How much is a cubic meter (m³) of soil in kg?

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Weight of one cubic meter of soil in kilograms - shovel in garden soil

The weight of a cubic meter of soil can be important when new substrate is needed on a large scale or when hauling away. We have compiled the most important information.

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In a nutshell

  • Earth is not equal to earth
  • different composition makes for different weight
  • Density and moisture are decisive
  • Top soil "heaviest" type of soil
  • Potting soil relatively light


  • weight of earth
  • density of earth
  • Weight of different soil types
  • frequently asked Questions

weight of earth

How much a cubic meter of soil actually weighs depends on various factors. These are:

  • density
  • moisture content
  • Foreign objects such as stones or roots
  • Loam or clay content
  • general composition
Hands full of topsoil
Topsoil is the “heaviest” earth.

For this reason, for example topsoil a different weight than garden soil. Substrates with a higher proportion of clay are heavier than variants with a high proportion of coconut fibers.

A notice: Other additions to the earth can also affect their weight. For example, sand or perlite loosen the substrate, but can become significantly heavier when wet.

density of earth

A determining factor for the weight of earth is its density. This is determined by the factors already mentioned, such as the composition, but also by other influences.

It's about use and age. A high level of stress can lead to compaction. A cubic meter of soil that was under a sidewalk or on the lawn is therefore usually denser and therefore heavier than loose plant soil on the bed.

Weight of different soil types

Pot full of potting soil
Potting soil is usually relatively light.
earth type properties Weight of a cubic meter in kilograms
topsoil - comparatively heavy
- high density
– high stability
1,300 to 1,500
garden soil – looser and lighter than topsoil
– important storage function for water and nutrients
– offers roots support
800 to 900
plant soil – high humus content
– richer and heavier than garden soil
– contains few fertilizers
approx. 1.000
lawn soil - Ideal for planting and use of Lawn between 920 and 1,030 (depending on quality and compression)
potting soil - loose texture
– low density
- Suitable for plants that need well-drained soil
– only use as top floor
- don't put too much strain on it
400 to 500

A notice: The values ​​given here only apply to one cubic meter of dry soil. If the substrate is damp, the respective moisture content must still be added.

frequently asked Questions

How strong is the reduction by compression?

If an excavation pit has to be filled up or the soil is subject to heavier loads for other reasons, compaction of around ten to twelve percent must be expected right from the start. It is therefore important in this case to calculate more.

Which earth is needed for what?

The different substrates are either used in the places where flowers or other plants are to be planted, or layered on top of each other.

Why is the weight of the earth important?

Especially when building a new garden or when a pit has to be filled, the weight partly determines the transport route. Then it should be known at least in a well estimated framework.