Seed distributors for well-tried varieties: tips

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Old trees shouldn't be transplanted, but old seeds should. We will show you nine seed suppliers where you will also find well-established varieties.

hand with seed
Old traditional varieties have numerous advantages [Photo: tomasworks/]

Old varieties are on the rise again: More and more gardeners are relying on old traditional varieties instead of conventional high-performance breeds. No wonder, after all, the old varieties have numerous advantages. Although they often do not bear as much as the conventional varieties, they are usually more robust, less susceptible to disease and also exude their very own charm. In addition, with an old variety you contribute to the preservation of the diversity of varieties. But where can you get seeds from these old treasures, some of which have become rare? We will show you nine seed suppliers from whom you can still order the well-tried varieties.

9. Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark is probably one of the best-known seed suppliers for old varieties. In keeping with its namesake, Noah's Arch has dedicated itself to the preservation of seeds and diversity of varieties. In fact, seeds from over 5,500 different crop varieties have been collected from Noah's Ark since 1980. But their tasks include not only the preservation of rare useful plants, but also the sale of old varieties. Hobby gardeners can choose from hundreds of plant varieties from A like

aubergine to Z like zucchini.

House of Noah's Ark with garden
Noah's Ark is dedicated to the preservation of seeds and diversity of varieties [Photo: Barbara Lechner/]

8. VEN e. V – Association for the Preservation of Crop Diversity

More than 2,200 varieties can be found in the seed list of the company founded 25 years ago Association for the preservation of crop diversity, short VEN. The main concern of this association is to preserve the variety of open-pollinated varieties of useful plants not only in gene banks, but above all in cultivation. For this reason, seeds are distributed to interested gardeners by volunteer members of the association, so-called preservers. made available, which are dedicated to the conservation and breeding of endangered and rare open-pollinated varieties dedicate. The seeds are passed on by VEN e. V either through an exchange or for a small fee, entry as a member is also possible.

Harvest in the garden
The seed list of the Association for the Preservation of Crop Diversity contains over 2,200 varieties [Photo: Deyan Georgiev/]

7. potato variety

As the name suggests, the main concern of potato variety the preservation of as many old ones as possible potato varieties. The Ellenberg family, who have devoted themselves to the recultivation of forgotten varieties for a good 20 years, now grow over 100 historical varieties and sell them to interested gardeners. The selection is truly impressive: from blue to white flesh, with brown, pink or red peel or very classic varieties - they offer the right potato for every potato lover at.

colorful potatoes
Potato diversity dedicated to replanting forgotten varieties [Photo: margouillat photo/]

6. Purple Tomato/Melanie Grabner's Tomato Find

Here, too, the name says it all - Melanie Grabner's passion is the preservation of rare tomatoes. Over 300 varieties with matching seeds are on their site finding tomatoes offered. The highlight: When searching, you can sort directly according to the right location or the intended use of the tomatoes. But Melanie doesn't just sell tomato seeds on her site. Also seed for eggplants, chili, cucumbers, paprika and much more. So everyone can find the right variety for their garden.

Tomatoes lie on wood
Melanie Grabner wants to get rare tomatoes [Photo: Diana Taliun/]

5. flail

Threshing flail GbR is an association of people who practice organic seed propagation and breeding on 17 different gardeners' farms. Since 1990 they have devoted themselves to old types of vegetables, but also types of grain, dye plants, flowers and much more. The Dreschflegel GbR is also politically involved and offers seminars and training courses on the subject of plant diversity and seeds. Of course, Dreschflegel GbR also sells numerous old varieties of various plant genera as seeds - so it's worth browsing through.

Basket with different vegetables
The Dreschflegel GbR offers seminars on plant diversity and seeds [Photo: Yulia Grigoryeva/]

4. Ruehlemann's

The Nursery Ruehlemann's has been selling a wide range of seeds for 26 years. The nursery offers almost 1300 species and varieties, many of which are tried and tested or were almost forgotten. The nursery focuses on the preservation of herbs of all kinds. Above all, numerous aromatic and medicinal herbs as well as aromatic plants can not only be admired in the nursery, but also bought. At Rühlemann's you will find everything that feels good in a herb bed, from amaranth to yams.

different types of herbs
At the Rühlemann's nursery you can not only marvel at herbs of all kinds, you can also buy them [Photo: JL-Pfeifer/]

3. Romei

Everything to do with tomatoes – could have been better Romei probably not be able to choose his motto. From irrigation systems to garden accessories, the family business offers everything to do with tomatoes. Of course, Romei also offers rare and almost forgotten varieties. The family offers more than 140 tomato varieties as seeds, but the company's repertoire also includes peppers and aubergines. In addition, you can admire all the plants on site in a separate show garden to convince yourself of the diversity of the tomato.

colorful tomatoes
At Romei, everything revolves around the tomato [Photo: Robert Kneschke/]

2. garden of life

Also the page garden of life, which is run by Annette Holländer and Hans Sondermeier, is fully dedicated to preserving old types of vegetables. In their repertoire, mainly seeds of old age beans- and tomato varieties, historical salads but also some real vegetable rarities hidden. Almost 50 of these special varieties can be ordered from Garten des Lebens. The special thing about it: Since this is a non-commercial offer, only a small expense allowance is required per portion.

different types of beans
Garden of Life has many seeds of old beans in its repertoire [Photo: marekuliasz/]

1. deaflora

With over 2,900 plants and seeds, the Aroma nursery Deaflora probably one of the largest seed distributors for well-established varieties. With the seemingly endless selection of varieties, no gardener's wish remains unfulfilled. from old ones Artichoke Varieties about nearly extinct rhubarb to the almost forgotten one chervil beet the nursery offers almost all of the old varieties for shipping. If you don't like to order online, you don't have to be sad. Deaflora also regularly offers direct sales in its own nursery in Werder (Havel).

Artichokes and other vegetables
No gardener's wish goes unfulfilled at aroma nursery Deaflora [Photo: Barry Neal/]

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