Plant and care for Senecio varieties correctly

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The great plant genus Senecio includes a multifaceted spectrum of all conceivable forms of growth. Anyone who embarks on a tour of discovery will discover annual and perennial species, herbaceous or woody, stiffly erect, climbing or creeping to prosper. In addition, both succulent and non-succulent ragweeds can be found here. Regardless of this, largely uniform cultivation requirements apply to the entire genus of these composites. Following the instructions below, you will be able to properly plant and care for all Senecio varieties.

Well-known varieties

The following list gives a compact overview of popular Senecio varieties:

  • Resin ragwort (Senecio hercynicus): slender, upright growth up to 180 cm high
  • Alpine ragwort (Senecio alpinus): popular thanks to its robust constitution
  • Narrow-leaved ragwort (Senecio inaequidens): impresses with its filigree, lanceolate leaves
  • Jacob's ragwort (Senecio jacobaea): feared by farmers and horse owners due to its deadly toxicity for farm animals
  • Marsh ragwort (Senecio paludosus): the excellent moisture tolerance stands out as an outstanding attribute
  • Spring ragwort (Senecio vernalis): Delights with a long flowering period well into autumn
  • Forest ragwort (Senecio sylvaticus): with a height of 15-30 cm, ideally suited for ground cover
  • White felted ragwort (Senecio bicolor): beautiful with silvery foliage and a golden yellow flower

One of the most beautiful varieties has also made a name for itself as a houseplant. Senecio cruentus, also known as the lice flower or ash flower, is pleasing to the eye with its large umbellate flowers. Skilled breeders have succeeded in color variations in purple, mallow and blue.

Plants in the bed

If the poison content in ragwort is irrelevant, as the hobby gardener can adapt to it, numerous Senecio varieties enjoy great popularity. With their bright yellow flowers and nicely shaped foliage, they adorn the garden and decorate the graves. What to look for when planting properly

explain the following lines.


In order to develop its natural beauty to perfection, the choice of location plays an essential role. The following light and temperature conditions should be found in the bed of ragweeds:

  • Bright, mostly sunny location
  • The blazing midday sun is to be avoided
  • Warm temperatures of more than 15 degrees Celsius

The vast majority of Senecio varieties are not winter hardy. Exceptions are common ragwort and the dreaded ragwort. So that they beautify the garden for a long time, a protected location is an advantage. After the first frost at the latest, the plants will then withdraw.

Soil condition

In order for ragwort to establish itself well at the site, it makes only minor demands on the structure of the soil. Ornamental plants develop their optimum under the following conditions:

  • Humous to sandy-dry soil
  • Well permeable due to mineral components
  • A pH value of 5.5 to 6.5 is ideal

Experienced hobby gardeners fall back on aggregates where the soil conditions do not meet the requirements. A loamy, compacted soil is adequately loosened by grit or pumice gravel. Soil that is heavily emphasized by sand is optimized using compost or foliage soil.
Tip: Different ragwort varieties are wonderfully suitable for ground cover. Thanks to their vigor, they transform even large areas into a sea of ​​yellow flowers in a short time.

Choose a planting date and plant correctly

The ragweeds that you have grown yourself or that you buy ready-made will be planted outdoors from mid-May. In the weeks before, the danger of belated ground frosts is still considerable, which the young plants would have nothing to counteract. Before the ornamental plants in the bed are exposed to full sun, they should be hardened for a few days in partial shade. The actual process of planting takes place in these steps:

  • Place the potted ragwort in a vessel with water until no more air bubbles rise
  • In the meantime, dig planting holes at intervals of 20 to 30 centimeters
  • Enrich the excavation with compost or sand as required
  • Repot the plants and plant them exactly as deep as they were before
  • Pour on collected rainwater or stale tap water

Always grasp a single ragwort underneath the sensitive leaves, as these break off easily. In view of the toxin content, stable gloves are recommended for all planting and maintenance work.
Tip: Repeated removal of the tips of the herbaceous Senecio varieties after planting promotes a bushy habit.

