Herbs for dogs: Good things from the garden

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Herbs are used as a healthy dietary supplement not only in humans but also for dogs More and more popular. Here you can find out which herbs are suitable for dogs and which even have a healing effect.

Dog snout on a pot of rosemary
Herbs can also be useful for dogs [Photo: Switlana Sonyashna/ Shutterstock.com]

Herbs have been used by humans for a long time as a seasoning for various dishes and are also highly valued as medicinal plants against all kinds of diseases and ailments. But plants are not only good for people - herbs can also be a real enrichment for dogs. In fact, numerous herbs are suitable as a healthy change in the feed. But medicinal herbs for dogs can also help with illnesses and ailments. We will tell you here which herbs are best suited for your four-legged friends and how you can grow them in your own garden.


  • Which herbs can dogs eat and which not?
  • Plant medicinal herbs for dogs in the garden
    • Nettles (Urtica)
    • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
    • Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
    • Dandelion (Taraxacum)
    • Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
    • Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
    • Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
    • Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)
    • Sage (Salvia officinalis)
    • Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
  • Herbs against worms and ticks

Which herbs can dogs eat and which not?

Many people think that dogs are allowed to eat the same herbs that are also considered healthy for us humans. Unfortunately, this is not the case: Some herbs, such as wild garlic (Allium ursinum), are even poisonous for dogs and should therefore never be fed. Therefore, you should always pay close attention to which herbs are offered to the dog or which he can eat in the garden. In the case of sick or pregnant animals, additional caution is required if you want to support them with herbal remedies. The use of medicinal herbs for dogs should definitely be discussed with a veterinarian to ensure an accurate determine dosage and possible interactions (e.g. with medications that the animal is taking). impede. Please note that medicinal herbs are not an alternative to a visit to the represent a veterinarian, but can only be used for support or for minor complaints should. When it comes to feeding your dog herbs, you should also keep a few tips in mind. Herbs treated with chemicals and pesticides are unsuitable for dogs - it is therefore advisable to use wild herbs or fresh herbs from your own garden. These are easy to grow in the garden. Organic soils like ours are particularly recommended for growing medicinal herbs for dogs Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil. These not only consist of 100% natural raw materials, but are also harmless to pets and garden animals.

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Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil

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Young plant with soil in hands
Organic herb soil should be used when growing herbs for dogs [Photo: SoNelly/ Shutterstock.com]

Chemical pest control should be avoided completely when growing herbs for dogs, and mineral fertilizers are also rather unsuitable. To ensure that your herbs still thrive quickly and vigorously, you can alternatively use an organic fertilizer - like the Plantura universal fertilizer – be used because it is harmless to dogs. In principle, dried herbs are also suitable for dogs, but they often contain less of the healthy essential oils than fresh herbs. With both methods, however, it is important to ensure the correct dosage: Normally, only the smallest amounts of the herbal mixture for dogs are fed (similar to seasoning a dish). If you are unsure about the dosage, just ask your veterinarian.

Plantura organic universal fertilizer

Plantura organic universal fertilizer

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Plant medicinal herbs for dogs in the garden

Medicinal herbs for dogs from your own garden are a great addition to a balanced diet. In addition, many herbs can be helpful for the dog as home remedies for minor ailments or - after consultation with the veterinarian - as a supportive measure. Common medicinal herbs for dogs include the following:

nettles (Urtica)

They are rather unpopular in the garden, but good for your health. In dogs, the nettle Due to its high potassium content, it has a diuretic effect and can therefore be used to treat urinary tract and kidney diseases. The herb is particularly often offered to dogs as a tea, but you can also mix it dried with the food.

fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Heard in case of irritation of the mucous membranes or coughing fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) to the classics of herbs for dogs. Fennel tea is particularly beneficial for your four-legged friend when you have a cold. But the tuber is also popular for feeding and convinces with its high vitamin C content.

chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

It's not just for people chamomile a tried and tested tool. Thanks to its calming and anti-inflammatory effect, dried chamomile or chamomile tea provide quick relief for gastrointestinal complaints.

dandelion (Taraxacum)

One of the most effective wild herbs for dogs is probably the dandelion. This primarily supports the liver and kidneys, but also stimulates the metabolism. Apart from a targeted feeding, many dogs also like to nibble directly on the fresh flowers in the garden.

