This is how the beautiful houseplant feels comfortable

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In its natural homeland of Mexico, the sweetheart flower thrives as an epiphyte (mounting plant) without contact with the ground. Accordingly, it needs a bright place without direct sunlight. It is also somewhat sensitive to drafts.

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The temperature should be between 18 and 23 degrees. It is also important that the air in the room is not too dry. It can therefore make sense to set up an air humidifier in the immediate vicinity.

potting and substrate

Depending on the age and growth of the sweetheart flower, it should be repotted every one to three years at the beginning of the growing season. The sensitive root system then needs a special, very loose soil. is ideal orchid soil, since the coarse fibers allow a lot of air to reach the roots.

You can also mix this substrate yourself. It ideally consists of one part each:

  • pine bark,
  • coconut fiber,
  • sphagnum moss,
  • high-quality, nutritious potting soil.

Make sure the planter has good drainage, as the sweetheart flower is sensitive to waterlogging.

watering and fertilizing

Keep the substrate evenly moist, but do not overwater the plant. Always water with room temperature rainwater or stale tap water when the top centimeters of the substrate (thumb test) have dried.

Fertilize every four to six weeks during the growing season with a high-quality fertilizer for green plants. Dose the preparation a little more sparingly than stated on the packaging. This prevents salts not absorbed by the plant from accumulating in the root area and damaging them as a result.


You do not have to cut back the sweetheart flower regularly. You should only occasionally cut out dead leaves with a sharp knife.


In the spring, when repotting, you can divide the plant and in this way get several small individual plants. To do this, carefully break the root ball into two or three pieces and plant the pieces in fresh soil.

diseases and pests

  • The sweetheart flower is very sensitive to waterlogging. Therefore, water sparingly and ensure good water drainage.
  • Occasionally aphids attack the houseplant in the winter months. Depending on the severity of the infestation, you can fight the harmful insects with a household remedy or a commercially available insecticide.
  • spider mites occur almost exclusively when the air is too dry. Rapeseed oil preparations help against these animals, predatory mites or a moisturizer.
  • Mealybug look like little cotton balls. They are not easy to treat. However, preparations from specialist shops help a lot.


To enable unhindered photosynthesis, you should regularly shower the sweetheart flower with a soft jet of water. Alternatively, you can dust the leaves with a damp cloth.