The Turkish poppy in a plant portrait

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plant profile


  • Botanical name: Papaver orientale
  • Order: Buttercups (Ranunculales)
  • Family: Poppies (Papaveraceae)
  • Subfamily: Papaveroideae
  • Genus: Poppy (Papaver)
  • kind Turkish poppy


  • Growth type: perennial
  • Growth height: 50 to 100 centimeters
  • Growth width: 60 to 80 centimeters
  • Growth habit: Upright, forming clumps
  • Main flowering period: May and June
  • Flower: Terminal cup flowers
  • Flower color: scarlet, cultivated forms also in white or pink
  • Leaves: Oblong, lanceolate
  • Leaf color: Grey-green, hairy
  • Fruits: Green capsule fruits


The Narcotics Act prohibits the unauthorized cultivation and trading of all parts of the Turkish poppy. In 1984, the use as an ornamental plant and the free distribution of seeds was approved.

also read

  • Turkish poppy: all the facts about sowing
  • Plant Turkish poppy, but do it right!
  • Turkish poppy: when to cut it?

Poppy flowers contain a lot of pollen. Rich in nitrogen, this is valuable food for butterflies and bees.


The Turkish poppy originally grows in the Middle East. the

poppy perennials are mainly found on meadows and on calcareous slopes at altitudes of up to 2,000 meters. It has been proven that the short but breathtakingly beautiful flowering plant has been cultivated for hundreds of years.

location and substrate

Poppies do best in full sun. It prefers well-drained, calcareous soils with a moderate nutrient content.

sowing and planting

You can sow Turkish poppies directly outdoors from the beginning of May. Since the plant is one of the light germinators, you should never cover the seed with soil. The germination period is about two weeks.

Perennials that have been brought forward from the specialist trade should preferably be placed in the bed in spring or autumn.


Turkish poppy is an absolutely undemanding flowering plant and, once established, requires little attention:

  • Since poppies form long taproots, which draw water from deep within the earth, watering may be necessary during dry periods.
  • Provide the plants with some compost before flowering.


  • To limit self-seeding, you can remove the pretty seed pods after they've finished flowering.
  • If the hairy foliage begins to turn yellow, you should cut it back.


Turkish poppies are fully hardy and, once established, do not require any special winter protection.

diseases and pests

Despite the silky flowers and the graceful growth, poppy is one of the robust flowering perennials that are rarely attacked by pests or diseases.

Only the wrong one, which mainly occurs in spring and autumn mildew has caused problems for the plants in recent years. However, this can be successfully combated with commercially available fungicides. Alternatively, you can try cleaning out the infestation with garlic decoction or a broth field horsetail to manage.


Since Turkish poppies only bloom for a short time, unsightly gaps can appear in the bed. Therefore, place the perennials in the middle and surround them with companion plants such as white ones daisies,delphinium, coneflower or gypsophila.