Pruning standard roses: what should be considered?

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In order for standard roses to retain their compact growth form, they must be pruned correctly. We show you how to proceed correctly when pruning standard roses.

cutting roses
For a smooth cut with roses you need the right tool [Photo: schab/]

roses (pink) in bush or trellis form are too boring for you? A special eye-catcher for the garden are so-called standard roses. These only take up a small area and still impress with many flowers. However, most roses do not form a stem naturally. For this purpose, suitable varieties must be selected and grafted onto specially cultivated wild rose shoots. Regular pruning is the only way to ensure that the shape of the crown is retained and the rose blooms magnificently. We have summarized all the important aspects that need to be considered in this article for you.

When should you prune standard roses?

The best time to prune roses is in early spring (March/April) when the forsythia (Forsythia × intermediate) are blooming and new growth of the stem roses has not yet started. Then no more severe frosts should be expected, which could damage the plant after pruning.

Pruning stem roses: the right way to do it

All young side shoots of standard roses should be cut back to about four buds. The cut should always be made at an angle over a bud that is growing outwards. It is best to use sharp pruning shears for this so that the cut is as smooth as possible. Further pruning measures can possibly contribute to the preservation of the crown. However, do not cut all the shoots to one height, as this looks unnatural.

tree roses
Tree roses need regular pruning to keep their shape [Photo: chabz/]

You should also cut out broken, thin and crossing shoots. Make sure the crown is loosely built, as this allows enough light and air to get inside to prevent disease. If you leave too many shoots in a variety that blooms often, this can also lead to the rose only forming short shoots with weak flowers.

However, the opposite is the case with cascading roses, in which strong-growing climbing roses have been grafted onto the stems. These tolerate only a slight pruning. With these varieties, only shorten the shoots that have become too long and, if necessary, remove some older shoots to encourage new growth.

Summary Pruning stem roses:

  1. Prune standard roses in spring (March/April).
  2. Use sharp tool
  3. Always cut above an outward-facing bud
  4. Shorten young side shoots to four eyes
  5. Ensure a loose crown build-up
  6. Consider special varietal characteristics

Would you like to have your own standard rose? An overview of beautiful standard rose varieties can be found in our special article. More information about the right one rose cut can also be found here.