Hardy exotic species: bananas, cacti & Co.

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Equipping the garden with exotic plants is attractive. But often the winter limits the choice. So which exotic species are hardy?

Green banana leaves
Exotic and hardy plants in the garden can satisfy winter wanderlust [Photo: Jewelzz/ Shutterstock.com]

It doesn't matter whether you're on vacation or just looking at photos from the Caribbean: The feeling of finding something unique from the Caribbean Plant life and wanting to have a little bit of vacation in the house is something that everyone quickly overcomes, especially in winter once. A unique plant that does well even in our latitudes would be ideal. In this article we will show you various plants that can withstand the frosts in our region.


  • Hardy Bamboo: Suitable Species and Varieties
  • Hardy Bananas: All-season varieties in the garden
  • Hardy Calla
  • Hardy cacti: Hardy and frost-tolerant varieties
  • Hardy succulents

Hardy Bamboo: Suitable Species and Varieties

For fans of Asian culture, bamboo is probably the best way to feel as close to this continent as possible. With careful planning and a little knowledge of hardy species, this Asian magic can also unfold its effect in the cold season. In the following we will show you the most beautiful types of bamboo, which will also inspire you in winter.

Muriel Bamboo (Fragsia murielae)

  • bamboo with a height of 2-3 m; light green foliage; suitable for a sunny to semi-shady location with preferably slightly acidic soil
  • hardy to -25 °C
  • clump-forming and not rampant growth
  • suitable as a single plant in the bed, as a container plant or as a hedge plant
  • must always be kept moist
  • popular varieties: 'Brilliant', 'Standing Stone'
Does not have to be planted in a bed: the Muriel bamboo is also suitable as a container plant [Photo: wsf-s/ Shutterstock.com]

fountain bamboo (Fragsia nitida)

  • reaches growth heights of up to 4 m
  • hardy to about -25 °C
  • lush green foliage
  • suitable for sunny to semi-shady locations with nutrient-rich but well-drained soil
  • In addition to being planted in beds, it is also suitable for containers
  • popular variety: 'Jiuzhaigou 1'

Japanese Arrow Bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica)

  • 3 to 5 m high growing
  • particularly hardy down to -20 °C
  • rather light green leaves
  • Suitable for both damp and drier locations

Hardy Bananas: All-season varieties in the garden

With hardy banana trees (Musa) create an exotic flair that few other plants can evoke. Normally, these plants are native to milder climates without frost, but there are some species that defy low temperatures down to -10 °C. If severe frosts are expected, you should use winter protection to be on the safe side, regardless of the comparatively pronounced frost tolerance.

Japanese Fiber Banana (Musa basjoo)

  • hardiest known species; resistant to -15 °C
  • also blooms in our latitudes after mild winters
  • reaches heights of 2.5 to 3 m
  • prefers a sunny but wind-protected location
Japanese banana
The Japanese fiber banana is the hardiest species known [Photo: Marvin1er/ Shutterstock.com]

Darjeeling banana (Musa sikkimensis)

  • Perennials resistant to -5 °C and rhizome to -15 °C
  • sunny and sheltered location
  • Variety: 'Red Tiger'

What to look out for Buying banana plants you should pay attention to, you can find out here. And how not to hardy Banana trees overwinter, we explain in this article.

Hardy Calla

The Dragonroot (Calla palustris) originates from the South African swamps and has adapted to very humid and extremely dry periods. It impresses with its pure white flowers. The wild form of the beautiful garden plant is even native and can rarely be admired in the wild in damp habitats (moist meadows, moors). The native dragon root survives the winter unscathed, although the above-ground part of the plant retracts in winter. However, the calla will sprout again next year without any problems. But be careful: it is more problematic with the similar-looking room calla (Zantedeschia). This is by no means hardy. It originally comes from Africa and should not be exposed to temperatures below 10 °C.

White calla in a pond
The calla from South Africa also survives cold winters compared to the indoor calla [Photo: Helga_foto/ Shutterstock.com]

Hardy cacti: Hardy and frost-tolerant varieties

The cactus family (Cactaceae) fascinates with their arrangement of thorns and sometimes very exotic flowers. There are also a large number of variations within the color of the flowers. We introduce you to the most beautiful types and varieties for the cold season.

tree cholla (Cylindropuntia imbricata 'pinky)

  • grows in dense columns
  • Flower color: pink
  • hardy to -25 °C

Oklahoma cone cactus (Echinocereus Reichenbachii)

  • grows cylindrical with dense spines
  • Flower color: purple
  • hardy to -20 °C

Beehive Cactus (Escobaria vivipara)

  • small spherical cactus
  • Flower color: pink-purple
  • hardy to -35 °C
Beehive cactus with pink flowers in the garden
The small beehive cactus can withstand temperatures as low as -35°C [Photo: D Gentilcore/ Shutterstock.com]

stick cactus (Opuntia imbricata)

  • jointed to succulent growth up to 100 cm high
  • Flower color: pink-purple
  • hardy to -25 °C

Brown prickly thorn pear (Opuntia phaeacantha 'orangeade)

  • medium-sized cactus with a limbed habit
  • Flower color: orange
  • hardy to -20 °C

opuntia (Opuntia polyacantha)

  • compact, articulated growth up to 25 cm in height
  • Flower Color: Yellow
  • hardy to -30 °C
Opuntia polycantha with yellow flowers
Beautiful even after the winter: the opuntia has yellow flowers [Photo: Holly Guerrio/ Shutterstock.com]

Hardy succulents

Succulents are plants with fleshy, water-storing organs such as a shoot or leaves. Cacti are also classified as succulents. But in addition to the thorny water reservoirs, there are a number of other beautiful and hardy succulents. As a rule, these succulents remain very low, with the exception of the sprawling agaves. The following variants are suitable for more or less severe winters in your garden:

agave (Agave neomexicana)

  • sprawling growth; 60-100cm height
  • Flower color: blue
  • hardy to -20 °C
  • location: sunny; bucket

king agave (Agave victoriae reginae 'Queen Victoria')

  • sprawling growth; 60-80cm in height
  • Flower color: blue
  • hardy to -12 °C; possibly. winter protection
  • location: sunny; bucket

stonecrop (sedum)

  • carpet-like growth; 5-10cm in height
  • flower color: yellow; Flowering period: June/July
  • hardy to -20 °C
  • location: sunny; rock gardens, wall joints

Cobweb Houseleek (Sempervivum arachnoideum)

  • rosette-like growth; 3 - 10 cm in height
  • flower color: pink; Flowering period: June/July
  • hardy to -20 °C
  • location: sunny; Rock gardens, green roofs, dry stone walls
Sempervivum arachnoideum with purple tips
The cobweb houseleek has its Latin name for a reason, because it is also robust enough for the winter in our latitudes [Photo: helga_sm/ Shutterstock.com]

A great overview hardy plants, we have put together for you here.