What does a magpie in the garden mean?

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What does a magpie in the garden mean - magpie on garden fountain

Even if you are often told the opposite, magpies in the garden are not a bad omen. Read here what a magpie in the garden means for this habitat.

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In a nutshell

  • Magpie in the garden not a bad omen
  • to be found in gardens as well as busy inner cities
  • not very choosy as omnivores
  • are protected by law
  • Eviction only possible with restrictions

Table of Contents

  • Looks
  • nutrition
  • Harmful images and behaviors
  • expel magpies
  • frequently asked Questions


The magpie (Pica pica) is predominantly found in populated areas such as towns and villages. It prefers overgrown areas in a garden or forest, but is increasingly found in sparse regions.

Their external characteristics are:

  • Plumage: Brilliant black-blue coloring with a white tail
  • Size: 40 to 50 centimeters tall
  • Wingspan: 50 to 60 centimeters wide
  • weight: 180 to 250 grams in weight
Magpie (Pica pica)

A notice: In this country, magpies are considered bad luck because of their black color, as they are seen as messengers of misfortune. In Asia, on the other hand, the birds are considered true lucky charms and are a welcome guest.


Magpies are omnivores and are therefore not very picky about their food choices. The native birds often do without purely plant-based food.

Favorite foods include:

  • small insects
  • be crazy
  • carrion
  • Waste
  • small birds
  • (bird) eggs
Magpie eats earthworm

It is that black and white bird it doesn't matter whether he had to capture the food himself or stole it from another animal. Some of the feed is usually consumed directly, but the majority is stored for the time being. For this purpose, the captured food is mainly buried in holes in the garden to protect it from loss.

Harmful images and behaviors

In urban areas, the magpie is increasingly using existing waste as food. It is therefore mainly found near landfills, but also in garbage cans. The very intelligent animals also have the ability to open closed garbage cans and help themselves to their contents.

In rural regions, where the supply of human waste is less pronounced, the magpie primarily hunts small animals. This manifests itself, among other things, in destroyed breeding grounds and hollowed-out eggshells. Eating other small animals like snails, spiders and beetles are of less importance.

Magpie with jewelry

A notice: The widespread misconception that magpies primarily steal objects that are shiny and shiny has not been proven true in several studies. The captured items were selected at random and used primarily for nest building.

expel magpies

If you have a magpie in the garden, it may mean one Danger for smaller songbirds. However, like many other bird species, magpies should not be killed without good reason. This restriction serves to preserve the species and to regulate the biological balance. Nevertheless, you have some measures available to stop the animals.

This includes:

  • cover potential food sources (compost heaps and garbage cans).
  • Reduce opportunities for retreat in trees and bushes by pruning
  • encourage natural enemies (dogs, cats, larger birds of prey).
Cat on fence post
However, keep in mind that cats also chase other garden birds.

A notice: In spite of their predatory nature, magpies are generally of no greater importance when populations of other animal species are dwindling. These often result from changed environmental conditions and insufficient adaptation of the individual species.

frequently asked Questions

How can smaller bird species in particular be protected in the garden?

A very efficient protective measure for small bird species is the setting up of nesting boxes. These only have an entrance that is tailored to the size of the species in question. Both the adult animals and the brood can thus be easily protected from predators.

Why can large groups of magpies be observed, especially in the winter months?

The corvids are among those sedentary birds, which usually do not leave their territory. This is reflected in the fact that the animals do not leave their traditional territory to the south, even during the cold season. However, in order to ward off the cold and search for food, the individual pairs of birds increasingly band together with other pairs.

May magpie nests be destroyed or be relocated?

According to the currently applicable EU regulation, the ban on killing the birds also implies a ban on destroying and relocating the nesting sites.