Gentian » Plant, care for, propagate and more

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The gentian spectacularly displays its bright blue, white or yellow flowers without the gardener having to do a lot of maintenance. The entry of this magnificent perennial into the home garden should not fail because of unanswered questions, because you will find the answers here.

Plant gentians properly

plant gentian in a sunny to semi-shady spot, without blazing midday sun. Depending on the variety chosen, settle the flower in acidic, humus-rich soil or calcareous, sandy-rocky soil. While you're weeding and raking the soil, the root ball sits in a jar of water. This is how the planting proceeds:

  • Dig pits 20-30 cm apart with 1.5 times the volume of the root ball
  • Plant one potted flower at a time up to the bottom pair of leaves
  • Press the soil down and pour it with calcareous or soft water - depending on the gentian species

Optimize the excavation with either a little compost and lime or a handful of bog soil. If you place gentian in the window box or tub, drainage over the floor opening prevents harmful waterlogging. Spread an air- and water-permeable fleece between the potsherds and the substrate so that crumbs of earth do not block the drainage.

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care tips

If you take into account the different location requirements of gentian species, the flower is pleasingly frugal when it comes to care:

  • Water gentian when it is dry without causing waterlogging
  • Depending on the type, use soft rainwater or calcareous tap water
  • In humus rich garden or potting soil is Fertilize not mandatory
  • Cut off wilted flower stalks for rebloom
  • Cut the foliage close to the ground before winter or in early spring

In rough locations and in pots, we recommend winter protection. Before the first frost, cover the cut flower with leaves and sticks. Planters are wrapped in foil and placed on wood. It is important to note that when there is a frost on mild winter days, it is watered a little.
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Which location is suitable?

All gentian species are sun-hungry. The flower also thrives luxuriantly in a partially shaded location. Ideally, the perennial is protected from the summer heat build-up. However, there are significant differences in terms of soil composition. The Clusius gentian prefers calcareous soil, while Koch's gentian prefers acidic soil. Therefore, pay particular attention to the site requirements when purchasing a young plant.
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The right planting distance

With a planting distance of 20 to 30 cm, most gentian species and varieties do well. An exception is the milkweed gentian, which can grow up to 50 cm high and should preferably be planted 40 cm away from the ground. The majestic yellow gentian, which stretches 1 meter and higher towards the sky in summer, comes into the ground at a distance of 50-60 cm from the neighbor.

What soil does the plant need?

Gentian prefers nutrient-poor, humus-rich and well-drained soil. With regard to soil acidity, on the other hand, there are different requirements. The broad genus includes species for both acidic and calcareous soils. The large-flowered summer gentian, for example, is the ideal flower for the calcareous gravel bed, while the October gentian only thrives in acidic bog soil.

What is the best planting time?

Planting time for early gentian is all year round, as long as the ground is not frozen. However, avoid planting during summer heatwaves in favor of a mild spring day in April or May. Late summer during the months of August to mid/late September is also a smart choice. In this case, the young plants should receive winter protection in the form of fleece, jute or foliage.

When is flowering time?

If you don't get tired of the pretty gentian flowers at any time of the year, the species-rich plant species has a suitable flower for you for spring, summer and autumn. Simply combine the types and varieties with each other like this:

  • Spring gentian (Gentiana acaulis): May to June
  • Summer gentian (Gentiana septemfida var. lagodechiana): July to September
  • Autumn gentian (Gentiana sino-ornata): September to November

If you cut off the withered flowers after the first run, numerous gentians will get another run for a second bloom.
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Cut gentian correctly

If you cut back the withered flower after the first flowering period, there are best chances of a second flowering in a suitable location. Before the first frost, deciduous gentians are cut back to the ground. Evergreen species and varieties are allowed to decorate the garden during the cold season to be cut off in early spring. If self-sowing gentian in the garden is not desired, cut off the flower stalks in good time before seed formation.
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Water gentian

Gentian prefers alternating moist soil both in beds and in pots. Water only when the surface has dried and avoid even short-term waterlogging. Adjust the irrigation water to the type and variety of the flower you are tending. This is how Kochscher Gentian wants to be supplied with lime-free water. However, the Clusius gentian cannot do without the lime content in the irrigation water. Ideally, you do not water the flower, but water directly at the roots.

Fertilize gentians properly

If the substrate meets the requirements, there is no need to add fertilizer to gentians. Too high a nutrient level could force the leaves to grow while flowering falls far short of expectations. On the other hand, if a lime-loving flower is struggling, give a dose of vital lime or rock flour.


Within the more than 400 gentian species, the degree of winter hardiness varies. If in doubt, take precautions by cutting back the withered flower before the first frost and covering it with a 10-15 cm layer of mulch and a layer of brushwood or pine fronds. Wrap a bucket in bubble wrap and place it on wood in front of the sheltered south wall of the house. In case of frost, water the flower on mild days so that the root ball does not dry up.
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multiply gentian

To propagate gentian, the following 3 methods are available:

  • Division of the root ball in spring or autumn
  • cut cuttings in summer and root in poor soil
  • sowing the seed into the bed in autumn

Alternatively, you can grow young gentians by sowing them behind glass. Since it is a cold germ, stratification is required in this case. You can avoid the procedure by soaking the seeds in 0.1% gibberellic acid for 12 hours.
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How do I plant correctly?

Cultivated in pots, transplanting every 1-2 years is relevant for continued growth. Changing the location of the alpine flower in the bed should only be considered in exceptional cases, due to the sensitive roots. How to handle the care topic correctly:

  • Repot gentian in a planter in early spring
  • In the new pot, under the fresh substrate, lay out a drainage made of potsherds
  • Maintain the previous planting depth as far as possible and water

In the bed, plant the flower either in April or September by digging up the root ball. Take the opportunity to cut off bare patches and rotten roots. Again, the flower should not be buried deeper in the new location than before.

Gentian in a pot

In a pot or window box, gentian adorns the sunny balcony from spring to autumn. So that the alpine flower shows itself from its most beautiful side, when choosing the substrate, pay attention to whether it is a species for calcareous or acidic soil. Irrespective of this, drainage above the water outlet is essential. In nursing everything revolves around the following points:

  • When dry, water with normal tap water or soft rainwater
  • No fertilizer required if the flower is repotted in fresh substrate once a year
  • Trim wilted flowers to encourage rebloom
  • In winter, wrap the pot with foil, cut off the foliage and cover the substrate with foliage

The flower is not suitable as a houseplant and quickly becomes limp on the windowsill.
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Gentian does not bloom

If a gentian no longer blooms in its usual splendor, do not use fertilizer. They encourage the flower to bloom much more effectively by dividing and rejuvenating. In the spring, dig up the root ball, divide it in at least two halves and replant the segments. First, inspect the root system and cut out any dead pieces with a disinfected knife.

Are gentians poisonous to cats?

Gentian does not pose a health risk to humans. Things are different when it comes to cats. Don't let your kitty chew on the plant. This applies in particular to the yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea), all parts of which contain bitter substances that are poisonous to cats.

Does the gentian perennial also grow as a shrub?

The only thing that gentian shrubs and gentian shrubs have in common are the blue flowers. Gentian plants form an independent plant family, while the gentian shrub is assigned to the nightshade family. Apart from the different growth height, the outstanding distinguishing criterion is the winter hardiness. While the alpine flower is winter hardy, the gentian tree already gives up at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius.
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