Planting, tending, watering, cutting and more

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If the hobby gardener is familiar with the multi-faceted spurge community, even precarious locations in the garden boast decorative planting. Find out here how you can make use of this species, which is as fascinating as it is diverse, in your green kingdom.

Plant milkweed correctly

Planting season begins in spring spurge, when there is no longer any fear of delayed ground frosts from mid-May. Prepare a finely crumbly soil in a sunny to partially shaded, warm and sheltered location. During this time, the root ball of the still potted euphorbia is allowed to soak in a container with water until no more air bubbles rise. In these steps the planting proceeds professionally:

  • Create small planting pits with 1.5 times the volume of the root ball
  • Enrich the excavated soil with sifted compost and horn shavings or sand
  • Plant the potted spurge up to the lower pair of leaves and water

Depending on the species chosen, spread a layer of organic or inorganic mulch.

care tips

A balanced supply of water and nutrients in connection with adequate winter protection are the central components of professional care. The most important measures at a glance:

  • A regularly moist substrate with a surface that has dried in the meantime is ideal
  • Water preferably with soft rainwater or pond water
  • Fertilize organically every 4 weeks during the growing and flowering period
  • Before the first frost, cover bedding plants with leaves, straw and needle sticks
  • Place spurge in a planter in a bright, frost-free winter quarters

The extent to which pruning is required depends on the Euphorbia species being cultivated. Cut off deciduous spurge close to the ground in autumn, while scissors are only used for wintergreen varieties in spring. On evergreen succulents, limit yourself to thinning out before the first sprouting.

Which location is suitable?

Spurge thrives tirelessly in a sunny, warm location, setting decorative accents with its unusual appearance. If you are looking for a pretty green cover in the light shade, the Eurphorbia genus will not let you down. With flexible species, such as a Balkan Spurge, even a location with less favorable light conditions does not remain barren and empty. Favor as a houseplant Christ thorn and colleagues a bright place that, if possible, cannot get under the blazing midday sun and cold drafts.

The right planting distance

The dimensions of a milkweed define the exact planting distance in the bed. For the most important groups within the genus we have given the distances below:

Growth height of 15-20 cm corresponds to a planting distance of 35 cm - 6 pieces per square meter
Growth height 30-40 cm corresponds to a planting distance of 45 cm - 4 pieces per square meter
Growth height 70-80 cm corresponds to a planting distance of 50 cm - 3-4 pieces per square meter
Growth height 90-120 cm corresponds to a planting distance of 70 cm - 2 pieces per square meter

In buckets and balcony boxes, shorten the planting distance specified here by 5-10 cm to create a lush appearance.

What soil does the plant need?

Most Euphorbia species and varieties thrive in nutrient-rich soil that is fresh, moist, humus-rich and well-drained. In addition, the multifaceted genus comes up with problem solvers for permanently wet bank locations, such as the swamp spurge, or for sandy-dry rock garden locations, such as the rolling spurge. The exotics among the succulents, such as Christ's thorn or the Christmas star for indoor cultivation, prefer a slightly acidic substrate with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8.

What is the best planting time?

The best time to plant milkweed in the garden is from mid-May to mid-June. In this phase, there is no longer a threat of ground frost, so that the perennials can quickly take root in the bed and show off their flowers and foliage. The Euphorbia have established themselves well by winter, so that the perennial species get through the cold season in good health.

When is flowering time?

With the right combination of species and varieties, you can enjoy pretty milkweed flowers all summer long. The following suggestion may serve as inspiration:

Almond Leaf Spurge: Flowering from April to June
Tall Spurge: Flowering period May to July
Steppe Spurge: flowering period from June to October

If you regularly cut out withered flower stalks, this prudence contributes to a well-groomed appearance and at the same time attracts new flowers.

Properly cut spurge

The extent to which a milkweed is trimmed is determined by the species you have in front of you. Cut back a deciduous Euphorbia to the ground when bare. On evergreen species, leave the foliage on the plant until early spring to cut back before new shoots appear. An evergreen spurge is content with regular thinning. The withered flower stalks should always be trimmed so that they do not impair the decorative appearance. If self-sowing is desired, wait until the seeds have matured and the seed has spread.

pour milkweed

The cultivated spurge species determines the extent of the water supply. While a marsh spurge is automatically supplied with water due to its location on the bank of the pond, the weather conditions determine the water supply of euphorbia in the bed. If there is no rain, the perennial is poured as soon as the substrate has dried. This care measure is less necessary for drought-resistant rock garden species than for powerful, evergreen varieties in perennial beds. In the planter, the need for watering is regularly higher than in the bed. Check the soil here every 2-3 days with a thumb test in order to water immediately if necessary. Tropical beauties should also be sprayed with soft water, such as the poinsettia or Christ's thorn.

