Planting, caring for, propagating and more

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For a wonderful summer, lobelia transform beds and balconies into a colorful sea of ​​flowers. In order to experience this spectacle live on your own garden stage, the horticultural effort is on a manageable level. The most frequently asked questions about cultivation receive a practical answer here.

care tips

The professional care of lobelia is based on a balanced water and nutrient balance and pruning at the right time. How to do it right:

  • Water during summer drought, possibly in the morning and in the evening
  • Don't sprinkle overhead, instead use the spout to water the roots
  • Fertilize liquid every 2 weeks from May
  • Clean out wilted flowers or cut the entire pile by a third after the first bloom

If you take care of one of the rare perennial lobelia, they will receive winter protection on leaves, straw, brushwood or garden fleece. In mild climates, the experiment can succeed in guiding the South African beauties safely through the cold season.
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Which location is suitable?

Lobelia found its way into our gardens from the sun-drenched regions of South Africa. So that they feel at home here, the beauties favor a sunny, warm location without the blazing sun at midday. While short-statured males do not mind the occasional gust of wind, we recommend a wind-protected location for towering lobelia species.

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The right planting distance

Depending on the selected lobelia species and variety, the planting distance varies. Arrange male faithful up to 20 cm tall at a distance of 10 to 12 cm. For medium-sized lobelia up to 60 cm tall, we recommend a planting distance of 30 cm. Majestic perennial lobelia up to 90cm tall, do well at a distance of 45cm.

What soil does the plant need?

In order to stage their summer spectacle perfectly, lobelia only require normal garden soil. The soil should be fresh and moist, rich in humus and nutrients. Excellent permeability is of the utmost importance, since the curtain on the garden stage falls when there is waterlogging. For pot culture, we recommend a good quality one potting soilthat with sand or lava granules in the permeability is optimized.

What is the best planting time?

Since most lobelia do not tolerate frost, we recommend planting from mid-May. If you put the beauties you have brought up yourself or bought ready-made in the bed after the ice saints, late frosts on the ground can no longer cause any problems.

When is flowering time?

The flowering period of lobelia extends throughout summer into autumn. The flower spectacle opens in June and only ends in September/October. To ensure that the flowers don't run out of breath over this long period of time, the first bloom is cut off to make room for a lush second bloom.

Cut lobelia correctly

After the first act of their summer stint in the garden, cut lobelia by a third back and give a little compost with horn shavings to the roots, the blooms take off again start-up. In this way, the flowering period is extended well into autumn. Annual varieties are then dug up and disposed of. Cut perennial lobelia back to the ground in late winter.

watering lobelia

Lobelia are thirsty fellows. Sun worshipers evaporate plenty of moisture through their opulent blossoms and countless leaves. Therefore, water the flowers regularly as soon as the soil has dried. In the pot on the balcony, this may be necessary on a daily basis. Ideally, the water from the spout reaches the roots directly.

Fertilize lobelia properly

From May to September she is happy lobelia about a serving of compost with horn shavings once a month. Since the incorporation of organic solid fertilizer causes unrest in the bed, nettle or comfrey manure under consideration. If the flower thrives in the planter, a commercially available liquid fertilizer meets all the requirements for a balanced supply of nutrients.


Crowd favorites among the lobelia, such as faithful to men, radiate their floral charm all summer long. At the end of the flowering period, the plants are disposed of without further ado. For perennial lobelia, there is at least a chance of a revival next year in regions with mild winters. Don't cut back these flowers yet in the fall. Cover the plants in the bed with a 20 to 30 cm thick layer of leaves, compost and pine twigs. In the pot or balcony box, the flowers move to a bright, frost-free winter quarters before winter. Watered from time to time and not fertilized, the hibernated lobelia move to the garden or balcony in May at the earliest.
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multiply lobelia

One-year-old lobelia, such as faithful to men, can be easily multiplied using sowing on the windowsill. At the end of February/beginning of March, sow the light germs and keep them constantly moist at 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. Seedlings with two pairs of healthy leaves are pricked out in individual pots, where they develop their own root system and are planted out by mid-May. Pick up perennial lobelia in autumn, divide the root ball and use the segments at the new location. Under the protection of a thick layer of foliage, the sections transform into vital young plants until next year.

Lobelia in the pot

Lobelia have made a name for themselves as picturesque underplanting in large tubs or as the main actor in balcony boxes. In order for cultivation to be successful, the following criteria are important in care:

  • Shards of pottery drainage above the water outlet prevent harmful waterlogging
  • Common potting soil based on compost can be used as a substrate
  • Water lobelia in pots regularly, in summer mornings and evenings as needed
  • Fertilize liquid every 14 days from May to September
  • Cut off faded flowers by a third for a magnificent rebloom

Annual varieties are discarded in the fall. Plant perennial lobelia in bright, frost-free winter quarters, where they are watered every now and then.

Is lobelia poisonous?

Lobelia are permeated with several toxic ingredients. Due to the high content of lobeline, a nicotine-like alkaloid, the flowers pose a health risk to humans and animals. A location out of the reach of children and pets is therefore advisable in the family garden.

Beautiful varieties

  • Compliment: Magnificent perennial lobelia for locations with mild winters with deep red flowers in summer; Growth height 60-70 cm
  • Fan Scarlet: A must-see summer flower with scarlet blooms and perennial potential; Growth height 50-60 cm
  • Kathleen Maillard: Bright blue lobelia with double double flowers and stems up to 80 cm long; ideal for traffic lights
  • Blaue Auslese: Charming perennial lobelia with bright white flowers that last into autumn; Growth height 50-60 cm
  • Loyal to men: popular annual lobelia with dainty blue flowers and short stature; Growth height 10-25 cm

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