Plant overviews for each location & time

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They are easy to care for, beautiful, tasty and can have a soothing effect on a wide variety of ailments: we are of course talking about our..

Sustainable tree species are now being planted in many areas in order to defy climate change. What distinguishes a so-called climate tree and..

If you like Asian cooking, you often have to rely on exotic types of vegetables. We show you which Asian vegetables you can eat whole..

Beautiful or dangerous? We will show you which ornamental plants in the garden are not only beautiful to look at, but unfortunately also for us..

Plant once, harvest again and again? This works out! We show you ten perennial vegetable plants that make everyday gardening easier. A vegetable patch means...

Just hanging out? No problem with these plants. We show you the ten most beautiful hanging plants that are almost impossible to kill...

No more watering cans and water hoses. We show you ten drought-resistant plants that you almost never need to water. who in summer..

White winter landscape? How boring - we show you ten colorful plants that also show color in winter. Bare trees, dried up..