Fertilize spurge properly

The nutrient requirement of a spurge is on a medium level. Fertilize Therefore, treat the plant every 4 weeks with compost and horn shavings from the beginning of the growth until the end of the flowering period. In August, the supply of nutrients in the bed should be stopped so that the succulents can mature before the first frost.


real mildew does not stop at a milkweed. In this regard, the succulent's poisonous sap is of little help. If the mealy-white coating spreads as a symptom of the fungal infection on the ornamental leaves, fresh milk has proven to be an effective home remedy. In 900 ml of soft water, add 100 ml of fresh milk (no UHT milk) and spray the infected Euphorbia every 2 days.


The ubiquitous aphids don't care about the toxic milky sap of a spurge. Therefore, they are one of the few pests that attack succulents. Therefore, regularly examine the top and bottom sides of the leaves. Fight the lice in the early stages of infestation with a mixture of 1 liter of rainwater and 15 ml each of liquid soft soap and spirit.


Spurge species planted in the garden are conditionally hardy. It is therefore advisable to cover the plants with leaves or needle brushwood before the first frost. This precaution also applies to evergreen Euphorbia, as these should not be exposed to the intense winter sun. Spurge cultivated as houseplants, such as Christ's thorn, cannot withstand temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius and therefore move indoors in good time in autumn. You should do this anyway with all milkweed in the planter, as there is a great risk that the root ball will freeze through in winter.

breed milkweed

While the spurge takes care of the propagation in the bed itself by self-sowing, you as a gardener have two other methods for breeding at your disposal. Division is easy in early spring by digging up and cutting up the root ball. A suitable section has at least 2 buds and is immediately planted in the new location. cut cuttings They in early summer, first to put them in water for a while so that the poisonous milky sap flows out. Then place the offshoots in a pot with lean soil in a partially shaded location until they develop their own root system.

Is spurge poisonous?

White milky sap, which packs a punch, escapes from a milkweed. As a contact poison, the substance triggers unpleasant skin irritations in sensitive gardeners. After the consumption of even the smallest amounts, there are severe symptoms of poisoning in humans and animals. Therefore, do not introduce Euphorbia when children and pets are within reach. Carry out all planting and care work with gloves.

Which spurge species are interesting for the ornamental garden?

Not so easy to sound out the adequate specimens for your own garden from among more than 2,000 spurge species. We have looked around for you and put together the following selection:

Spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites) - the ideal perennial for full sun, dry locations
Steppe spurge (Euphorbia seguieriana) – creates endless carpets of flowers in gravel beds and rock gardens
Almond Spurge (Euphorbia amygdaloides) – evergreen, modest beauty for partially shaded locations
Marsh spurge (Euphorbia palustris) – greens the permanently wet pond edge
Spurge (Euphorbia cornigera) – stable, lush, hardy, for beds and tubs
Mediterranean spurge (Euphorbia characias) – with a growth height of 150 cm, it is a real spurge giant

Last but not least, the wide variety of plants awaits you with fascinating species for indoor culture. Above all, the Christ's thorn (Euphorbia milii x Euphorbia lophogona) from Madagascar, which with enchanting pseudo-flowers, lush green leaves and huge thorns adorns the windowsill at home, as well as the universally popular poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), which delights us with its blossoms in the middle of the dark season gives.

How do I care for a spurge as a houseplant?

The stars among the spurge houseplants are Christ Village and the poinsettia. Since both beauties come from tropical climes, they cannot endure temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius. The potted plants should be placed on the window sill in a sunny to semi-shady place, protected from the blazing midday sun and cold drafts. Choose a good quality substrate potting soil based on compost with a slightly acidic component. This is how maintenance works properly:

  • Keep the substrate constantly slightly moist
  • In the meantime, let the soil dry in the upper 2 cm
  • Water preferably with soft rainwater or decalcified tap water
  • Fertilize liquid every 4 weeks during the growth and flowering period
  • During the winter or do not fertilize or only fertilize every 6 weeks during the summer rest period

In early spring, repot spurge houseplants into fresh substrate and a slightly larger pot. This measure is required every year for the poinsettia. The thorn of Christ only changes to a new bucket every 3-4 years.

Beautiful varieties

  • Purpurrea: Almond-leaved purple spurge with evergreen foliage on red stems; Growth height 30-40 cm
  • Black Pearl: Balkan Spurge, evergreen, with black pearl flowers in green bracts; Growth height 70-80 cm
  • Golden Tower: Tall spurge that impresses with its lush growth and golden umbels of flowers; Growth height 90-120 cm
  • Fens Ruby: Premium variety with yellow flowers above initially green, later purple leaves; Growth height 15-20 cm
  • Fireglow: Colorful Himalayan Spurge with bright orange flowers; Growth height 60-80 cm
  • Chameleon: Ecologically valuable, evergreen and decorative variety with beautiful autumn colors; Growth height 50 cm