Planting, caring for, watering, fertilizing and more

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The arum thrives in shady locations with magnificent foliage and deep red clusters of berries that other perennials shy away from. If the high poison content is not an insurmountable hurdle, the plant sets decorative accents in beds and tubs all year round. If you are still struggling with open questions about cultivation, you will find competent answers here.

Plant arum correctly

Wherever there is no Egyptian darkness and the soil is both moist and rich in nutrients, the arum native. Loosen the soil well and enrich it with compost. The depth of the planting pit is twice the height of the tuber. Put them horizontally in the ground with the buds facing up and water them with soft water.

care tips

Not least because of its extreme toxicity, arum is surrounded by a mystical-occult aura. The perennial, on the other hand, is less mysterious in its care. Well protected with gloves and skin-covering clothing, give the arum family these gardening attentions:

  • Water plentifully and regularly in spring without causing waterlogging
  • Reduce watering during the summer if there is no rain
  • Fertilize organically every 2 weeks from April to August
  • Only cut off the foliage when it has completely withered

Cut off the decorative bunches of berries prematurely if seeding is not desired. Alternatively, the bright red infructescence adorns the wintry garden, only to be cut off in late winter – at the same time as the leaves. An evergreen arum plant receives winter protection by protecting it from moisture and intense winter sun with leaves and twigs. Arum in tubs or balcony boxes will move to frost-free winter quarters that are not too dark.

Which location is suitable?

Arum is the ideal plant for greening semi-shady to shady locations in the garden. If you plant the aroid under deciduous trees, the plant will receive the necessary spring moisture. A place along the bank of the pond is also welcome, as long as there is no waterlogging. If there is a short period of drought under the dense canopy of leaves in summer, it turns a winter green This circumstance does not bother Arum and is quick on the deciduous Arum plant with a sip of water Fixed.

The right planting distance

In order for an arum plant to be able to perfectly fulfill its task as a magnificent ornamental leaf plant, the planting distance should be generous. Place the plant at a distance of 40 cm from the neighbor. In order to green a larger area with arum, we recommend an arrangement of 6 specimens per square meter.

What soil does the plant need?

The soil should be rich in nutrients, humus and moist without waterlogging so that the arum plant can present its decorative foliage, the pretty flowers and the spectacular infructescence. If the plant sets its impressive accents in the pot or balcony box, choose a high-quality one Compost-based potting soil as a substrate to meet all the requirements of an aroid will. As a typical plant of alluvial forests, the arum prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH value.

What is the best planting time?

For a bulbous plant like aroid, autumn is the ideal time to plant. However, you are free to plant the arum plant any other day during the gardening season. As long as it doesn't freeze, the plant will take root vigorously and quickly.

When is flowering time?

The flowering season of the native spotted arum extends from April to June with rather inconspicuous, greenish-white bracts surrounding the spadix. While the deciduous foliage is already gradually withdrawing in autumn, this species boasts of its bright red and extremely poisonous berries. The veined arum works in a similar way, but its leaves only sprout in autumn to decorate the garden throughout the winter. This arum plant blooms as early as March with calla-like bracts in a subtle white.

Cut arum properly

Only cut the foliage close to the ground when they are completely withered. Until then, the subterranean tuber withdraws the remaining nutrients from the leaves in order to create reserves for the next season. Unless self-sowing of the plant is desired, prune the berry stand before it can release its seeds. In this case, of course, you rob the winter garden of its colorful ornament with bright red berry clusters. Carry out any pruning work on an arum plant with gloves and long-sleeved clothing, as even the slightest touching of the plant can lead to symptoms of poisoning. Dispose of all clippings in the household waste or in the municipal composting facility.

Water arum

Water the arum in the bed regularly and plentifully, especially in spring. In summer, an evergreen arum plant tolerates intermittent drought without damage, as it has moved in at this time. A deciduous plant, on the other hand, should be kept constantly slightly moist. Ideally, you should use collected rainwater or pond water alternately with tap water so that no excess lime builds up in the soil.

