Leaf cactus ∗ The 10 best planting and care tips (Schlumbergera)

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  • Scientific names: epiphyllum, Schlumbergera et al.
  • Family: cactus (Cactaceae)
  • Origin: tropical rainforest
  • Growth type: cacti
  • Growth form: upright to hanging, shrubby
  • Growth length: 60 cm to 200 cm
  • Leaves: flattened, notched shoots
  • flowers: rich in form, voluminous
  • Fruits: fleshy, berry-shaped
  • Toxicity: non-toxic
  • Hardiness: sensitive to frost
  • Use: houseplant, traffic light plant


leaf cactus is the colloquial term for various cactus plants that inspire with furious blooms. Cactus friends all over the world are familiar with the exotic flower beauties as orchid cacti. In contrast to the vast majority of well-known cactus species, leaf cacti are at home in the tropical rain forest and not in the dust-dry desert. Furthermore, leaf cacti are out of the ordinary in terms of exceptional growth with these characteristics:

  • growth forms: partly erect, partly climbing, straddling, hanging, often epiphytic (sessile).
  • particularities: mostly without sharp thorns; unusually large and sprawling for cacti, with a diameter of up to 200 cm.
  • sprouts: notched, flattened, leaf-like segments up to 30 cm long, shoots up to 100 cm long.
  • Horticulturally interesting facts: magnificently flowering indoor plants, very easy to care for, undemanding, tolerates pruning, non-toxic, easy to propagate, not hardy.

also read

  • Epiphyllum not flowering - causes of missing flowers
  • Tips for caring for Epiphyllum anguliger
  • Overwinter Epiphyllum cool but frost-free

Leaf cactus German Empress blooms

leaf cactus species

Originally, all leaf cacti gathered in the genus Phyllocactus, which is no longer valid today. The modern botanical system takes it more precisely. Today, cacti with leaf-like shoots are divided into separate genera and species. Of course, cactus lovers and specialist retailers give this aspect the cold shoulder. The rainforest cacti are still traded, exchanged and cultivated under the generic term leaf cactus. The following table shows you the six most popular genera with their type species:

leaf cacti epiphyllum Schlumbergera Hatiora Rhipsalis Selenicereus Disocactus
synonyms saw blade cactus Christmas cactus Easter cactus Rod cactus, bulrush cactus Queen of the Night cobbler cactus
flower shape funnel shaped tubular bell shaped wheel shaped funnel- to star-shaped curved, funnel-like
heyday at night November to January spring spring at night July to September
growth partly erect, partly hanging shrubby, hanging erect, later hanging epiphytic, pendulous climbing, hanging, epiphytic overhanging
Type Art Epiphyllum phyllanthus Schlumbergera epiphylloides Hatiora salicornioides Rhipsalis salicornoides Selenicereus grandiflorus Disocactus biformis


Leaf cacti cannot serve with a leafy robe typical of indoor plants. These characteristics explain what the “leaves” really are:

  • leaf shape: strongly flattened shoots (botanical: platyclades) with notches between the segments.
  • sheet size: individual sprout segments (false leaves) up to 30 cm long.
  • leaf edge: smooth, wavy, sinuate or prominently jagged.
  • special feature: small, fine thorns or soft bristles at the bases of the leaves.


Round, felt-like areoles sit in the notches of the cactus sprouts, on the leaf edges or on the tips of the shoot sections. The magnificent flowers with these characteristics form on the elevations:

  • flower shapes: funnel, bell or tubular, less often circular to star-shaped.
  • flower size: diameter and length up to 30 cm.
  • heyday: depending on the genus, species and variety during the day or at night, with good care it flowers several times.
  • flower colors: white, cream to lemon yellow, red, pink to scarlet, dark red to violet.
  • flower property: slightly to intensely scented.
  • flower ecology: hermaphrodite

Pollinated leaf cactus flowers turn into fleshy, colorful berries about 5 centimeters in diameter. The kidney-shaped seeds it contains are light germinators.

Plant leaf cactus

You can buy a ready-to-plant leaf cactus in specialist shops. Cactus lovers with a passion for collecting exchange cuttings of beautiful leaf cactus hybrids, because even the inexperienced hand can propagate. Where and how to plant an orchid cactus correctly, read here:

location and substrate

Choice of location and substrate quality require a rethink so that leaf cacti grow healthily and bloom magnificently:

  • Growth phase: in a light to semi-shady location without direct sunlight at normal room temperatures and high humidity.
  • Ideally: from May to September/October on the west or east balcony.
  • Resting phase: from November to April bright and cool at 12° to 15° Celsius.
  • Exclusion criteria: cold below 10° Celsius, shade, blazing sun, dry air.

Do not use as a substrate cactus soil. Well suited potting soil for leaf cacti are orchid soil, special epiphyte soil or a mixture of peat-free rhododendron soil and coconut soil as a peat substitute. By adding sand or lava granules(€14.00 at Amazon*) the substrate remains structurally stable and permeable in the long term.


It's so easy to multiply a leaf cactus with cuttings:

  1. The best time is in spring.
  2. As a cutting, cut off a shoot 10 cm to 15 cm long or 2 shoot segments (illusory leaves).
  3. Let the interface dry for a day.
  4. Fill the pot with the recommended substrate over a drainage lava granules.
  5. Stick the cuttings in small groups upright and stick them halfway into the substrate.
  6. Keep constantly slightly moist in a semi-shady, warm location.

