Plant dahlias » Location, planting tips and hints

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The right location

For rich budding it is important dahlias to be cultivated in a full sun place. Since the plants do not tolerate waterlogging well, well-drained soil is essential. The pH should be in the slightly acidic range.

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  • Overwinter dahlias in pots
  • There are no hardy dahlias
  • Push dahlias forward for earlier flowering

Plant dahlia bulbs

plant dahlias at the end of April at the earliest, in rougher areas not before the beginning of May. Late frosts must no longer threaten, as these could cause lasting damage to the newly sprouting flowering plants. New acquisitions can still be planted until June, but then you have to reckon with delayed flowering.

  • Closely inspect overwintered dahlias in the basement and discard any dried or rotten tubers.
  • Very densely grown storage organs can be reduced to three to four tubers. Make sure that two to three stalks remain on the individual pieces, from which the plant will later sprout.
  • Even small tubers will grow new sticks. It's worth using them too.
  • Watering stimulates sprouting. Therefore, place the storage organs in soft, lukewarm water for a while.
  • Dig sufficiently large planting holes and ensure good water drainage with a layer of coarse-grained sand.
  • Sprinkle a teaspoonful on top horn shavings,(€9.00 at Amazon*) which provide the plant with the nutrients it needs for a perfect start.
  • Place them the dahlia bulbs into the ground so that they are covered by three centimeters of soil.
  • Put sticks into the ground next to the dahlias when planting. You can tie the plants to these later and prevent the heavy flower heads from snapping off.
  • Water well.

They set planting distances

So that dahlias can develop well and remain free from pests, it is important that you keep certain planting distances.

size of the dahlias planting distance
low grades 30 to 40 centimeters
Medium-sized dahlias up to 1 meter tall 60 to 70 centimeters
Tall Dahlias 80 to 100 centimeters


Do you want to cultivate dahlias in tubs, you should choose low or medium-high varieties for this. Tall dahlias need plenty of water and for this reason very large containers that hold a lot of substrate with good water storage properties. Bucket dahlias are set, as are those in the bed.