Plant, care for and cut

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Wherever a magnolia tree stages its spring blossom gala, it attracts everyone's attention. Owning a magnificent specimen should not fail due to open questions about cultivation. All substantial questions about the lavishly flowering tree or shrub are answered here - compact, understandable, practical.

Plant magnolia properly

The optimal time window for planting is from April to May. A second possibility is in early autumn. Proceed with these steps:

  • The planting pit is 50-60 cm deep and 100 cm in diameter
  • Pour a 70 liter bag of rhododendron soil into the hole, add the excavation and mix well
  • Place the potted magnolia tree in the middle of the substrate and press down the soil
  • Drive the support post into the planting hole and attach the main shoot to the bush or tree. connect to the tribe

Finally, build a watering rim with the excess soil and feast the young magnolia tree well.
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care tips

If the light and temperature conditions as well as the soil conditions are right at the location, maintenance is kept within manageable limits. How to care for the magnolia tree with expertise:

  • Water the flat roots when it is dry
  • A high-quality one for the main flowering period long-term fertilizer administer
  • Alternatively, fertilize with compost and horn shavings every 4 weeks from April to July
  • Repeated mulch with bark mulch or pine bark

Which location is suitable?

The magnolia tree prefers a predominantly sunny location. As long as the sun balance is positive and the shrub is not in a draughty wind tunnel, the location is well chosen.
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What soil does the plant need?

Three attributes define the ideal nature of the soil for the ornamental tree: humus, deep and a little acidic. A pH of 5.5 to 6.8 provides both the magnolia tree and the shrub with optimal nutrient availability.
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When is flowering time?

The heavenly beautiful heyday of a magnolia extends from April to May. In addition, newer cultivars are capable of reblooming in late summer, such as the exceptional Cleopatra and Susan. The summer magnolia flowers from June to July, while evergreen varieties bloom from July to September.
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Cut magnolia properly

Pruning a magnolia tree is only considered in exceptional cases. The flowering shrub develops its shapely silhouette without horticultural intervention, especially since cuts heal only with difficulty. In addition, the ornamental tree usually hardly sprout from its perennial wood. Therefore, limit yourself to thinning out after flowering.
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Fertilize magnolia properly

A magnolia tree is ideally fertilized when its magnificent blossom is at its zenith. A granulated slow-release fertilizer is recommended. Optionally, apply compost at a rate of 1 liter per square meter, plus a handful of horn shavings every 4 weeks. Don't miss the subsequent watering!
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Only rarely is a magnolia tree afflicted by diseases. If there are health problems, they are caused by the leaf spot disease or mildew.
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If voracious pests attack a magnolia tree or magnolia bush, they are usually aphids, scale insects or whiteflies.
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This is how the plant survives the winter

To ensure that a magnolia gets through the winter well, we recommend these precautions:

  • the tree disc pile up with leaves, straw and bark mulch
  • Wrap a magnolia tree up to 150 cm high with tree fleece
  • Wrap a shrub with jute ribbons or garden fleece

You can also use bubble wrap to protect a root ball in the bucket from freezing through due to freezing temperatures.
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Propagating Magnolia

Suitable methods of propagation are: sinkers, cuttings, grafting and mossing. the sowing is by far the most complex form of offspring due to the stratification required and the long germination time.
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Magnolia in the pot

In order for a magnolia tree to thrive in a bucket, there should be a volume of at least 30 liters. Use a high-quality, peat-based potting soil as a substrate. Drainage at the bottom of the pot is essential to prevent waterlogging.
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Is magnolia poisonous?

The magnolia tree is classified as slightly poisonous. The alkaloid magnoflorin is found in its bark, wood and fruit. It is also not advisable to eat the foul-tasting fruit.
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Magnolia does not bloom

If the aristocratic magnolia tree refuses to blossom, it does not feel well. As a first step, check that the pH is in the ideal range of 5.5 to 6.8. Optimal nutrient availability is only given in acidic soil, without which neither growth nor flowering is possible.
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brown leaves

Brown leaves on the magnolia tree indicate this symptom of a fungal infection, lack of water or too calcareous soil. If the brown leaves were preceded by a white coating or yellow spots, the magnolia tree is sick. If the pH exceeds 6.8, the roots cannot absorb enough nutrients.
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Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves on a magnolia tree or shrub indicate a nutrient deficiency. Such leaf chlorosis occurs when the soil is too calcareous. If the pH is correct, check the nutrient supply and administer a special fertilizer against chlorosis, such as Neudorff Ferramin Eisendünger.
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The main magnolia varieties