White dog in a dandelion field
Many dogs like to eat dandelions [Photo: otsphoto/ Shutterstock.com]

marjoram (Origanum majorana)

The herb is useful for the dog in two ways: marjoram helps with coughing and irritation of the respiratory tract and can also be used as a stomach herb for dogs with flatulence and other gastrointestinal complaints.

oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Not only does it taste good to humans, it is also one of the medicinal herbs for dogs. Especially with bronchial problems and coughing has a fresher effect oregano beneficial to the dog.

parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

In small amounts, the herb can have a positive effect on the bladder and kidneys of dogs. Positive side effect: Pervasive bad breath in dogs gets through parsley alleviated. However, the herb is not suitable for pregnant dogs and dogs with kidney stones.

rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)

The aromatic herb is able to awaken the spirits in dogs and works against general exhaustion and loss of appetite. However, should rosemary only be fed with medical advice - it is particularly unsuitable for dogs with epilepsy.

sage (Salvia officinalis)

Just like humans can sage can also be used in dogs as a remedy for respiratory problems and colds - it has an overall calming effect on the animal. It is also beneficial for inflammation in the mouth and throat – sage is therefore often offered as a tea, but it can also be purchased dried or fresh in small quantities.

buckhorn (Plantago lanceolata)

One of the most important wild herbs for dogs is the buckhorn represent. When used internally, plantain has an expectorant effect on dogs and supports the bronchi. However, it can also be used crushed for the initial treatment of smaller wounds, such as insect bites, as it has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and haemostatic effect.

Flower of the buckhorn
Plantain has an expectorant effect on dogs [Photo: TwilightArtPictures/ Shutterstock.com]

In addition to medicinal herbs, there are also herbs for dogs that do not have a direct medicinal effect show, but thanks to their minerals and vitamins offer a good addition to the feeding. In addition, most of the herbs mentioned have an overall positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract:

1. basil (Ocimum basilicum): The herb is rich in minerals and vitamins. basil is eaten by many dogs.

2. garden cress (Lepidium sativum): This healthy snack is high in calcium and potassium. Many dogs prefer to nibble directly in the garden on the garden cress. But it can also be fed fresh.

3. lemon balm (Melissa officinalis): is particularly rich in vitamins lemon balm. You can mix them fresh or dried with the feed.

Tip: With our Plantura herb growing set you can easily grow herbs yourself - both for you and for your dog.

Plantura herb growing set

Plantura herb growing set

Cultivation set with 5 delicious types of herbs,
potty, substrate & mini greenhouse,
including instructions, also ideal for beginners

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Herbs against worms and ticks

Even if it would certainly be a great alternative, there are unfortunately no wormers for dogs that reliably help. However, dogs that seem particularly susceptible to worm infestation can be supported with herbs. A disturbed intestinal flora is often to blame for the fact that the four-legged friend can no longer defend itself against the pests. Stomach herbs for dogs support the digestive system in building a healthy intestinal flora and can therefore prevent worm infestation. Herbs against worms in dogs therefore include:

  • thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
  • oregano (Origanum vulgare)
  • Caraway seed (Carum carvi)
  • fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
  • vermouth (Artemisia absinthium)
Green wormwood plant
Wormwood May Provide Relief for Dogs Prone to Worms [Photo: nattalli/ Shutterstock.com]

So far, no herb has grown against ticks in dogs. Essential oils of some plants and herbs, such as geraniol or lavender oil, can help reduce the animals' attraction to ticks, but they do not provide reliable protection represent. In addition, it must be noted that some four-legged friends are sensitive to essential oils and cause skin irritation. Also from garlic (Allium sativum) as a miracle cure is not recommended, as this (taken in large quantities) can have a toxic effect on dogs. Instead, if you want to avoid using chemical preparations, veterinarians recommend checking the animal thoroughly for ticks after every walk and removing them if necessary.

If you are not only a garden lover but also a dog lover, you should definitely take a look at our Plantura shop throw - all our products are safe for pets and garden animals and are therefore also suitable for dog owners.

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