Spray lawns: experience with 'Hydro Mousse'

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Experience with Hydro Mousse - Title

table of contents

  • What is Hydro Mousse?
  • functionality
  • experience
  • frequently asked Questions

The advertising promises the almost unbelievable: Bare, brown lawns can be greened in no time with the special Hydro Mousse spray lawn - simply by spraying. We are investigating whether this actually works.

In a nutshell

  • Lawn for easy spraying
  • for the creation and repair of lawns
  • Sowing, fertilizing and watering with just one operation
  • Lawn seeds are practically stuck to the ground and thus stick better
  • contains toxic chemicals, therefore only apply with suitable protective clothing

What is Hydro Mousse?

The process comes from the USA, where it has been used for a long time primarily in landscaping, and is also known as hydro-seeding. The principle is quite simple: the lawn seeds mixed with water, fertilizer and a carrier are simply sprayed onto the unsightly, newly greened areas in the lawn. According to advertising, the system offers several advantages compared to conventional lawn sowing:

  • one operation instead of many different ones
  • Sowing, fertilizing and watering in one go
  • Spray the lawn instead of sowing it
  • Greening even difficult areas, e.g. B. on embankments
  • Seeds are bound to the soil by adhesives
  • therefore less wastage due to bird damage, rain or wind

In addition, those contained in the spray mixture should Lawn seeds grow particularly quickly and form a dense, green carpet within a few days.

Large scale hydroseeding; Source: Agusana, Hydrosiew skarpy, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0


The spray lawn is a spray that primarily contains a chemical carrier and a mixture of lawn seeds. It also contains nutrients that accelerate the growth of the lawn and feed the young grasses. When purchasing the product you will receive:

  • a spray and seed attachment
  • a click attachment
  • a seed container
  • the carrier (in tablet form)
  • as well as a mixture of lawn seeds

The application is very easy, because carrier tablets and lawn seeds are in the Seed container given, then screwed on the spray attachment and the whole system to the garden hose connected. Now you spray the mixture on the areas to be sown and you can immediately see where already sown was: Since the spray lawn is brightly green in color, the areas that have already been worked on are well closed differentiate. After application, the carrier and fertilizer penetrate the soil so that the nutrients are immediately available. The seeds are practically glued to the ground and can therefore neither be washed away nor blown away or picked up by hungry birds. They should germinate within a few days.

Note: According to the manufacturer, the Hydro Mousse is suitable both for new plants and for reseeding lawns.


Benefit from the experiences that others have already made with the product. We have researched for you.

Note: For reasons of better readability, small spelling errors (spaces, inverted letters, etc.) have been corrected in the quotations. The exact sources are linked under the specification of the respective forum.

I did some research many years ago. The problem is the lack of thorough mixing with this "mouse". Hence the gaps. […] I mean, it's almost physically impossible: The seeds are too light to be put in a viscous gel to be evenly distributed AND to be evenly shot out with pressure in this mixing ratio to become. But I don't think the idea and the principle are bad.

Source: www.gartenforum.de, User: Gartenfreund444, date: 09.03.2018

To save future prospects the bitter disappointment! [...] The consistency of “Hydro-Mousse” does not correspond in the slightest to the mousse from the advertising. Green water with green colored seeds and a wafer-thin head of foam (which evaporated after a few minutes) spreads over the soil. On a slight slope, the seed is washed down, and even in the places where the liquid collects, no lawn grows. Not to mention where the hydro mousse has been applied. Conclusion: Not nearly the consistency of the seed carrier shown in the video. Seeds seem to be out of date, as despite the care given, no lawn grew as advertised in the video. In the case of a slight slope, the seed does not remain lying, but is washed away, not like in the video, where the "mass" stuck to the linen cloth. […]

Source: www.amazon.de, User: Sabine, date: 16.06.2017

I bought it and tried it. To anticipate, it is a waste of money. The seed does not mix well with the water, resulting in only spraying green water. So the technology doesn't work at all. So that everything was not wasted, I then applied the seeds manually and also applied seeds from the hardware store. This has risen well after about a week, the green Hydro Mousse seeds still not after about two weeks.

Source: www.gutefrage.net, User: lawue, date: 05/06/2015

frequently asked Questions

Is Hydro Mousse Toxic?

The green colored carrier consists of various chemical components, including sulfonic acids and various salts. The sulfonic acids are organic sulfur compounds, the salts are sodium salts. There are also alkenoic acids and other surfactants. All of these substances are toxic to humans and animals. Applied to the garden soil, they also have no positive effects on the living beings there.

What do you have to consider when spraying the liquid grass?

Since the spray lawn contains toxic substances, users should wear suitable protective clothing in accordance with the instructions - this includes mouth and nose protection, Wear protective goggles, gloves, sturdy shoes and long clothing to avoid contact with the respiratory organs, mucous membranes and skin avoid. In addition, accidental spraying on natural stone, wood or other sensitive materials should be avoided. The area should not be stepped on after spraying.

Which seeds are contained in the spray lawn?

The seed mixture consists of around 70 percent German ryegrass, which is known for its rapid growth and only takes around seven to ten days to germinate. However, ryegrass is not suitable for lawns for use as it is quite sensitive. Grasses such as red fescue and meadow panicle are better suited for such lawns, but are too low in the seed mixture contained, at a total of 30 percent.