steel
Sharp and clean tools minimize the risk of injury to the plants.

Make sure that the scissors are disinfected and sharpened before you cut the wood. This is particularly important if you have previously cut diseased plants with scissors. The stepladder helps you to reach difficult places. The gloves protect against injuries caused by the leaves. They are provided with sharp thorns that can be very painful.

Note: Also wear long clothes when cutting holly to avoid injuring yourself on the leaves. The growth allows you to come into contact with the thorns quickly.

Taper cut: instructions

As soon as the appointment comes, you can start editing. Don't be surprised if your specimens have lost a lot of mass after being cut. The loss of plant material stimulates growth. The following instructions explain the cut in detail:

  1. First, examine the plant, look for the bare branches and mark them with tape or string if necessary. Also, get an idea of ​​the shape of the holly. Neglected specimens are often wider at the top than at the bottom, which means that the deeper branches no longer receive enough sun.
  2. Now cut off the bare shoots completely. To do this, place the scissors directly on the trunk and remove the branch or shoot. Just be careful not to damage the trunk. The loss of mass is already clearly visible here.
  3. The tapering cut can be perfectly combined with a general maintenance cut. To do this, not only remove the bare branches, but also dry, dead, injured or sick ones, as otherwise possible diseases could spread further.
  4. Do not forget to shorten shoots that are growing crosswise or diagonally outwards or inwards or to remove them completely if necessary. They often compete with other shoots, negatively affecting the overall growth and lushness of the plant.
  5. If you want, you can give the holly a shape to finish off. A shaped cut is especially necessary if the crown has to be shortened at the top so that the ilex becomes wider at the bottom. Then dispose of the trimmings and take care of the plant as usual.
Cut Ilex crenata

frequently asked Questions

How can you prevent further balding?

Be sure to give your holly an annual grooming cut. This keeps the plant vital and it is not neglected. You don't have to worry about the small growth of around 15 centimeters per year. The plants are protected from balding thanks to annual pruning measures.

How are bald cuttings disposed of?

You can easily dispose of the bald cuttings of the holly on the compost. as long as they were not sick or infested with pests. You don't have to worry about the toxic ingredients in the crop. These are decomposed during the rotting process and no longer pose a threat to humans or animals.

What else should you watch out for during the cut?

Since Ilex species are poisonous in all parts of the plant, you should also wear the gloves as protection against leaking plant sap. If they come into contact with sensitive skin areas or injuries that have already been sustained, they can lead to further symptoms of poisoning and pain.