Dragon tree trunk softens and rots: how to save?

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Dragon tree trunk softens

The decorative one dragon tree in the corner of the room suddenly begins to get sick, the trunk becomes soft and rots. But what could be the cause of this and how the plant can still be saved is explained below.

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In a nutshell

  • usually it is due to too much watering and waterlogging
  • act immediately the first time you notice a soft trunk
  • a large part of the tribe is no longer possible to be rescued
  • Dig up immediately and remove wet soil from roots
  • upper, unaffected part of the trunk with leaves as cutting use


  • Cause maintenance error
  • cause pests
  • cause diseases
  • Save Dragon Tree
  • repot plant
  • Draw a new offshoot
  • frequently asked Questions

Cause maintenance error

Actually, the dragon tree is a relatively robust plant that is not so often attacked by pests or diseases. Nevertheless, due to a mistake in care, the trunk can rot. This is waterlogging, which shows the following signs and symptoms:

  • Water stands in the collecting plate for days
  • consistently moist soil
  • root rot
  • unpleasant putrid odor
  • in the end, the trunk becomes soft and rots
Spray the dragon tree leaves with water
Spray the leaves of your dragon tree regularly with water to ensure a higher level of humidity.

Tip: The dragon tree copes better with drought than with moist soil over a longer period of time. High humidity in the room is better than constant watering.

cause pests

The dragon tree can, if it stands together with other indoor plants, from fungus gnats be infested. However, this is not the cause of a soft, rotting trunk. However, incorrectly applied insecticides can clog the plant:

  • Using insecticide with the irrigation water
  • Root ball was dry upon application
  • can damage roots
  • carry out chemical treatments only when the root ball is damp
  • water in advance and wait a few hours
  • only then add water with the insecticide

A notice: Exactly this mistake can also be made when fertilizing and thus damage the dragon tree. Therefore, you should only fertilize with liquid fertilizer after a watering process, so that the roots are not damaged here either.

cause diseases

Trunk of the Rendered Dragon Tree with dark spots

Diseases, especially bacterial soft rot, can also cause the dragon tree trunk to become soft. You can recognize them by these symptoms:

  • squishy stem ends
  • bacterial slime on the trunk
  • unpleasant fishy smell

Save Dragon Tree

If the dragon tree has damaged the trunk, there are two suitable measures that can still save the tree, depending on how far the root and trunk rot has progressed. In some cases, however, the tree is already so badly damaged that it can only be disposed of.

repot plant

If the dragon tree trunk is only soft in the early stages, the plant can be repotted:

  • Remove root balls from wet soil
  • remove all soil from roots
  • cut off damaged roots with clean and disinfected scissors
  • let dry for several hours
  • place in fresh, dry substrate
  • only water carefully after several days
  • Cut off the upper part above the first rotten spot
Fragrant dragon tree (Dracaena fragrans) in a pot with fresh substrate

Tip: If you want to continue using the same container, you should clean it thoroughly beforehand. All you have to do is brush the pot with a sponge or brush and vinegar and then rinse it well with clear water. Ideally, rub the container dry afterwards.

Draw a new offshoot

If the lower third of the dragon tree trunk is already very soft and rotten, then repotting is no longer worthwhile, as the plant will then no longer recover. However, the houseplant has the property that the upper part can form new roots:

  • cut off over rotted area
  • put in glass with water
  • put in a bright place
  • avoid direct sun
  • after a short time new roots form
  • plant in a suitable container
  • water only moderately and avoid waterlogging at all costs

frequently asked Questions

Why is it usually already too late for the tree when the trunk becomes soft?

If the trunk becomes soft and begins to rot, then unfortunately the cause has been there for a long time. Because it starts with root rot first, before it spreads to the trunk. When the above symptoms are recognized, the plant is usually already severely damaged.

What preventive measures are there to prevent the trunk from rotting?

To prevent the trunk from rotting due to the watering, waterlogging must be avoided. The dragon tree is very suitable for cultivation in hydroponics. A measuring stick shows the water level in the pot and the plant can then be watered accordingly. Another benefit of hydroponics is that you can be away for longer without your plants needing water during the time.

How can it happen that I give my dragon tree too much water?

Even a dragon tree in a very sunny location should not be watered too often. Because it is precisely the permanent wetness that can damage the roots extremely and lead to root rot that spreads to the trunk if it is not recognized early enough.

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