When does pampas grass bloom? Flowering time and identifying characteristics

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the essentials in brief

  • The flowering period usually does not begin until August, but lasts into October.
  • Before the first flowering, the young plants are at least two to three years old.
  • That pampas grass is dioecious and can therefore occur in male and female form.
  • However, male plants have a significantly lower abundance of flowers than their female counterparts.

When does pampas grass bloom?

Pampas grass does not flower until July at the earliest. However, the spreading flowers usually do not appear until August and remain until winter.

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Pampas Grass - timing of flowering throughout the year

The genus of pampas grass consists of more than 600 different varieties and is botanically assigned to the sweet grasses. These each have small differences in the maximum height and the optical design. The basic

course of the growth cycle however, is almost identical. The flowers of the pampas grass usually show up from September in full beauty.

The growth of pampas grass as a repeating cycle from pruning to tying the fronds together

The perennial ornamental grass has the same growth cycle every year

As soon as the new shoots appear on the ornamental grass (March/April), it is time to cut back the old shoots. This should be shortened to a maximum height of 20 centimeters. This allows the new shoots optimal light and ventilation, which promotes growth.

The further chronological sequence is as follows:

  • June July: primarily height growth, formation of long culms
  • July August: Formation of the inflorescences
  • away August to October: the decorative fronds spread and bloom

Before the onset of the frost at the end of October, the stems are essential to protect against breakage to tie together . In addition, the compactness protects against moisture damage to the sensitive heart of the plant.

How long does pampas grass take to flower?

Pampas grass fronds in bloom

The commercially available seedlings of Cortaderia selloana are already of a corresponding size, but the young plant still needs several years to flower. A lack of flowering two to three years after planting is not uncommon. Depending on the variety, this period can be shorter or longer. The prerequisite for the planned onset of flowering is a suitable location and a correct one planting .

In addition, the inflorescences appear very late due to the main flowering period in autumn. Missing flower fronds in May are therefore not a problem. However, if there are still no inflorescences in June or July, this may also be due to a lack of nutrients. Everything relevant to the topic Fertilize do you think??? Find here . In addition, waterlogging is a widespread problem, especially with potted plants, which can also be the cause of a lack of flowering. The perennial should therefore always be planted in a water-permeable substrate, whereby drying out is to be avoided.

Recognizing Pampas Grass Flower - Male and Female Plants

Cortaderia selloana belongs to the dioecious plants and therefore occurs in both a female and a male form. There are some differences between the sexes, especially with regard to the formation of the inflorescences.

Pampas grass fronds of a female plant

Female pampas grass flowers more profusely than male

Male. The male plants usually form significantly fewer and leaner inflorescences. In addition, the culms often do not stay together compactly, but fall apart. The overall picture therefore often appears very atypical for the pampas grass.

Feminine. The female form reflects the desired image of an imposing ornamental grass. The inflorescences occur in high numbers and are bushy in shape. In addition, the individual culms often remain in a compact growth habit.


How do you recognize the flower of pampas grass?

The flowers of the pampas grass are easily recognizable by their iconic shape. In the early stages, the fronds are closed and thicker than the leaves. The coloring and maximum size of the inflorescences depends on the particular variety.

When does pampas grass bloom for the first time?

Newly planted ornamental grass seedlings take an average of two to three years to flower. Depending on the variety and the age of the young plant, this period can be shorter or longer. A lack of flowering does not always have to be due to insufficient care.

How long does pampas grass take to flower?

The sweet grass needs several months in its regular growth cycle before it starts to flower. The first inflorescences can be seen from June at the earliest, which then bloom at the beginning of autumn.

When is pampas grass flowering?

Cortaderia selloana usually does not flower until autumn, i.e. from July to November at the earliest. Depending on the variety, the flowering period ranges from one month to three months. In addition, however, the imposing fronds remain throughout the winter until the next pruning.