After rooting, care for the young leaf cacti like the mother plant. From a growth height of 20 centimeters, the shoots receive support or are tied up on the trellis, provided the cacti are not used as traffic light plants.


Easter cactus Christmas cactus difference

The two most popular leaf cacti are easy to distinguish by their leaves and flowers: Easter cactus leaves are cylindrical to oblong-oval with smooth or slightly wavy edges. Christmas cactus leaves are obovate with a distinctive serrated edge. A Easter cactus boasts star-shaped flowers in spring that close in the evening. At the Christmas cactus blooming in winter day and night up to 7 cm long flower tubes.

Maintain leaf cactus

Due to their tropical origin and epiphytic growth, leaf cacti require completely different care than desert cacti. Nevertheless, Epiphyllum and conspecifics are easier to care for than most indoor plants. The following care tips convey the details:


  • Keep leaf cactus substrate constantly slightly moist, without waterlogging.
  • Water generously when the cacti are in bloom.
  • Collected as irrigation water rainwater or use decalcified tap water.
  • Spray green leaf tissue regularly with soft, room-warm water (do not spray flowers).


  • Liquid every two weeks from March to September fertilize.
  • Caution: cactus fertilizer is unsuitable.
  • Use either special epiphyte fertilizer or commercial house plant fertilizer in half the concentration.

To cut

  • Prune leaf cactus only when necessary.
  • Cut back overlong or damaged sprouts with sharp, disinfected bypass scissors.
  • Sprinkle cuts with charcoal powder, cinnamon or rock flour.(€19.00 at Amazon*)
  • Rinse faded flowers regularly.


  • Repot young plants annually, older plants every 2 to 3 years.
  • The best time is in the spring at the end of the rest period.
  • Shake off or rinse off used substrate, clean drainage before reuse.
  • Plant the leaf cactus just as deep when repotting as before.


Leaf cacti are not hardy. A cool resting phase is crucial for the formation of buds. Timely clearing or a winter change of location for year-round indoor plants makes sense. How to overwinter a leaf cactus correctly:

  • Preparation: do not fertilize from September, water more sparingly without causing dry bulbs.
  • Allow leaf cactus from temperatures around 10° Celsius.
  • Ideal winter location: bright and cool at 12° to 15° Celsius.
  • Winter care: water in sips, spray regularly to protect against spider mites.

Extra tip: A Christmas cactus will lay its flower buds if it stays outside for four weeks in cool autumn until temperatures drop below 10° Celsius. Then, at normal room temperatures at Christmas time, it displays its red blossom splendor.

Popular Varieties

The selection of varieties of magnificent leaf cacti leaves nothing to be desired, as the following selection shows:

  • Red orchid cactus: Disocactus ackermannii with large, red flowers and pink, edible fruits.
  • German Empress: luxuriant Epiphyllum varieties with pink and white flowers from spring to summer.
  • catch sheet: Epiphyllum anguliger with bizarre saw blade scrolling on long tendrils, large fragrant flowers from May to August.
  • Thor-Alex: magnificent Schlumbergera, beautiful yellow flowers with a light yellow center in the midst of wintertime.
  • beaver tail: extravagant leaf cactus whose leaves are reminiscent of beaver tails; Growth size 100 cm to 120 cm.
  • Dwarf leaf cactus: Epiphyllum pumilum, white flowers several times, beautiful traffic light plant for bedrooms.


What are the cacti with red flowers called?

Leaf cacti are among the most beautiful cacti with red flowers. Prime examples are: Cobbler cactus (Disocactus ackermannii) with up to 15 cm large, bright red flowers and Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) with fiery red flower tubes in winter. The Epiphyllum hybrids "Die Rote Pulheim", "Samite" and "Bonnie Brae" are impressive with red flowers. Hatiora gaertneri has made a name for itself among cactus lovers as an Easter cactus with opulent, red star-shaped flowers.

My leaf cactus is not blooming. Why is that?

If a leaf cactus keeps the longed-for flowers under lock and key, there are various reasons behind it. The most common reason is a too warm hibernation. For leaf cacti to flower, a longer period of rest is required in a bright, cool location at 12° to 15° Celsius. Furthermore, substrate that is too wet in the winter quarters prevents flowering. If you water a leaf cactus with hard tap water, you will also look in vain for the picturesque flowers. Despite optimal care, it takes up to 5 years before a young leaf cactus propagated by cuttings decides to flower for the first time.

When can I put a leaf cactus out on the balcony?

From mid-April you can place the leaf cactus on the balcony during the day in a semi-shady place. As long as the temperatures can drop to freezing point at night, please put the cactus back in the evening. After the ice saints in mid-May, your leaf cactus will take its final summer location in the penumbra a.

Can you propagate leaf cacti by seed?

The propagation by sowing is possible. However, compared to the cuttings method, the procedure is more complicated and time-consuming. To prepare, soak the seeds for 45 minutes in decalcified tap water at 50°C. Scatter the still moist light germs out on the coconut fiber substrate in small seed pots (4×4 cm) or in peat pots. In the heated indoor greenhouse in a partially shaded location, keep the substrate constantly slightly moist with soft water. At temperatures between 16° and 28° Celsius, the seedlings are 0.5 cm to 1 cm in size after 12 to 14 months and can be pricked out.