Common Starling: Bird Call, Breeding Season & Co.

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What do starlings eat? How do you differentiate between males and females or even the young animals? We answer these and other questions about the starling in our large species portrait.

Starlings in the grass
The common starling is one of the most common birds in the world

The Common Star (sturnus vulgaris) is an everyday bird in the truest sense of the word. Not only is it a frequent visitor to our parks and gardens, it is also one of the most widespread and common bird species in the world. Its dazzling plumage, large song repertoire and elegant swarm formations make it a real "star" among songbirds. However, all of that could change soon. Because the stocks of the starling have been declining sharply for several decades. Due to the increasing intensification of agricultural land and the use of pesticides, the starling is gradually losing its habitat and food source. In the meantime, the species has even been classified as “endangered” on the Red List in Germany. To draw attention to this dramatic development, the star was voted "Bird of the Year 2018".


  • Profile of the star
  • This is how you recognize the star
    • What does the star's singing sound like?
    • What does a young star look like?
    • How do you recognize the star's eggs?
    • How do females and males differ in starlings?
    • Where do the birds live?
    • Where and how does the starling build its nest?
    • When are starlings breeding season?
    • What do starlings do in winter?
  • This is how you can support the common starling in the garden
    • What do starlings eat?
    • Which nest box is suitable for the starling?
    • How can you give him additional support?

Profile of the star

size Approximately 21-22cm
Weight About 70-90g
breeding season March - June
lifespan About 3 years
habitat Grassland or lawns with adjacent tall trees
feed preference Worms, Spiders, Insects
threats Agricultural intensification and pesticide use

This is how you recognize the star

The appearance of the star can vary greatly depending on the light. From a distance and in shady places, the starling appears at first glance to be a simple, black bird with a yellow beak, and is therefore quick to spot a blackbird be confused. But if you take a second look, you will quickly see the difference: the starling's plumage is dotted with white speckles and shimmers in the sun in metallic greens, blues, and shades of purple. The shape of the starling is also rather short-tailed and lacks the typical hopping locomotion of blackbirds. In flight, the starling can also be easily recognized by its pointed wings.

In fact, the star owns two different feather dresses that he shows off depending on the season. In spring it shows itself in a noble, black plumage with colored shimmers, pale, light spots and a bright yellow beak tip. In winter, on the other hand, he wears the so-called plain dress, which has a more grey-brown touch, a dark beak and strongly pronounced, light spots.

Star in a simple dress
The term "simple dress" is rather out of place with this sight [Photo: xpixel/]

What does the star's singing sound like?

The star is a downright creative singer. Its varied song consists of loud, drawn-out whistles, chattering elements and a range of fabulous imitations - voices of other birds, such as magpies or birds of prey, the noises around them and even the ringing of mobile phones. In addition, the starling has numerous other bird calls, such as the hoarse warning call at the nest: "Stääh".

You can listen to the star's vocals here:

What does a young star look like?

Young starlings are not nearly as gorgeous as their parents. Free-flying young birds are already distinguished by the finished size and shape of the starlings and the long, pointed beak. This is dark in color and therefore matches the monotonous grey-brown plumage. However, the young starlings change very quickly into the adult plumage and already show fully colored plumage in the first winter.

young common star
Young starlings are still somewhat inconspicuous

How do you recognize the star's eggs?

The female lays four to eight light green to light blue, monochromatic eggs about 3 centimeters in size. These are embedded in a loose nest of dry stalks, leaves and roots, which is padded with fresh greenery, feathers and animal hair. Also particularly popular are woven herbs, whose essential oils serve as a natural defense against mites and bacteria and thus promote successful rearing of the young animals.

How do females and males differ in starlings?

The difference between males and females in the starlings is only visible in the breeding plumage. While the males show a dark, shiny metallic chest, the females have a few bright spots. In addition, the females have a uniformly yellow bill with a slightly lightening base, while the males have a distinct grey-blue bill base.

Starling females in breeding plumage
The female's beak is uniformly yellow [Photo: Anatoliy Lukich/]

Where do the birds live?