  • Kobushi Magnolia: the most beautiful magnolia tree in the local regions with white starry blooms from March
  • Genie: a top-class shrub among the tulip magnolias, which develops red-purple flowers in April and May
  • Chrysanthemum miflora: dreamy flowering shrub that exudes an intoxicating scent
  • Daybreak: Magnolia tree captivates with columnar growth, colorful flowers in bright pink and a unique fragrance
  • Galissoniere: an evergreen shrub that attracts attention with huge white flowers from April to June
  • Merrill: in April and May, the graceful large shrub dresses in white flowers and smells wonderful
  • Yellow Bird: a yellow flowering magnolia tree that has excellent winter hardiness

The best soil for the magnolia

Opulent magnolia blossom and the best soil conditions go hand in hand. Only plant a magnolia tree or shrub if the soil is well drained, humus, loose and, above all, slightly acidic.
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Grow the magnolia yourself

To experience the development of a magnolia from scratch, you can easily grow the ornamental tree yourself. The following methods can be considered: sowing, cuttings, grafting, sinkers and mossing.
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grow magnolia

The horticultural experiment of growing your own magnolia is possible in various ways. The refinement combines a robust wild base with a noble variety, the sowing itself collected Seeds bring many a surprise, while growing from cuttings is easy functions.
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Plant magnolia

In order for a magnolia tree to grow quickly after planting, it is crucial to have a sufficiently large planting hole. A diameter of at least 100 centimeters and a depth of 50-60 centimeters create the best conditions.
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Underplant the magnolia

A magnolia tree feels at home where its crown lies in the sun and its base in the shade. With these subplants you can fulfill the wish of the flowering shrub: March crusher, snowdrop, grape hyacinths and tree asterisks.
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Transplant the magnolia

There are two dates to choose from when you want to transplant a magnolia tree: in the fall after the leaves have fallen or in the spring when the ground has thawed.
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Pruning magnolias in the fall

If you cut back a magnolia tree in autumn, you are likely to deprive the ornamental tree of its next flowering. Since the buds are always created in the previous year, pruning – if at all – only comes into consideration after flowering.

The magnolia is losing leaves

If a magnolia loses its leaves in the middle of the growing season, it is a sign of distress. These causes can hide behind it:

  • dryness
  • Fungal infections, such as powdery mildew
  • Unsuitable location

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When fungi attack the magnolia

In the event of a fungal infestation, immediate action is required to keep the effects at bay. Cut off all infected leaves, flowers and shoots. Then treat the magnolia tree or shrub with a fungicide that is approved for home and garden use.
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Powdery mildew: A danger for the magnolia?

If a white-grey patina develops on the lush green foliage, the magnolia tree is infested with powdery mildew. Either a commercially available fungicide or repeated treatment with a mixture of 100 ml fresh milk and 900 ml water is recommended for control.
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The magnolia in winter

Regardless of its hardiness, the magnolia tree faces significant damage when freezing temperatures and intense winter sun hit its trunk. Cracks in the bark develop, which can cause serious infections. Therefore, in the fall, cover the shrub or the Tree trunk up to a height of 150 centimeters in tree fleece.
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The magnolia and its hardiness

A deciduous magnolia tree is largely hardy from the second year of growth. If, on the other hand, you prefer an evergreen magnolia bush, this species will only survive the cold season in regions with mild winters or in frost-free, bright quarters.
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A personal description

The profile reveals at a glance why the magnolia has enjoyed worldwide popularity for centuries:

  • Plant family of the magnolia family with more than 240 species
  • Deciduous or evergreen ornamental tree
  • Growth heights from 100 centimeters to 20 meters
  • Perennial and hardy
  • Flowering time from March/April to May/June or in July/August
  • Flower diameter of up to 20 centimeters
  • Flower color predominantly white, pink, purple and yellow

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The magnolia root

The magnolia tree is one of the flat-rooted trees. Therefore, when doing maintenance work, make sure that the rake does not damage the root system just below the surface of the earth.
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The buds of the magnolia

The magnolia always lays its buds in the previous year. If you are considering pruning, this should only take place after flowering.
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The blossom of the magnolia

You don't have to settle for a single flowering season. Newer breeds perform the miracle of abundant summer blooms, like Magnolia siboldii. In addition, an evergreen magnolia bush delights us with its blooms from July to September.

