Quellmoos ∗ The great guide from A to Z (Fontinalis antipyretica)

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  • Scientific name: Fontinalis antipyretica
  • Varieties: Fontinalis a. var. gracilis, Fontinalis a. var. gigantea
  • Genus: Spring Moss (Fontinalis)
  • Family: Fontinalaceae
  • Growth type: aquatic plant
  • Growth form: creeping, floating
  • Growth length: 5 cm to 40 cm
  • Leaf: lanceolate
  • Leaf characteristic: evergreen, evergreen
  • Flower: omitted
  • Hardiness: hardy
  • Use: garden pond, aquarium


spring moss (Fontinalis antipyretica) is an evergreen aquatic moss that is widespread in the northern hemisphere. The plant species is one of the mosses (Bryophyta). With more than 15,000 species, mosses form the largest family among the moss species. In contrast to most of its conspecifics, spring moss does not thrive on land under trees, in beds or on tops of walls, but in slowly flowing waters. The plant combines its special way of life with decorative growth, characterized by these properties:

  • growth type: evergreen underwater plant.
  • growth habit: flowing, densely leafed, soft stems.
  • growth length: 5cm to 40cm.
  • root: rootless anchoring to the ground with the help of adhesive organs.
  • Occurrence: in clean, flowing water down to a depth of 18 metres.
  • Interesting properties for hobby gardeners and aquarists: easy to care for, tolerates pruning, hardy, densely bushy, shade-tolerant, does not proliferate.

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Spring moss in the aquarium


Spring moss owes its botanical assignment to the mosses to these decorative leaves:

  • leaf shape: lanceolate, acuminate, folded once.
  • sheet size: 5 mm to 8 mm long.
  • leaf color: dark green, evergreen or evergreen.
  • arrangement: three rows (in three longitudinal rows along the stems).


Common spring moss is a multifaceted aquatic plant. The pure species Fontinalis antipyretica likes to form adapted varieties under modified conditions. The following table gives you a closer look at two well-known spring moss subspecies:

species and varieties Fontinalis antipyretica Fontinalis antipyretica var. gracilis Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea
synonym Ordinary spring moss Small spring moss giant spring moss
status kind variety variety
identifying feature dark green, floating or sessile Stem base rigid, bare golden brown, broader, spreading leaves
Occurrence in slow-moving waters in fast-flowing mountain streams in stagnant waters
Well suited for garden pond stream Aquarium

Good to know: Compared to the fussy common spring moss, giant spring moss is almost undemanding in terms of water quality.


Spring moss is one of the most valuable underwater plants for the pond and the aquarium with these convincing uses:

  • Insightful indicator plant for good water quality.
  • Serves as a hiding place and spawning ground for fish and other aquatic life.
  • Natural oxygen producer, even in winter garden ponds under ice.
  • Decorative all year round with evergreen, densely bushy stems.
  • Covers technical equipment with attached shoots in the pond and aquarium.

Fontinalis antipyretica is not suitable for direct algae control. After all, spring moss torpedoes harmful algae growth by withdrawing nutrients from the water.

Plant spring moss

The best time to plant all aquatic plants is in spring. From April to September you can buy spring moss in specialist shops for aquatic plants. The prices are between 3.95 euros and 6.90 euros. At the right location, it depends on a balanced combination of light, temperature, water depth and water quality. Planting is very easy. How to plant spring moss correctly:


These are the best framework conditions for spring moss:

  • Ideally a sunny to partially shaded location.
  • Optional in the shady location with slight losses in growth.
  • Water depth: 20 cm to 300 cm.
  • Garden pond water quality: clean, low in nutrients, 5° to 25° Celsius, light to moderate current.
  • Aquarium water quality: 4° to 26° Celsius, pH value 5.0 to 7.0, carbonate hardness 0 – 15°dKH.

planting tips

As an underwater plant, spring moss is simply poured out of the pot into the water. The stems sink to the bottom. There, the water moss sticks to the substrate or surfaces with its adhesive organs. Quellmoos can be excellently attached to stones, roots and technical equipment. The best way to do this is with a water-compatible plant glue, such as NatureHolic.


moss of the year

In 2006, the Bryological-Lichenological Working Group for Central Europe (BLAM) named Quellmoos Moss of the Year. With this choice, the committee wants to point out the special suitability of submerged mosses as meaningful biological indicators for water quality. As underwater plants, spring mosses absorb dissolved nutrients over their entire surface. Due to the low pollutant tolerance, Fontinalis antipyretica reacts particularly sensitively to any environmental influences.

maintain spring moss

In the right location, spring moss is easy to care for and undemanding. Read the best care tips for ponds and aquariums here:

  • Fertilize: From April to September with a special liquid fertilizer for aquatic plants according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • To cut: If necessary, cut back stems that are too long.
  • multiply: in early summer either divide spring moss cushions or cut off long shoots as cuttings.

Popular Varieties

Apart from the common spring moss and its varieties, no varieties are known.


Does spring moss develop roots?

Quellmoos is one of those living under water moss species. Growth without roots is characteristic of these aquatic plants. With special adhesive organs, the water moss greens stones, rocks and the substrate in flowing and standing water.

Can spring moss overwinter in the garden pond?

Common spring moss (Fontinalis antipyretica) is a native one leaf moss and perfectly hardy. In the wild, the water moss inhabits flowing water down to a depth of 18 meters. In the garden pond, the aquatic plant thrives all year round and is evergreen, even under a winter ice cover.

What is the difference between giant spring moss and common spring moss?

Giant spring moss (Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea) is a strong, tall, natural variety of the original species spring moss (Fontinalis antipyretica). The unusually large water moss impresses with a densely leafy, luxuriantly branched growth. Individual trunks can be up to 10 millimeters wide. In contrast to the common spring moss, giant spring moss prefers calm, stagnant water and also tolerates poorer water quality. As an underwater plant in the aquarium, the aquatic moss takes on a golden-green color under strong lighting.

Should you plant java moss or spring moss in the aquarium?

Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) and spring moss (Fontinalis antipyretica) can hardly be distinguished in terms of growth and use. Both aquatic mosses are leaf mosses. The plants thrive with floating trunks, on which are evergreen leaves and adhesive organs. Java moss and spring moss are very suitable for concealing disruptive devices. Furthermore, both underwater plants are useful as natural bio-filters that remove nutrients from the water. Against this background, it is up to you to decide which water moss you prefer in the aquarium.

Which aquatic plants can spring moss be combined with in the pond?

In the garden pond, spring moss harmonises well with floating and underwater plants. These include submerged hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), dense-leaved waterweed (Egeria densa) and watermilendum (Myriophyllum aquaticum). Quellmoos maintains good neighborliness with these floating plants: water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae), star liverwort (Riccia fluitans) and floating fern (Salvia natans).

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