Wax renette from Benediktbeuern: profile

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The apple variety Wachsrenette from Benediktbeuern produces small, flat-round fruits and comes from the area around Benediktbeuern in the Bavarian foothills of the Alps. The flesh is firm and aromatic-spicy.

  • Robust growth and good for harsh climates
  • The smooth, waxy-fatty, yellow-green and rust-brown colored shell skin is characteristic
  • Juicy and aromatic-spicy pulp; low fruit acid
  • Ideal as a storage apple

I'm a graduate industrial engineer, but I've always been an enthusiastic hobby gardener at heart. I have been growing fruit and vegetables in my own garden for over ten years, and my passion lies above all in rare and special varieties.
Favorite fruit: Red-fleshed peaches and pluots (apricot/plum hybrid)
Favorite vegetables: kale, tomatoes and cardoon

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