Fight and drive away slugs in the garden

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We show whether home remedies such as coffee grounds and beer traps really help against snails and how biological remedies can fight the snail plague.

Slugs in the garden
Nobody likes to have voracious slugs in their garden [Photo: Ja Crispy/]

Spring is finally here! The beds are prepared and the first vegetables such as spinach, radishes and onions are already in full growth and the first harvest is eagerly awaited. But there you reckoned without the naked, slimy eating machine. Yes, we are talking here about the snail, more precisely about the slug.


  • Slugs are true eating machines
  • The slug – an underestimated pest
  • Preventive measures against a snail invasion
  • Combating unwanted snails
  • The following products have proven effective in combating snails:

Slugs are true eating machines

Especially after a mild winter, whole snail plagues can appear in spring. The reason for this is that after a warm winter, not only the frost-resistant eggs survive, but also the adults. If there was also a stronger snail infestation in the last year, an invasion of snails unfortunately cannot be avoided. In damp weather, they come out of their hiding places and set course for almost all vegetable and garden plants, because snails are definitely not particularly choosy. However, if you are given a choice between young and old leaves, the choice will always be fresh and young leaves. For this reason, young plants and seedlings are particularly at risk from snail damage. The feeding organ of the snails, also called radula or rasp tongue, is responsible for the large holes in the leaves. You can imagine the rasp tongue like many chainsaws next to each other. The leaves of our garden plants are then processed with several 10,000 microscopically small teeth. The result is then partly completely eaten plants, where only the leaf stalks remain. Because of their feeding power and unbridled appetite, slugs are often one of the biggest problems in a home gardener's garden.

Slug on strawberries
Ripe strawberries are also very popular with slugs. [Photo: Masianya/]

The slug – an underestimated pest

Snail species include snails from several snail families and therefore slugs are not a unified systematic group. However, this is irrelevant for preventive and combative measures, because pretty much every slug also has its sights on our beloved garden plants. On the other hand, snails are usually not a threat because they only eat withered leaves and avoid fresh leaf material. One might assume that slugs are poorly protected by the lack of a shell. However, the slime of some slugs, such as the Spanish slug, is so bitter that natural predators such as hedgehogs spurn them.

In addition, slugs are more mobile due to the lack of a shell and can cover longer distances. Because of this, plants in drier areas are also potentially at risk. Another problem is the sexual behavior of snails. Snails are hermaphrodites and therefore not dependent on sexual partners of different sexes. This is also a reason for their high number of offspring and the frequent occurrence in almost every garden. If you have problems with snails, you can learn about visits from mice, birds, frogs, toads, Slow worms and ground beetles are happy, because the slugs or their eggs are at the top of the list for these animals menu.

Tiger slug in the garden
The tiger slug devours its fellow species that are harmful to plants. [Photo: Fotoz by David G/]

Preventive measures against a snail invasion

Since snails cannot regulate their water balance themselves, they are dependent on a moist environment. You can be sure that a slug will only leave its wet hiding place if it doesn't risk drying up. For this reason, more serious feeding damage from snails is only to be expected in damp weather or during the cooler nights. There are countless methods advertised online to keep snails away from your plants. For example, beer traps and copper are recommended. A new agent made from liverwort extract also promises effective protection against slugs. Find out whether these home remedies are really effective and which measures we can recommend in detail here.

Combating unwanted snails

The most common means of combating it is and will probably remain this slug pellets. The ease of use is probably what makes it so attractive to most home gardeners. However, slug pellets are not all the same, there are sometimes significant differences in the environmental compatibility of the ingredients. There are now alternatives on the market. These include, for example ducks, which should combat the snail plague within a few days. In addition to the animal helpers, there are now also biological preparations. This is how the home remedy can Coffee grounds against snails be used. There is also a nematode species that preys on slugs. If you choose the Fighting snails If you are interested, whether with slug pellets or biological methods, then you are in the right place in our special article! In addition to the effectiveness of the control agents, it is particularly important to the Plantura team that the agents are not toxic and therefore do not pollute their own garden and the environment.

The following products have proven effective in combating snails:

  • slug lock: Natural product made from ground neem seeds; strengthens the plant and is therefore no longer eaten by pests
  • slug pellets: With natural iron compound; works effectively while protecting pets, hedgehogs and earthworms; nature-friendly and rain-stable
  • Order set beneficial insects: Tick the desired beneficial item on the order form, send it in and receive it conveniently by post

tip: Another option for crop protection Ysos. The herb can not only be used as a spice, but also keeps snails and other pests away.

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