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With a breathtaking presence, hostas transform shady to partially shaded garden areas into green islands of opulence. If the fragrant blossom joins them in summer, the decorative leaf perennials leave nothing to be desired. If you still have unanswered questions about the care and planting of Hosta, you can read the answers here.

Plant funky properly

With professional planting, you direct the cultivation of hostas from the start on the road to success. The semi-shady to shady location should have humus-rich, deeply loose and freshly moist soil. Since Hosta do best in small groups, dig several planting pits at least 50cm apart. Mix compost, horn shavings or leaf soil into the excavation. It is advantageous to lay out the pit with nettle leaves. During this preparatory work, the still potted root ball is soaked in a vessel with soft rainwater. The planting then proceeds as follows:

  • Repot the young sweetheart lily, position it in the middle of the planting hole and plant with the soil mixture
  • After watering with lime-free water, spread out a layer of mulch made of leaves or bark mulch
  • Water regularly and generously in the following days

Hosta unfold their decorative foliage in equal measure in the bucket. In this case, add a drainage made of potsherds, which is spread out about 5 cm high between the substrate and the water drain. So that the material does not immediately become muddy again, place an air and water-permeable piece of fleece over the potsherds.
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care tips

The care program Funkie demands little from the gardener. We have compiled all the important measures for you below:

  • Keep the substrate constantly moist, preferably with soft, lime-free water
  • Organic in the bed fertilize in March and June, in the pot every 30 days with liquid fertilizer
  • Cut off withered flowers promptly, simply pluck out withered leaves
  • Complete pruning either in autumn or late winter

In the first two years, Hosta are still trying to establish themselves firmly in the ground. Since winter hardiness has not yet fully developed at this time, cover the root disk with leaves, bark mulch or needle brushwood. The drawn-in foliage stays on the hosta until February/March as a winter coat.

Which location is suitable?

Anyone who forces Hosta into the tight corset of pure shade plants does the wasteful perennials an injustice. In fact, the magnificently drawn leaves achieve an incomparable luminosity the more sunbeams pass over them. Only the blazing midday sun burns the pretty foliage. This is how the location for hostas should be:

  • Sunny without blazing sun, semi-shady to shady
  • Gladly with sun in the morning or evening hours
  • Fresh, moist soil without the risk of waterlogging
  • Humic, light, nutritious and slightly acidic to neutral

In the light shade under the high leaf canopy of mighty trees, a hosta feels in good hands. At the edge of your private water world, hosta like to have a decorative dialogue with tall ornamental grasses and ferns that catch the blazing rays of the sun.

The right planting distance

The multi-faceted Hosta genus presents us with magnificent species in the most varied growth heights and widths. For better orientation, we have listed recommended planting distances for the most common hostas here:

  • Miniature Hosta with a height of 10-15 cm: planting distance 10 cm
  • Classics with heights of 40-80 cm: planting distance 90 cm
  • Hosta giants with a height of 100-150 cm: Planting distance 150 cm

When deciding on the distances, please consider that slow-growing hostas increase in volume over the years and thrive in space. Therefore, if in doubt, choose a larger planting distance than measuring it too tightly.

What soil does the plant need?

In order to produce the brilliant biomass of ornamental leaves, you need a nutrient-rich, deeply humus-rich soil, richly populated by vital soil organisms. In addition, a balanced moisture content is of paramount importance in motivating hosta to perform at their best. Last but not least, please pay attention to the soil acid value, because a slightly acidic to neutral pH value rounds off the optimal framework conditions.

When is flowering time?

Depending on the hosta species and variety chosen, the bell or flower spikes will thrive from June to July or July to October. Although the flowers take a backseat to the ornamental leaves in terms of their optical effect, they are ideal for cutting in vases. Hosta blossoms and leaves are in great demand among creative florists to conjure up imaginative bouquets and arrangements.

Cut funky properly

Hosta do not insist on a form and maintenance cut in the true sense. Hobby gardeners with limited time simply give hostas a free hand. Nevertheless, the professional use of the scissors at the right time contributes to the spectacular habit. Hostas should be cut on these occasions:

  • Cut stems that have just blossomed for the vase or arrangements
  • Cut out wilted flowers regularly to stop seed growth
  • It is better to pluck individual withered leaves instead of cutting them off
  • Cut back close to the ground in February/March, in good time before new sprouting

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pour funky

One of the fundamental factors of competent Hosta care is the constant water supply. Don't leave a sweetheart lily thirsty at any time of the year unless you want to draw their displeasure. Ideally, pour soft rainwater directly onto the root disk. Do not pour the water into the heart of the plant, otherwise rot will spread.