The distribution area of ​​the star stretches across large parts of Europe and Asia to northwestern Mongolia. The species was also introduced into North America, where it inhabits almost the entire continent, in small parts of South Africa and South Australia and in New Zealand. Starlings use a wide range of semi-open habitats, such as open forests, cultivated landscapes, settlements and even city centers. Short-grass areas for foraging and tree stocks with caves or other nesting places are important to them.

Where and how does the starling build its nest?

As cave breeders, the starling prefers to build its nest in natural tree cavities. In adapting to human habitats, however, today it also uses a number of other cave-like structures, such as building niches or nesting boxes. The male begins building the nest to attract a female. Once a pair has finally found each other, they complete the nest together.

When are starlings breeding season?

The females lay their eggs between mid and late April. This is followed by an incubation period of 11 to 13 days. After hatching, the young birds develop in their nests for three weeks and are fed by their parents around the clock during this time. After that they leave the nest and are fed by the adult animals for some time. Although the females usually only raise one clutch per season, the males often look for a second partner to start another brood with.

Starlings in nest cavity
Starlings are dedicated cave nesters [Photo: Martin Mecnarowski/]

What do starlings do in winter?

Our native starlings spend the winter in the warm Mediterranean region, but they are one of the first species to return to their breeding grounds as early as February. Nevertheless, starlings can also be observed in Germany in winter. These are then mainly winter guests from more northern regions. Although starlings breed in pairs, the rest of the year they travel in large flocks of up to several thousand individuals. They are particularly well-known for their synchronized flight maneuvers, which create fascinating swarm formations.

Stare in formation
Flocks of starlings are known for their impressive formations [Photo: Albert Beukhof/]

This is how you can support the common starling in the garden

The progressive loss of habitat, food and nesting opportunities means that starlings are increasingly dependent on our support. By promoting structurally rich cultural landscapes and less intensively used agricultural areas, one automatically supports the protection of starlings. If you want to help in a more targeted way and want to offer the native songbirds a home in your own garden, you will find concrete options here.

What do starlings eat?

Starlings feed mainly on worms, spiders, insects and snails, which they look for in the short grass. However, they also use berries, fruits and seeds and are therefore real "omnivores". If you want to feed something in winter, you don't need to buy any special food. The songbirds use normal soft food mixtures, nuts and fruit. Our Plantura year-round bird food for example, contains lots of rich seeds, berries, and even mealworms, making it ideal for starling feeding. Due to its extra charge of proteins, an addition of feed lime and the components suitable for the beak, it is also suitable for feeding all year round.

Plantura year-round food for wild birds

Plantura year-round food for wild birds

High-protein year-round bird food
for all grain and soft feed eaters,
supports bird parents & their offspring

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If possible, the liner should be placed in such a way that it is protected from rain and the birds cannot sit on it and soil it with their droppings. For more practical tips on building, placing, and cleaning a feeder, see our special article on "Build your own bird feeder“.

Starling foraging
Insects are at the top of the starling's diet

Which nest box is suitable for the starling?

As cavity breeders, starlings prefer fully cavity nest boxes with a small, round entrance hole with a diameter of 45 mm. These artificial nesting aids are surprisingly well received by the colorful birds, so building a star box really pays off. Everything about the right wood, the right positioning and simple assembly instructions can be found in our special article on the topic "Build your own nest box“.

Staring at nest box
Starling nest boxes should have an entry hole of 45mm diameter [Photo: Tobyphotos/]

How can you give him additional support?

If you want to ensure sufficient food in summer as well as winter feeding, you can promote the natural range of insects and small animals in your garden. This goes over a number of bird friendly plants as well as a healthy soil climate. Since starlings like to forage for worms and other small animals in the soil, an active bottom fauna is important for the brilliant singers. With the help of our Plantura organic soil activator you can breathe healthy soil life into your garden in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way Do not only do something good for your plants, but also create a living space for lots of small garden visitors Offer.

Plantura organic soil activator

Plantura organic soil activator

Effective long-term effect, good for the soil, harmless to humans, animals and nature

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On hot days, starlings are also happy about a refreshment option in the form of a bird bath or a bird bath. Both can easily be constructed from a trivet or a flat bowl, because there is no real difference between the two objects. In doing so, you are doing the same for all other garden birds, such as the blackcap or the chiffchaff, something good.

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