Olive tree: when to put it out?

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Put out the olive tree


  • Put out in front of ice saints
  • Olive tree is hardy
  • Observe the course of the winter
  • winter quarters
  • New location
  • Care before moving out
  • frequently asked Questions

In the winter quarters, the olive tree is safe from frost. But his favorite place is in the fresh air under the sunshine. Therefore you should olive tree get out as soon as possible. Read here when he can go outside.

In a nutshell

  • End hibernation as early as possible, even before the ice saints
  • the darker and warmer the room, the sooner you should move out
  • Depending on the region and the course of the winter, between mid-February and early April
  • Observe weather forecast, temperature must remain constantly above -5°C
  • initially set up protected from wind and rain, slowly get used to the light

Put out in front of ice saints

For many non-hardy plants the ice saints are an important date, because only then is there guaranteed freedom from frost outdoors. Some hobby gardeners also apply this rule to the olive. This is unnecessary, because in most cases you can and should put the olive tree outside earlier.

A notice: In the event of an unexpected onset of winter, you must remove the olive tree that has already been put out in good time protect against frost. The use of fleece to cover the entire plant is recommended. With longer late frosts, the olive can also retreat to its winter quarters.

Olive tree is hardy

Despite its Mediterranean origin the olive tree is not absolutely sensitive to frost. He easily handles low sub-zero temperatures, i. H. gone without major damage. Especially if he's been exposed to them from the beginning of his life, giving him a chance to get used to them. Then it can also withstand -10 °C, if necessary. supported by suitable protective measures.

Olive tree in a pot

Tip: In order to keep the hibernation period short, you should quarter your olive tree as late as possible. If the autumn stays mild for a long time, the move should wait!

Observe the course of the winter

The only thing that decides when the tree can go outside is the temperature. It is important to ensure a certain continuity, because the olive tree does not want to come in and out all the time.

  • ideal time to leave may vary
  • The course of winter decides this every year
  • possible from mid-February to mid-April
  • Temperature should not drop below -5°C for weeks
  • Getting out in mild regions is usually possible earlier than in rough areas

Tip: Follow the long-term forecast of the German Weather Service for your federal state from mid-February so that you don't miss the ideal time for moving out of the winter quarters or to avoid missing it. not to act too soon and risk damage to the foliage or worse.

winter quarters

the Conditions in winter quarters determine when the olive tree can go out:

  • the warmer and darker, the shorter the hibernation
  • longer hibernation in bright and cool conditions
Hibernate olive tree

A notice: Especially when it rains continuously, the olive tree can stay longer in the area, because the Mediterranean tree cannot stand cold, wet weather.

New location

From when you can put the olive tree outside also depends on which location you can provide it outside. The more protected it is, the sooner the tree can leave its winter quarters.

  • initially protect it from wind and rain
  • e.g. B. on a covered terrace
  • close to a house wall that radiates heat at night
  • only put them in their final location when the temperature is above 12 °C

Tip: The leafy olive tree reacts sensitively to UV radiation after hibernation. So get used to the sun and light slowly to avoid burns.

Care before moving out

The right time has come, the temperature is right, the place has been found. Nevertheless, the olive tree should not immediately move into its new place. Before that, its owner needs to take care of some care points:

  • tree in fresh substrate repot
  • Possibly. use a larger pot
  • crown shapely cut back and thin out
  • cut out dead branches
pruning olive tree
Prune the olive tree as soon as it leaves in spring.

frequently asked Questions

When can the tree move into its final location?

He should get a couple of weeks to get used to it. For example on the ice saints, when other plants leave their winter quarters, he can free up the protected space for them.

Can I also put a young olive tree out that early?

Young olive trees also tolerate a little frost, but by no means temperatures around -10 °C like mature, hardy specimens. Wait for a slightly warmer time here and be sure to choose a well-protected spot.

The tree has lost a lot of leaves, has it been in its winter quarters too long?

No, not necessarily. Either the winter quarters were too dark or the tree was not watered sufficiently over the winter. If it hasn't completely dried up, it will sprout new leaves.

Can I leave the tree outside on all days with temperatures above -10 °C?

If you don't have to, better not. If there is no other way, for example because no suitable winter quarters are available, then yes.

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