Blackbirds: singing, breeding season & Co.

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When do blackbirds, also known as blackbirds, breed? How do males and females differ? You can find out everything you need to know about the blackbird in our profile.

Blackbird with a berry in its beak
The blackbird is a frequent visitor to domestic gardens

Despite its simple appearance, the blackbird (Turdus merula), also called Black Thrush, known as a sore thumb. It is one of our most common native bird species and occurs as a successor to almost all man-made habitats. It is also geographically widespread and is considered a breeding bird in all European countries - except Iceland.


  • Blackbird profile
  • How to recognize the blackbird
    • How does the song of the blackbird sound?
    • How do you recognize the young birds?
    • How do you recognize blackbird eggs?
    • How do male and female blackbirds differ?
    • What does the perfect habitat for blackbirds look like?
    • Where do they build their nest?
    • When is the breeding season of blackbirds?
    • Where do blackbirds spend the winter?
  • Support blackbirds: Here's how
    • What do blackbirds eat?
    • Which nest boxes are suitable for blackbirds?
    • How can blackbirds be given additional support?

Blackbird profile

size About 24cm
Weight About 100g
breeding season April May
lifespan About 5 years
habitat forests, parks and gardens
feed preference Worms, snails, insects, berries and fruits (real "omnivores")
threats Decrease in natural habitat and food supply, Usutu virus

How to recognize the blackbird

The blackbird is very easy to recognize by its deep black plumage, which clearly distinguishes it from other native birds. Only the bright yellow beak and the matching eyelid rings, which are created by an unfeathered area around the eye, add small splashes of color to their appearance. An untrained eye could see the blackbird at most with the star confused, which has a similar shape and coloration. But at second glance it stands out star characterized by its white pearl pattern and the blue-green iridescence of its plumage.

However, all this only applies to the male blackbirds - the females are much more simply colored. For a more detailed description, see the "How do male and female blackbirds differ?" section below.

Blackbird male on branch
Male blackbirds are particularly easy to recognize by their black plumage and yellow beak [Photo: Petr Student/]

How does the song of the blackbird sound?

The song of the blackbird consists of very clear and loud tones that form a melodic stanza. The males usually sit quite exposed and sing from a high vantage point. In contrast to many other species, you have a good chance of spotting the bird on the nearest treetop or the next house roof as soon as you hear the piercing song.

You can listen to the song of the blackbird here:

How do you recognize the young birds?

The young blackbirds have a rather plain appearance. They have brownish plumage with lighter spots on the back, chest, and abdomen. Its beak is rather yellowish-orange with dark spots and the yellow eyelid rings are only hinted at.

Blackbird fledgling on fence
Young blackbirds are still quite inconspicuous [Photo: Puhlmann Photography/]

How do you recognize blackbird eggs?

Blackbirds lay quite showy eggs. These are about three centimeters in size, blue-green in color and overlooked with brown spots. The females lay between three and six eggs per clutch.

Blackbird eggs in the nest
The blackbird's blue-green, speckled eggs are real eye-catchers [Photo: lorenza62/]

How do male and female blackbirds differ?

The female blackbirds look very similar to their young and are just as inconspicuous. They have the same brownish plumage and a slightly lighter chest with dark streaks. The yellow of the beak and eyelid ring is slightly more pronounced than that of young blackbirds, but not as intense as that of males.

Blackbird female on stone
Female blackbirds are slightly more inconspicuous than their mates [Photo: Menno Schaefer/]

What does the perfect habitat for blackbirds look like?

Blackbirds originally settled in dense forests with a lot of undergrowth. Due to the increasing decline in this natural habitat, they also inhabit much more open areas today. They have proven to be quite adaptable, populating parks, gardens and even large cities in large numbers. It is important to have a proportion of open ground or a short lawn where they can search for worms and insects.

Where do they build their nest?

Blackbirds are not very choosy when it comes to the location of their nest. They use trees, shrubs and hedges, but also climbing plants on building walls, or breed in flower boxes on the balcony. They build a nest out of twigs, which is reinforced with moist earth and padded with feathers.

Young bird in the blackbird nest
The location of a blackbird nest is very variable [Photo: Stefan_Sutka/]

When is the breeding season of blackbirds?

The breeding season of blackbirds extends from March to July. During this time up to five broods can be possible. The incubation period for a clutch is about 14 days; then the hatched young are fed for another two weeks in the nest. The young blackbirds then fly out, but remain dependent on the care of their parents for another 14 days before they are on their own.

Where do blackbirds spend the winter?

Blackbirds are considered partial migrants in Europe. This means that only some populations leave their breeding range in winter, while others do not. The decisive factor is how severe the winters are in the respective areas. While our blackbirds usually spend the whole year in Germany, their conspecifics from northern Europe move south more often and are then sometimes our guests.

Support blackbirds: Here's how

Even if blackbirds have adapted very well to human habitats, they - like almost all - lack it Birds - due to the declining tree and insect population of natural nesting opportunities and food offerings. So if you want to support the blackbirds in their fight for resources, you can start in your own garden. You will find practical tips on this in the following sections.

What do blackbirds eat?

Blackbirds naturally feed on worms, snails and all kinds of insects. Their specialty is earthworms, which they pull out of the ground. That is why you often see blackbirds sitting on the ground and pecking at the ground with their beaks. But they also use berries, fruits and seeds. If you want to offer additional food to support the birds, especially in winter, you should use soft food, such as oatmeal, raisins or apples. There are ready-mixed products to buy, but you can also be Make bird seed yourself. You can feed them mealworms as a special treat.

Blackbird at bird feeder in winter
Especially in winter, blackbirds are happy about additional food [Photo: TTphoto/]

With our Plantura All-season feed for wild birds you can also support blackbirds all year round - because it contains alongside high-energy Ingredients for the winter also valuable proteins and extra feed lime for expectant bird parents Spring.

Plantura year-round food for wild birds

Plantura year-round food for wild birds

High-protein year-round bird food
for all grain and soft feed eaters,
supports bird parents & their offspring

Buy here!

Tip: In addition to the food, you can also do that Build your own feeder. Even if blackbirds are not particularly choosy about these, you will find practical tips for implementation here.

Which nest boxes are suitable for blackbirds?

Blackbirds prefer so-called semi-hollow boxes. Although these are protected from the weather by a roof, they have a small entrance hole instead a larger opening, which should have a height of six centimeters for targeted blackbird promotion.

Tip: Here, too, you can lend a hand and with the help of our practical instructions, you can easily set one up Build your own nest box.

How can blackbirds be given additional support?

Who next to the artificial nesting and food offerings Make the garden bird friendly can achieve this through a number of beneficial plants. The promotion of insects also benefits the blackbird - for example through our Plantura beneficial insect magnets, which provides habitat for a wide range of species.

Plantura beneficial insect magnet

Plantura beneficial insect magnet

Annual & perennial species for beneficial insects
such as birds, bees & Co, easier to care for
Blossom dream in bed, pot & window box

Buy here!

If you also do not remove the leaves in your garden in winter, you will ensure that many insects can find protection from the cold temperatures. Of course, the blackbird is also happy about this, which you can often hear rustling through the leaf litter and looking for food in the late spring.

In combination with a bird feeder, it is always possible to attach one bird bath in the garden. This can consist of a simple, flat bowl, in which the birds like to cool off in the summer - there is no real distinction between a bird bath and a bird bath. This also pleases all other garden birds, for example the blue tit.

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