The beguiling scent of magnolia blossoms

The intense scent of a magnolia blossom inspires the creators to always new perfume creations. Especially the creamy-sweet scent of tulip magnolias or a magnolia tree with a hint of lemon inspires the spoiled nose.
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Does the magnolia bloom in August?

Don't be surprised if your magnolia tree blooms in August. Newer varieties have mastered the art of a summer rebloom, like this one tulip magnolia or the purple magnolia. The magnolia tree Magnolia sieboldii is even specifically bred for a summer bloom.
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The fruit of the magnolia

After the magnificent blossom, small green fruits develop on the magnolia tree and on the blossom bush. In the course of the summer, these aggregate fruits turn reddish, burst open and spread the seeds in the vicinity.
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Is the magnolia fruit edible?

The cone-shaped aggregate fruits appearing in late summer are red-brown in color and up to 10 centimeters long. Apart from the fact that they taste unpleasantly bitter, they also contain the toxic alkaloid magnoflorin. Consumption triggers nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of poisoning.
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magnolia seeds

The cylindrical aggregate fruits are typical of the magnolia tree. These contain single follicles with red-brown seeds. These seeds are surrounded by a fleshy shell to encourage animals to eat them.
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The leaves of the magnolia

If a magnolia tree suffers from a lack of nutrients, it throws off the leaves without further ado. Fertilize Therefore, regularly with compost and horn shavings at the beginning of flowering. Alternatively, a granulated long-term fertilizer for ericaceous plants covers the need for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and minerals.
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Magnolia cuttings

Early summer is the ideal time to propagate a deciduous magnolia tree using cuttings. To do this, cut semi-lignified cuttings with a length of 15-20 centimeters. On the magnolia bush, breeding is particularly easy with sinkers.
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The size of the magnolia

One of the elementary factors in a purchase decision is the expected size of a magnolia, because there are clear differences here. The classic magnolia tree easily reaches 10 meters and more in our regions, while small star magnolias grow up to a size of 100-200 centimeters.
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The growth of the magnolia

The species determines the growth of a magnolia. While the mighty magnolia tree Magnolia kobus is content with an annual increase of 20-30 centimeters, the large-flowered magnolia shrub Merill gives a lot more gas in the year with up to 50 centimeters annual growth Growth.
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The height of the magnolia

The magnolia has specimens of the right growth height for almost every cultivation variant. The options range from the imposing Kobushi magnolia with a height of more than 10 meters to the distinctive small shrub Alex, Susan or Wildcat with a growth height of 100 to 200 centimetres.
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The magnolia as a bush

In search of the most beautiful magnolia bush will you at one star magnolia find it. Both the species and all of its cultivars thrive as a dense shrub and flower from April to May.
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The magnolia as a hedge

In order to cultivate the magnolia as a hedge, species and varieties that thrive as large shrubs, such as the tulip magnolia, are of particular interest. Choose an evergreen tree, like Fariy Magnolia, and create privacy all year round.
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The magnolia as a standard

Almost every magnolia tree is predestined for standard. The same applies to the magnolia bush, which can be trained to become a standard for a small garden.
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The dwarf magnolia

If you are looking for a short magnolia, it is primarily the noble hybrids. In addition, the star magnolia with a height of 100-150 centimeters proves to be comparatively small in growth.
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The magnolia as a bonsai

The extravagantly flowering star magnolia is ideal for bonsai. Almost all styles come into consideration, from the free, upright form to multiple trunks.
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The magnolia as a houseplant

An evergreen magnolia bush or the dainty star magnolia definitely have what it takes to be a houseplant. In this case, a sunny location comes into focus, because otherwise the ornamental tree will develop unsightly horny shoots within a short time.
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The magnolia in the garden

In order for a magnolia tree to look its best in the garden, the location is crucial. The most important aspects are:

  • Sunny to partially shaded position
  • Sheltered from strong winds
  • Humus, deep soil without waterlogging
  • A pH of 5.5 to 6.8

The magnolia on the balcony

In order to transform the balcony into a spring-like sea of ​​flowers, the large magnolia family comes up with small species and varieties. Star magnolias remain graceful enough at 100-300 centimeters to thrive in pots.
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