Red Star Reinette: Portrait of the Red Reinette

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The 'Red Star Reinette' used to be the classic Christmas apple because of its almost perfectly star-shaped peel points. The old variety is still very popular today because of its good taste and robustness.

Apple tree Red star reindeer
The star reindeer forms conspicuous lenticels on its shell [Photo: IZO/]

The 'Red Star Reinette' was once widespread and well known. You can still find them in many fruit tree nurseries today, not least because they can be grown in many different locations. Apart from its interesting appearance, to which it owes its name, the fruit of the 'Red Star Reinette' boasts good storage properties and a very pleasant taste.


  • Apple variety 'Rote Sternrenette': profile
  • Origin and history of the apple variety
  • Red star reindeer: taste and properties
  • Special features when growing and caring for the Sternrenette
  • Red star reindeer: harvest and storage

Apple variety 'Rote Sternrenette': profile

synonyms ‘Calville Etoilée’, ‘Pomme de Coeur’, ‘Heart Apple’, ‘Red Reinette’, ‘Christmas Apple’
fruit small to medium sized; purple, scarlet, or dark red body color
the taste moderately juicy, slightly aromatic, sweet and sour
yield low to good; may tend to alternation
harvest time early September to mid-October
maturity October to November
shelf life Good; can be stored until January
growth strong
climate high site tolerance
diseases and pests slightly susceptible to pit and codling moth

Origin and history of the apple variety

Not much is known about the origin of the 'Red Star Reinette'. Their origin is assumed to be in Belgium, Luxembourg or the Netherlands. It can be considered certain that the variety is already well over 200 years old, since it was first described in 1790 in Maastricht in Dutch Limburg. The different synonyms of the 'Red Star Reinette' give an indication that the variety at least also gained some popularity in France: ‘Calville Etoilée’ and ‘Pomme de Coeur’ are the apples there called. Other German names include 'Herzapfel', 'Rote Herbstrenette' and of course Christmas apple.

Red star reindeer: taste and properties

The fruit of the 'Red Star Reinette' is small to medium-sized, round or flat-topped with an even surface. The skin is shiny and smooth, hardly greasy and somewhat tough. The body color is washed out crimson, scarlet or dark red. The eponymous star or triangular cork spots (lenticels) on the bowl are striking. The lenticels can partially merge into each other. The flesh of the 'Rote Sternrenette' variety is yellowish white and sometimes shows red vascular bundles and a red tint just under the skin. The meat is hardly sensitive to pressure, medium-firm and moderately juicy. It tastes sweet and sour and slightly aromatic, but slightly perfumed and overall very pleasant.

Special features when growing and caring for the Sternrenette

The advantages of the 'Red Star Reinette' include its high resistance to many diseases and frost as well as the late, long and frost-resistant flowering, the large amount of pollen for pollination and as food for insects offers. Something special is the large location tolerance: the tree of the 'Red Star Reinette' prefers deep, well moist soils and humid locations, but it also produces tasty ones on calcareous or lean soils Fruit.

Apple on Christmas tree
The 'Red Star Reinette' is the classic Christmas apple: red, shiny and delicious [Photo: Tatyana Blinova/]

The disadvantage, on the other hand, is the strong vegetative growth, which can easily lead to fluctuating (alternating) yields due to frost, drought or other adversities. For regular harvests, it is also very important that you Prune the apple tree properly. Overall yields are low to good. Late flowering also poses a problem in this regard: In some cases, insects are missing as pollinators at this time, so that only a few fruits are formed.
Last but not least, the 'Red Star Reinette' is slightly susceptible to pit (relative calcium deficiency) and den codling moth.
All in all, the 'Rote Sternrenette' is a good lover's variety, from which tasty but only few fruits can be expected. In small gardens, the strong-growing variety 'Rote Sternrenette' will only succeed on small rootstocks such as MM106. On meadow orchards or in large orchards, it grows on seedlings such as e.g. B. Bittenfeld very well.

Good pollinators are: ‘ontario‘, ‘James Grieve', 'White Klarapfel', 'Baumanns Renette', 'Gloster', 'Graham's anniversary' and 'Landsberger Renette‘.

Tip: Would you like to encourage insects in your garden to ensure pollination of your apple tree? An easy way is to sow a flower meadow like this Plantura beneficial insect magnet in tubs, boxes or as a real lawn in your garden.

Red star reindeer: harvest and storage

Depending on the weather, the 'Red Star Reinette' is ready to be picked between the beginning of September and mid-October. The ripeness for consumption thus sets in between October and November. Because the fruits are not wind resistant, it is possible that some may be shaken off by autumn storms before harvest. However, the 'Red Star Reinette' is so little sensitive to pressure that the fallen fruit can often still be used - but not stored.
Apples picked early almost never rot in storage. In good conditions - darkness, coolness and medium humidity - the 'Red Star Reinette' gives around to January makes a very good dessert apple and can of course be used as a polished Christmas apple at Christmas will. From about February, however, the fruit becomes mealy.
The 'Red Star Reinette' is also suitable for making juice.

The 'Zabergäu Renette' can be stored better than the 'Red Star Renette' - the variety can be stored until March. In this article we present you the ‘Zabergau Renette' and interesting facts about their cultivation and care.