Plants in the pot

A whole range of Senecio varieties is pleasing in the tub and balcony box. The sequence of work steps is similar to planting in a bed. Since there is a risk of waterlogging in the planter, the focus is on drainage at this point. Experienced hobby gardeners therefore spread a thin layer of inorganic material over the water drain in the ground. Crushed pottery shards, expanded clay or grit are suitable. So that the crumbs of earth do not clog the drainage, a water and air permeable fleece is placed in between as a buffer zone. You should also pay attention to the following tips for planting containers:

  • A mix of 3 parts of standard soil (TKS1) and 1 part each of sand and perlite is suitable as a substrate
  • Alternatively, use commercially available cactus soil with a handful of sand as an addition
  • Maintain a planting distance of at least 4 centimeters from the edge of the container
  • Mulching after pouring expanded clay will keep the soil moist and warm for longer

There is nothing to be said against a planting date in March or April, as long as you carry the ragweeds into the house overnight by mid-May.

Maintain skillfully

If properly planted in the ideal location, the effort for the care of Senecio varieties is manageable. All important aspects are discussed below:

Watering and fertilizing

Although you are mostly dealing with succulents when it comes to ragweeds, a balanced water and nutrient balance must not be neglected. The ability to store water does not mean that the ornamental plants need to dry out. In an emergency, the Senecio may save itself from drought stress thanks to its succulence; In the long run, the process strains the plant so much that it dies. How to do it right:

  • Water moderately but regularly
  • Let the surface of the earth dry out between waterings
  • Take into account the higher water requirement in the bucket and water more frequently
  • From March to October fertilize with compost every 4 weeks
  • Optionally, supply with a long-term fertilizer every 8-12 weeks

The administration of liquid cactus fertilizer in the planter has proven its worth. These preparations are precisely tailored to the needs of succulent plants. In this case, note that fertilizers should never be applied to a dry substrate.


A pruning in the middle of the growing season has a weakening effect on ragweeds. Regular cleaning of withered flowers and leaves, on the other hand, promotes further growth.

If the above-ground parts of the plant die after the first frost, they are either cut off immediately or next spring near the ground. Cut back woody varieties by a maximum of two thirds so that they sprout again.
Tip: The cuttings of ragwort must never be disposed of on cattle and horse pastures. For these animals, consumption is absolutely fatal.


Most Senecio varieties lack frost resistance, but they have the potential for perennial cultivation. This is how you bring ragwort in the bed and planter through the winter:

  • If possible, leave the withered parts on the plant as natural winter protection
  • Before the first frost, pile up the root area with leaf soil, compost or brushwood
  • Wrap planters thickly in bubble wrap and place on wood or styrofoam
  • Cover the substrate surface with straw or sawdust
  • Ideally, it should be carried to a frost-free winter area

During winter, water the ragweeds on a frost-free day when there is no snow to provide water. The plants are not fertilized during this time.
Tip: If you plant ragwort varieties together with the pot in the bed, they cannot overgrow and can be easily lifted out of the earth for wintering.


If you have the desire for more specimens, the propagation of ragweeds is very uncomplicated by hand using cuttings. To do this, choose strong, healthy shoots that you cut off with a length of 10 to 15 centimeters. The interface should dry out in the following 1-2 days. How to proceed:

  • Fill the growing pots with a mixture of herb soil and sand or peat sand
  • Defoliate each cutting in the lower half and insert
  • Each vessel has a plastic cover to create a warm, humid microclimate

Ideally, water the delicate cuttings from below. To do this, place each pot in a vessel with a 5-10 centimeter high water level. Due to the capillary action, the substrate pulls the moisture up to the surface. As soon as this is moistened, take the nursery pots out of the water. Maintain the offshoots in the partially shaded, warm window seat until the first shoot signals the successful development of the roots. The cover has done its job and is no longer needed in the following period. Once the young Senecio have completely rooted their pot, they are repotted in the recommended substrate for adult plants.
The diversity of Senecio varieties is overwhelming. All over the world they delight the viewer with their yellow flowers in the bed and on the balcony. Regardless of this wide range of options, the demands on cultivation are on the same level. You can look around at your leisure among the multi-faceted ragweeds and make your own personal choice. Following these instructions, you will be able to properly plant and care for the Senecio varieties. It is advisable to weigh in advance whether the toxicity of this genus does not pose any problems in the garden.