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Cress on the windowsill

garden cress can be grown completely without soil and grows into small plants in a few days.

also read

  • Grow cress sprouts yourself - you have to pay attention to that!
  • Propagate cress yourself - this is how you harvest seeds
  • Grow morning glory yourself from seeds

You need:

  • Plate, flat bowl, special growing vessel for cress (cress yolk), microgreens container
  • paper towels
  • cress seeds


The seeds germinate particularly well if you water them for an hour first. Put the seeds in a jar, mix them with 2 tablespoons of water and set in a bright, cool place until a layer of slime has formed around the seeds.

  1. Thoroughly dampen the paper towels and place them in the container.
  2. The cress egg yolk is simply moistened and the microgreens container filled with water according to the instructions.
  3. Sow the seeds. The grains may lie very densely.
  4. Place the jar in a bright, warm place.
  5. Keep the pad wet with a sprayer.

After just five days, the cress has formed a green carpet and is ready to be eaten in potato salad, herbal quark or on bread and butter.

Cultivate cress in the garden

As soon as the ground temperature is above six degrees Celsius in March, you can Sow garden cress directly outdoors. It also germinates quickly here and can be harvested after two weeks at the latest.

  • Don't grow watercress in beds that have previously been used to grow other cruciferous vegetables, such as arugula or cabbage.
  • Sow broadcast or in rows four inches apart.
  • Cress is a light germinator. Therefore, only cover the seeds with a very thin layer of sifted soil.
  • Pour in a fine stream so that the small granules are not washed away.
  • cut garden cress before flowering, otherwise it loses its taste.
  • In order to be able to harvest continuously, subsequent sowing until September is recommended.


Since cress germinates so quickly, it is used to check how mature the compost is. If cress seeds don't germinate after four days, the fertilizer should rest. If the seed sprout fresh green within this time, you may compost soil bring out