Fertilize Funkie properly

The easy-care handling of a hosta is based not least on the uncomplicated supply of nutrients. Fertilize the gem with compost in March and June. A few handfuls of horn shavings provide the necessary nitrogen. Cultivated in tubs, spoil Hosta every 30 days from April to July with a commercial liquid fertilizer.


Every winter, Hosta pull in their ornamental leaves to gather strength for a fresh shoot next year. The withered leaves remain on the hosta until February/March as natural winter protection. In the first two years we recommend piling up the planting site with leaf soil, peat or pine twigs up to the root neck. It is not absolutely necessary to cut off the plant remains. If you are bothered by the sight, cut the perennial just above the ground and dispose of it in the compost.

Hosta in the bucket receive protection from frosty temperatures every year. Wrap the jar in bubble wrap and place it on a block of wood. The substrate is covered with autumn leaves or pine needles. Water the perennial during dry winters to avoid damage to the root ball.
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multiply hosta

Anyone who has a passion for Hosta will want more specimens of this impressive ornamental leaf shrub. It's a good thing that the propagation is effortless. The best time is February/March, after pruning and before new shoots appear. How to do it right:

  • Lift the sweetheart lily out of the ground
  • Cut out aged, puny areas
  • Place on a firm surface to cut the rootstock into two or more pieces

While maintaining the previous planting depth, place each hosta segment in the semi-shady to shady location in the garden soil enriched with compost. In the following weeks, a regular water supply is essential for root growth.

How do I plant correctly?

If Hosta takes on an undesirable volume or if you have ordered the plants to move, the plan can easily be put into practice in February/March. First loosen the root ball with the digging fork, to then use the spade to lift out of the ground. Now is the ideal opportunity for a division and rejuvenation. Cut off any dead pieces and cut the root ball in half if necessary. At the new location, dig the planting pit so deep that the previous planting depth can be maintained. The soil is optimized with compost and horn shavings before planting and watering the rejuvenated hosta.
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Funkie in the pot

With the exception of the hosta giants, all common hostas demonstrate their decorative presence in large pots. So that you can enjoy the ornamental leaf shrub for many years, a partially shaded location on the balcony is the best choice. Structurally stable potting soil provides the mighty plant with sufficient support, while drainage made from potsherds prevents harmful waterlogging. The following aspects are of crucial relevance in nursing:

  • If the substrate dries, it is poured through
  • Empty a coaster after 20 minutes at the latest
  • Fertilize liquid every 4 weeks from April to July
  • Cut off wilted flowers and pluck out dead leaves
  • Cut back close to the ground either in autumn or February/March

When winter arrives, wrap the pot in bubble wrap or jute and place it on wood. The substrate is covered with leaves or pine needles. Also water the sweetheart lily in winter so that the root ball does not dry up.

Is Funkie poisonous?

The botanical assignment of Hosta to the asparagus family already signals its harmlessness. Hostas pose no danger to humans or animals. On the contrary, the flowers are very popular in Asia as a culinary snack between meals. This aspect also means that you can safely do without wearing work gloves.

Beautiful varieties

Expert breeders have generated more than 4,000 enchanting varieties from the more than 40 magnificent hosta species. The following overview shows a selection of selected Hosta treasures for the private green realm.

  • Super Sagae: Green ornamental leaves, as if chiselled, with creamy yellow margins and lilac panicle flowers; Growth height 75-85 cm
  • Abba Dabba Do: Majestic gold-rimmed hosta with light lavender flowers that tolerates sun; Growth height 50-90 cm
  • Scented sweetheart lily: It adorns the scented garden in semi-shady to shady locations with an intoxicating fragrance; Growth height 30-70 cm
  • Elegans: Blue-leaved Hosta of the highest quality with white-purple bell-shaped flowers and blue-green, veined foliage; Growth height 70 cm
  • Blue Cadet; Petite counterpart to Elegans that thrives in hemispherical cushions; ideal for the bucket; Growth height 30-40 cm
  • Empress Wu: Hosta colossus with a wingspan of up to 2 m, huge ornamental leaves and delicate purple flowers; Growth height 120-150 cm
  • El Nino: Premium strain that leaves nothing to be desired with cool blue leaves and white-purple flowers; Growth height 40-50 cm
  • Gold Standard: Unsurpassed luminosity with gold-green leaves beneath purple bell-shaped flowers in June; Growth height 30-80 cm