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In the fall mounded up the grafting site to protect against the cold. As soon as there is no longer any threat of night frost and the plants have formed fresh shoots about ten centimeters long, you should remove this winter protection. So that the rose bushes can acclimatize, you should preferably choose a cloudy, not too cool day for this work.

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  • These care measures allow the laurel cherry to thrive magnificently
  • Can you cut roses in winter?
  • Plant roses in the fall if possible

The cutback

A frost-free day in March is also the ideal time for pruning roses. This care measure stimulates the willingness to bloom and the vitality of the plants is maintained. In addition, the susceptibility to fungal diseases such as blackspot is reduced.

  • Always use one for pruning sharp, disinfected rose scissors.
  • The cut should be made about five millimeters above a bud or new shoot.
  • Position the scissors slightly upwards so that no moisture can get onto the wound.
  • In the first step, remove all dead or frozen branches right down to the healthy wood.
  • Do not cut back strong shoots too short.
  • On the other hand, you can shorten weak shoots.
  • Also note the special pruning rules for the different groups of roses.


After pruning supplied the queen of flowers with fertilizer. work compost soil in the topsoil one or take care of by a special one rose fertilizer(€8.00 at Amazon*) for optimal nutrient supply. Follow the instructions on the packaging exactly, as over-fertilization increases the susceptibility to diseases.

Protection from pests and diseases

Fungi and harmful insects often overwinter on the plant, in the soil or in fallen leaves. They reinfect the hive once temperatures rise.

  • Therefore, carefully collect any leaves lying around the rose and dispose of them in the household waste.
  • Loosen the soil around the plants with a hoe.
  • Pour with garlic or field horsetail broth. These herbal tonics put an end to pests and prevent fungal diseases.


If you missed planting bare-root roses in autumn, you can do this between mid-March and mid-April. The plants are then still in the winter dormant phase and grow well as soon as it gets warmer.

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