Fertilize arum properly

Fertilize an arum in the bed from April to August every 2 weeks with compost, horn shavings and nettle manure. Cultivated in a planter, twice a month liquid fertilizer covers the nutrient requirement. Since the plant does not smell pleasant anyway, a liquid fertilizer made from nettles and comfrey leaves can also be used.


In the bed, the native species Spotted Arum (Arum maculatum) does not require any special precautions for wintering. The evergreen aroid family – known as spotted arum (Arum italicum ssp. italicum) - with leaves and twigs, it is protected against moisture and the blazing winter sun. In the pot and balcony box, the plant prefers to move to bright, frost-free winter quarters so that the root ball does not freeze through.

multiply arum

In order to multiply an arum in an uncomplicated way, it is advisable to divide the tuber. To do this, dig up a well-established arum plant in the fall and shake off the soil. Daughter tubers, which in turn already have their own buds, are clearly visible. Cut them off with a sharp, disinfected knife. Powder the cuts with charcoal powder to seal them. Then plant the mother plant and its offspring in separate planting pits, maintaining the previous planting depth.

Is arum poisonous?

As an arum plant, the perennial is one of the most poisonous plants that Mother Nature has in her quiver. Streams of highly toxic materials flow through each aroid, such as saponins, alkaloids and oxalate. The touch of a touch causes severe skin irritation up to the formation of blisters. Entire herds of grazing cattle have died from carelessly discarded leaves and other parts of plants. Since the bright red berries taste sweet and aromatic, many children fell victim to the temptation, sometimes with fatal consequences. Only cultivate the poisonous plant out of the reach of children and animals. All planting and care work should be carried out with maximum safety precautions. The top priority is to wear long-sleeved clothing, gloves and eye and respiratory protection.

How does pollination take place?

It is an ingenious strategy by which an aroid organizes its pollination. The flowers give off an unpleasant smell of carrion and urine. Flies and mosquitoes are very keen on that. Enthusiastic, they fly at the plant and get trapped inside in an ingenious construction. The wall of the cone-shaped bract is very thinly coated with oil, so that the insects involuntarily slip off. They remain trapped in a cauldron until the seed pods burst during the night and the flies pollinate them. The next day, the petal droops, allowing the Cauldron Trap to release its temporary captives, armed with plenty of pollen.

Is arum suitable for houseplants?

The large plant family of the arum family is home to a wealth of magnificent species and varieties that are ideal for cultivation as houseplants. Well-known representatives are the pretty ones calla or the flamingo flower. So the question arises as to whether the arum also has what it takes to put itself in the limelight on the windowsill at home. It is primarily the tropical conspecifics that are predestined to be houseplants. The arum plant known as Sauromatum (Arum guttatum) or the Cretan arum (Arum creticum) develops a similar appearance to the popular indoor calla lily. How to properly care for arum as a houseplant:

  • A high-quality potting soil based on compost is ideal as a substrate
  • Drainage above the water outlet prevents waterlogging
  • As a houseplant, arum prefers a semi-shady location with normal room temperatures
  • Keep the substrate constantly moist during growth and flowering and fertilize with liquid every 14 days

When the tuber has completely drawn in its leaves at the end of the flowering period, cut them off close to the ground. By then you will have gradually reduced the water supply and stopped giving fertilizer altogether. Then remove the onion from the substrate. The plant spends the winter dormancy in a dry, cool place at 8-10 degrees Celsius. In February, pot the arum tubers in fresh substrate and start with a sip of water.


The aroid owes its name to a biblical event. As the older brother of Moses, Aaron was one of the 12 candidates for the office of high priest of the Israelites. Each of the nominees then placed their walking staff on the Ark of the Covenant. Since only Aaron's rod turned green, this was interpreted as a sign from God that he was destined for the office.

Beautiful varieties

  • Pictum: Veined aroid, evergreen, beautifully marbled foliage and white-green flowers from April; Growth height 20-35 cm
  • Cretan arum: The not hardy plant impresses with its decoratively pushed back white blossom; Growth height 40 cm
  • Italian Arum: Magnificent species with huge, bright red berry clusters in autumn; Growth height up to 80 cm
  • Arum purpureospathum: Rare, Mediterranean arum with purple flower stalks, growth height 35-45 cm